The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 363 Xifeng City

Chapter 363 Xifeng City

"I'm in charge of this family book, and I'm aware of any changes every year. I also send it to the Patriarch's hand every year." Chu Shinian rolled his eyes angrily.

Chu Moyan looked at him speechlessly.

"You just see what I'm useful for, so hurry up and come to work." Chu Shinian called Chu Moyan over, and then handed over a stack of work to him.

"I'm still teaching myself, and I still want to organize alchemy. I still have a lot to do."

"Teaching, you can ask your servant to write lesson plans for you, alchemy, you can also find a suitable person to help you organize it, and you can supervise it. If you have anything else to do, just arrange it and let people do it. You are responsible for checking.

Hurry up and do these things. You first sort out an implementation plan, then get rid of the supervision link, and finally choose a pleasing-looking host from the people I circled, and you're done.

Do it now, and I'll check when I'm done. "

Chu Moyan looked at him speechlessly, what he said was really easy.When he doesn't know any plan, from the design to the final completion, he will be jointly and severally responsible for any mistakes in the middle?

However, Chu Moyan rolled up his sleeves resignedly and started to work.

He did not do this kind of work less in his previous life.

Every time he dealt with various official documents that flew in like snowflakes, he was so envious of Zhu Chen, that kid would just be responsible for leading the team to fight.

"I said Chu Shinian, you have arrested me to work now, so what will you do in the future?"

"There are a total of twenty deputy leaders around me who can help me share the burden. You were just temporarily hired as a substitute. They are all busy with work now." When Chu Shinian said this, he didn't lift his eyes.

"Twenty, you have too many people as the deputy leader, and it's hard to manage." Chu Moyan frowned while reading various official documents at a glance. "Besides, not everyone has your talent. Once you step down as the leader of the secret guard, your successor will probably be caught blind. If his ability can't keep up, he probably won't be able to handle so many high-ranking, arrogant people. Cunning deputy leader."

"If the successor is talented, I will naturally let him take over my job. If he dares not, I will also separate some parts of the hidden guard like my predecessors." Chu Shinian said a little Said without worry.

The dark guard system is the oldest dark force of the Chu family.But if you say that the secret guard system is the only dark force in the Chu family, that's not true either.

Later, Zhu Wei didn't enter the other cough...

Even Chu Shinian didn't really know how the family's other dark forces worked.That is, only every Patriarch who has passed the assessment is eligible to know.

As for the fourth generation, it turned out that the only Patriarch who passed the assessment was their Patriarch's little pervert.

Even in the Chu family, not every head of the family is qualified to know.Although he didn't know who recommended the Patriarch to take the assessment, he knew that the Patriarch passed the assessment.

It is obvious that the other party is also hiding in the Chu family, secretly investigating every head of the family.


In Xifeng City, the flow of people in the city is still much less than that in Changyang.Moreover, there are many merchants and nobles in Changyang, and there are many men and women in brocade clothes, as well as chariots and horses.But in Xifeng City, there are many hunters, ordinary people, sergeants, and refugees.

There are very few beggars.

When they saw beggars without parents, some soldiers came forward to inquire. Those who were officially without family members would be taken away and sent to camps outside the city for adoption.

Some refugee parents who felt that they could not support their children or that their children were sick simply abandoned their children and let them be taken away by the soldiers in the city.

Of course, if a family is begging in the city, they will be recommended by the people in the city to open up wasteland and farm in the wasteland outside the city if they have any skills to survive on.In fact, although Xifeng City is blocked on the main mountain pass of Xifeng Mountain.

But the wilderness behind Xifeng City is still too close to Xifeng Mountain, and it is dangerous to open up wasteland there if you have no skills.Maybe at any time, a large group of wild beasts will run out around.Even a group of rats in the field will turn from small to big rats the size of wild dogs under the urging of spiritual energy.

Four or five mice can form a team to hunt humans.

However, although opening up wasteland outside the city is dangerous, it is not without any guarantee.At least the city will send qualified soldiers to guard everyone to open up wasteland.At night, there are safe camps for everyone to stay.

When the fields are reclaimed, village fortresses with garrisons, high walls and arrow towers will be built.

It's better than starving in Xifeng City.

So many refugees went to open up wasteland.

But there are also those who are timid and refuse to die, so your whole family will beg and starve in the city.

The Zhen family starved to death, and their bodies were thrown in a mass grave outside the city.

With the end of the summer tax in the Miryang area, there are actually many escaped people in various villages.The summer tax was tripled and everyone had already cleared their homes, and there were quite a few people who couldn't pay the autumn tax at all.I don't know if I can survive if I go to other places, but it is still possible to go to the Changyang area.At least there are no such heavy taxes there.

"Have you heard? Changyang has recruited farmers to go to other places to open up wasteland. It is said that once they apply, the whole family will be sent away, and they will be given [-] mu of land immediately, tax-free for ten years. I heard that there is no food in the field. Before harvest, the family is also responsible for providing food and lodging.

This treatment is simply too good.

Usually, if you participate in labor service, you will be paid back wages, and the settlement will be done on a daily basis. "

A group of fugitives who had just entered Xifeng City to discuss life gathered together to discuss their future, and a strong man among them spoke up.

"The treatment is so good, isn't it a lie?" A thin young man questioned.

"It's a lie. They were recruited by the Changyang government. There are officials who wait for someone to apply at the recruitment camp all day long." The strong man said.When he said this, his stomach rumbled.

Behind him, a thirteen or fourteen-year-old boy put a dry, black, hard grain bun into his hand.

The man looked back at the boy and asked, "Have you eaten?"

"Eat, my mother found a temporary job picking fruit today, and I paid thirty coppers a day, but I can only work for two days. Today and tomorrow, the day after tomorrow will be gone." The boy said with a big grin.

The man just put the steamed bun into his mouth, swallowed it after a few mouthfuls.

"That's not bad." The man also smiled.Thirty coppers a day, at least one family can eat a meal of steamed buns with whole grains.

"Anyway, I'm not going. Now that we're in Xifeng City, we can often do some small jobs to earn some coppers. We go there to open up wasteland. If something goes wrong, we won't even be able to escape." The thin young man thought for a while. , directly shook his head and said.

As soon as he said this, someone immediately nodded or spoke in agreement with him.

All around is the sound.

The strong man saw it and stopped talking.

When my wife finished the work of picking up fruits and settled the money, she immediately took the old parents, wife and children with her family of eight and left.

(End of this chapter)

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