The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 364 Recruitment

Chapter 364 Recruitment
"Lao Fang's family has left? Why did they leave so soon?"

In the deserted small courtyard where a group of fugitives lived together, someone exclaimed.

"Last night, their family simply packed up their things and left in the dark." A woman said.

"How can Lao Fang leave? What should we do when he leaves? It was his idea to come to Xifeng City in the first place, so let us leave it alone?" The thin man who refused to leave before complained with a ferocious expression on his face. .

"Aren't you going away?" A young man about eighteen or nineteen years old said angrily.The vegetable porridge in his family is so thin that it can be used as water.It's all because his parents were too soft-hearted, they didn't resist the pleadings of the thin man's wife, and gave them the porridge they had begged for food.

It's just a bowl of vegetable porridge, and it's like sharing it out. In the end, the family of four has to eat it in the morning. What else is left, water.

"I said no, so he left? Why?" The thin man said in a panic.

"Why don't you let people go if you don't go?" The young man sneered.

"Are you looking for a beating?" the thin man said fiercely.

"What's the matter, you're coming to beat me up, come here." The young man said coldly.

"Do you think I dare not beat you?" The thin man stood up abruptly, and was about to walk towards the young man.

Who knew that at this time, another man in his early twenties who looked similar to the young man, but was obviously taller, and although he was thin, had sharp eyes, walked over.

"Who are you going to beat?"

"I didn't intend to beat anyone up. Your brother is too talkative, so I planned to scare him." The thin man saw the person coming, and immediately changed his attitude, and said in a weak tone.

The man who walked over looked at him coldly, knowing that the other party couldn't bear to run away from the grass shed he built.

After snorting coldly, he whispered to his younger brother, "Don't go out to look for a job later, I signed up, it's Brother Fang's place. You hurry up with me to find your parents to pack your things, let's go .”

His younger brother immediately widened his eyes in excitement.

Look at him with eyes of admiration like you, brother.

The man smiled and rubbed his younger brother's head.

The family of four quickly cleaned up, and the old lady hung a small cloth bag on her arm.

As a result, as soon as the family of four walked out of the thatched hut, they saw other villagers blocking the door of their thatched hut.

"Da Wu, are you planning to leave too?"

A thin old man looked at him with a complicated expression.

The young man nodded grimly.

"Dawu, Dafang is leaving. If you are leaving, what should we do? If other refugees or refugees bully us, we will be bullied to death." The old man said.

"Then if I don't leave, the whole family will starve and then protect you?" The young man sneered.


"It's about this time, everyone has to take care of their own lives, and take care of their own." The young man pulled his mother, who was showing a look of unbearable expression, and was about to bypass the old man and leave.

The old man knelt down to them directly.

"Da Wu, please don't leave."

Dawu's mother immediately said to her son unbearably, "Either, or else, let's not leave. It's not easy for Uncle Tie and the others."

"Mother, if you don't leave, I'll take daddy and younger brother away. I'll find daddy a younger one when we get there." Dawu said ruthlessly.

Her mother immediately looked at her eldest son in horror, as if she couldn't believe that he said such a thing.

"Let's go?" The young man asked impatiently.

"I...I'll go." The woman said in a difficult tone, and was dragged away by the eldest son.

Followed by a middle-aged honest man who almost dropped his jaw in shock and his youngest son.

The woman touched her tears as she walked, but Da Wu ignored her and dragged her into the recruitment camp over there.He went directly to a small house, opened the door and sent the woman in.

Entering the small house is a small hall, and then there are two rooms on the left and right.

"Father and mother live on the left, and my brother and I live on the right." As if she didn't hear what he said, the woman directly slapped his opponent away, and then entered the room on the left.

Da Wu went to bring over a large tray full of meals.A small half of it was given to the parents, and the younger brother sent it over, and then he took the younger brother to eat the extra portion.

For the next few days, the woman didn't talk to the eldest son, and Da Wu ignored her.

Finally one day, she walked out of the camp.When she came back, she had a smile on her face.

On the day when Dawu and his group were about to leave, the woman suddenly disappeared.

She was about to get into the carriage, but she disappeared.Dawu's younger brother Xiaowu and the honest middle-aged man are in a hurry.

Da Wu's eyes were complicated, and he tried his best to suppress his anger and looked in a certain direction, then he resolutely pulled Xiao Wu and his father, who wanted to go back to find someone, into the carriage.

"Brother, mother, mother hasn't come up yet." Xiao Wu said anxiously.

"She won't come back. She has gone back to that small deserted courtyard." Da Wu said indifferently.

The carriage started slowly after the person sat on it.

Xiao Wu and the middle-aged man were stunned.

"Why, why does mother want to go back? Why doesn't she want to go with us?" Xiao Wu asked in bewilderment.

"Because those people can satisfy her vanity, say good things to her, and support her." Da Wu said coldly.

Xiao Wu: "...Brother, then we can't leave mother behind, how will she live if we leave her behind?"

"She can go to uncle and the others, why can't she survive?" Da Wu asked back.

Xiao Wu: "..." His uncle and the others also fled to Xifeng City. "But, but..."

"When she distributed our hard-earned food and copper to other people, she didn't care about our lives. What do you want her to do?" Da Wu said.

"Da Wu, why don't we find her first, if that's not possible, then send her to your uncle." The middle-aged honest man said.

"Father, do you know why she chose to go back there at this time?" Da Wu asked.

The middle-aged honest man shook his head.

"Because if we go back to find her all the time, we will even give up this recruitment voluntarily. If we miss this recruitment, we will not be able to be recruited for any recruitment by Changyang officials in the future." Dawu said.

The middle-aged man was stunned.

Here in Changyang, only the recruitment of various officials can get various good treatment.If you can only do the work of those private businessmen in the future, you won't even be able to earn higher wages.

"Let's go first. After a few months, we'll gain a foothold over there and come back to find her. By then, she has suffered and suffered, and she will definitely be willing to leave with us." Da Wu said angrily. .

On the other end, the woman was happily talking with a middle-aged man who looked like her, and seemed determined.

(End of this chapter)

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