The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 360 Blue Beauty

Chapter 360 Blue Beauty

Although this one is likely to be another Dao Ding.But Taohua has no intention of driving him away.

After driving him away, maybe that person will notice something strange and pay special attention to this place.In fact, the Chu family is good at growing spiritual fruits and making a fortune from it. Taohua thinks that that person will pay special attention to the situation of the Chu family.

Although there was Chu Shinian in front of him, they were staring there, attracting its attention.

But with the development of the Chu family, it will eventually come into its sight.Instead of driving this person away, it is better to let him stay here so that it will be easier to monitor in the future.The young man greeted the buddy with some disgrace and hurriedly made a sign.

I also found a buddy who can talk back to explain the effectiveness of the blue beauty. This time he introduced the efficacy and disadvantages of the blue beauty in detail.

After Taohua listened to the boy's introduction, she nodded in satisfaction.

Taohua left when she was satisfied, and didn't say a word to the young man.

"Who was that little lady just now? Master, you seem to be quite afraid of her?" The girl walked up to the master and asked.

"Who is that? That's Chu Taohua, the second daughter of Chu Dashan, the head of the Lingzhi Chu family. She is also a very powerful husband of Lingzhi." A young woman who was about the same age as a girl beside the young man said at this time.

"She is Chu Taohua, and she doesn't look very old." The girl asked in surprise.

"She is only 13 years old this year. I heard that not only is Ling Zhifu far superior in spells, she is also very good at formations. She presided over the construction of the entire Xiaoji Mountain project." The young man took the initiative to say this time.

"So powerful?" The two girls exclaimed in unison.

"It took only seven or eight days to build Chujia Town. And it was built so well. The scope of the small Jishan project is relatively small, but it is not difficult to see how outstanding her talent is.

I heard that many powerful people in Miryang called her and her elder sister Chu Qingmei the twin prides of the Chu family.

The reputation of his mother and sisters is far more prominent than that of their brothers.But neither of the two sisters seemed to care about their reputation.She is usually very low-key, and never participates in various activities organized by the rich and powerful ladies in Miryang. "

"This is too individual." The girl next to the young man praised.

"It should be just that they can't play together. Those little ladies will marry into other noble families when they are old. The two sisters are all dedicated to cultivation and going to live long. Thousands of years later, the sisters of the family Honored as the ancestors, those little ladies are probably a piece of loess." The young man said.

"Brother, I know you have some complaints about my laziness recently, but you don't have to worry about anything, just focus on cultivation. You have warned me before, and I will make up my mind in the future." The beautiful girl next to the young man vomited Said coquettishly with his tongue.

"I'm just telling what I see." The young man shook his head. "As for whether you understand it or not, it is your own business whether you can do it in the future. Anyway, I can't stop practicing for you every day.

I have met the head of the Chu family, Chu Dashan, his wife, and his family, Shiro. They are all kind and easy-going people, and they treat me well.It's just that I didn't expect to be caught and scolded by Xiao Liu from his family today.

The most troublesome thing is that I can't say that people are wrong.

Alas, we will have to be more cautious in the future. "

In the past, his family used to act boldly in the state of Qi, and he himself thought that he was the most cautious in the family, but today he was really taught a lesson.It seems that he still has some training.

"Brother, does Lan Mei really do as much harm as that little Peach Blossom said?" asked your young sister next to the young man.

"It's not harmful, but a restriction. The blue beauty is just a flower, and its effect is not harmful, but it must be restricted when using it." harmful.

This was the precious seed he had worked so hard to get back then.

Without it, he would not be able to gain a foothold in Chujiafang City so quickly.

Every store must have a treasure of the town store, and the main products can gain a foothold in the mall.

It's just that the young man didn't expect Chu Taohua to be so powerful, and he saw Lan Meiren's shortcomings at a glance.The young man was really thankful that he never thought of sending Lan Meiren to the Chu family.

Nor did they send Lan Meiren to Chu Dashan and the others.

These powerful Lingzhi husbands are really not easy.If he had sent Lan Meiren early, I'm afraid that the shortcomings of Lan Meiren would have been discovered long ago, and they might not even agree with their family to continue selling.

Not long after Taohua left the shop, news of Lan Meiren's problems spread throughout Chujiafang City.

It turns out that this kind of flower is not completely beneficial, and there are limitations to using it for cultivation.

Borrowing it indiscriminately for cultivation may even lead to illness and death.

That's not bad.When Lan Meiren first appeared, who in Chujiafang City had no idea how to buy a pot for their home?

It hasn't been two months since the word came out, and it has already become popular in the Miryang area.

The astonishing news spread quickly, and it really woke up many people who were obsessed with the buff cultivation effect brought by the blue beauty.

Although the advantages and disadvantages of the blue beauty are obvious, but few local doctors can tell whether a monk's potential is overdrawn.I don't know if the potential of a monk has already been exhausted, or if he was stimulated and exhausted by the blue beauty.

So as long as it looks okay on the surface, everyone thinks it's okay.

Taohua turned around and told Chu Dashan the whole thing, and finally said, "The insidious thing about this blue beauty is to constantly stimulate people's potential. Even if they are overdrawn, they must stimulate their potential.

Obviously, a person who is too young has not yet developed enough potential. If he is constantly overdrawn, then this child will be useless, and it is impossible to grow up in the future.

It is not obvious that the same principle applies to other adults.

So it is very harmful, but it is very hidden.

Sometimes, there are limits to its use, or even benefits. "

"In this way, as long as this blue beauty is under control, it will be quite beneficial." Chu Dashan said.

Peach nodded.

Except for the faint hostility towards human beings revealed by the guy who made flowers like the blue beauty!
The owner of the flower shop thought that he created this blue beauty, but he didn't know that his inspiration actually came from that guy.

She had seen this kind of blue beauty configured and used on a large scale in the continent next door.

As a result, their area has been barren of talents for more than ten years, and no younger generation has appeared.

(End of this chapter)

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