The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 359 I'm afraid it's not another Dao Ding

Chapter 359

When Taohua came here before, she always came to inspect and supervise the completion of various designs and projects.

From the formation at the bottom of Jishan Mountain, to Fangshi in the middle of the mountain, to Chujia Town outside the mountain, Taohua felt that she had done her best.If it wasn't for the project that Chu Dashan was looking forward to, she would definitely not be so concerned.

Back in Longshanfang City, she hadn't devoted herself so much.

Although all the buildings and facilities on Xiaoji Mountain were completed under her personal supervision.But it doesn't prevent her from walking up the mountain now.

After all, there is a difference between a popular house and an unpopular house.

When the Chu family town on the mountain was first built, all the houses looked exactly the same at a glance.There is a neat aesthetic.

Now there are people living in each house, as if the windows are pasted with thin but colorful special gauze.What kind of fruit trees and flowers are planted in the yard.

Taohua also found that the townspeople had put a lot of flowers in their homes, some were planted directly, and some were planted in flower pots and placed in conspicuous places everywhere.

At first glance, it is really full of flowers, peaceful and peaceful.

After walking through the long and shady passage, the bullock cart directly entered Chujiafang City.

It was only then that Taohua discovered that the interior of Chujiafang City was far more lively than the Chujia Town outside.

The light here is no worse than outside because of the array.

Wanderers and business hawkers everywhere are coming and going to discuss deals, talk about deals, inquire about prices, details of goods, and so on.

Taohua simply handed over the rabbits and pheasants she had hunted to her two elder nephews, and asked them to sell them for her.The price can be set at will!

Seeing that the two eldest nephews went to set up a stall, Taohua simply walked into the market and went shopping by herself.

A shop full of exotic flowers soon caught her idea.This family seems to be planting all kinds of spiritual flowers, and there are few common ones.Taohua walked into the shop and walked around, her eyes froze, she saw a rare blue flower.Each flower is at least as big as the mouth of a bowl, and the fragrance is compelling.

When I saw this kind of spirit flower tightly, I felt the urge to take it home.Moreover, these aromas seem to have an excellent beneficial effect on the cultivation of monks.If I put it in my usual practice place, I am afraid that every time I practice it, I will get twice the result with half the effort.

But this flower reminded her of a bad memory.

"Little lady, do you also want to buy this kind of blue beauty? This kind of blue beauty is very helpful to practice, so it is expensive, and you need a piece of spirit stone to buy a pot. But it is definitely worth the money."

Taohua looked at the girl who was recommending flowers to her with a sweet smile, and nodded.

Then she observed her face carefully, and finally said, "When you introduce this kind of flower in the future, you should stay away from it."

When the girl heard this, her face froze immediately.What does this little lady in front of you mean?
"This kind of flower has the effect of stimulating people's potential in advance. But ordinary people's potential is limited. If they are exposed to it for a long time, they will only exhaust their potential. It will be difficult to make up for it in the future, and their future practice will be limited." Tao Hua's words completely shocked the girl.

"What are you talking about? It's impossible. Our boss says this kind of flower is good for people."

"It's good, isn't it good to stimulate potential." Tao Hua said speechlessly.

"Then why did you tell me to stay away from it?" the girl said with her eyes widened.

"This kind of flower, blessings and misfortunes depend on each other. There are advantages and disadvantages. With this flower, after two or three months of cultivation, the potential of ordinary monks will be exhausted. If this flower is still alive, then it is not as simple as stimulating the potential, but it will be overdrawn." Human potential. It leads to the decline of the human body and cuts off the path of cultivation in the future.

And you're just a mortal, and you haven't started to cultivate, excessively overdrawing your own potential will make you linger in bed in the future, are you happy?I told you to stay away from it, in fact, to save you. "

Taohua said to the girl with a smile.

"My fault, my fault. I will store this kind of flower in another place in the future, and I will find someone to introduce it." A young man walked over at this time, and apologized as soon as he got in front of Tao Hua.Obviously he also knows the efficacy of this blue beauty.

"This kind of special blue beauties, I actually made restrictions when I was cultivating them. Once they are sold for two months, they will wither naturally. It shouldn't cause the bad results you said." The young man said very sincerely.

"When you sell this kind of flower in the future, you'd better tell everyone about its disadvantages. If you don't say anything, once it causes bad consequences, it will not only smash the brand of your shop, but also Let our Chu family's reputation be damaged." Tao Hua said dissatisfied.Apparently Taohua also found out that the other party recognized who she was, so she spoke so politely.

The man smiled wryly, "My fault, my fault. I've been too busy recently and neglected."

"You can't use your busyness as an excuse for this kind of thing." Taohua persisted.

"Sorry, I will change it next time."

"You put up a sign at the door of your store, explaining the advantages and disadvantages of your flower, you must seek truth from facts. The flower must also be displayed, and make a true explanation."

The young man finally changed color and his face turned pale. "Our family has just stabilized the spirit flower business."

"If something goes wrong, it's not a question of whether your family's Linghua business is stable, but whether your family will be held accountable. You are young, and you have to be principled and methodical in doing things. There is no lower limit for you to do things by means. Do less things." Tao Hua reprimanded him directly.

The girl standing on the side couldn't stand it.

"Little lady, you don't look very big, how can you scold our boss like this. Even if this flower has shortcomings, but you pointed it out, our boss also said that it will be changed. How can you always hold on to it?" The girl said angrily.

"How many pots of these blue beauties have you sold? Do you know what kind of people these blue beauties are used for? It's okay for people with strong health and potential, but for people who are sick or seriously injured and have overdrawn potential. Aren't you urging them to die indirectly?

I asked you to make a sign at the door to publicize it, because I want you to do less crime.Anyway, people know about it, don't really die without knowing how you died!

Besides, there is no impenetrable wall in the world, and one day Lan Meiren's achievements will be known to everyone. Do you think that if something happens to someone, will they come to hold them accountable? "

The girl's little face turned green and pale after being told by the peach blossom.

The young man also had a complex expression on his face.

"Hurry up, you blue beauties, if you can't supervise well, you should cultivate it, and don't sell it. It won't cause trouble for our Chujiafang City." Taohua said angrily on the surface, but her eyes were actually Silently observe the owner's face.

This guy looks feminine and good-looking, I'm afraid it's not another Dao Ding.

(End of this chapter)

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