The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 368 1 lesson

Chapter 368 A Lesson

"Furthermore, of your four sons, only one is qualified to become a monk, and that is your eldest son. The other sons have all become village chiefs in nearby villages like you. It looks good now, but after a long time, it is still Monks have a future.

That Sui Dawu is obviously a monk in the future, why don't you still want to win him over? "

Hearing what the old father-in-law said, the village chief burst out laughing.

"I can gain a foothold here, not because my family is a monk, but because my surname is Chu."

His old father-in-law's face froze.

"As long as my surname is Chu, all my descendants will be named Chu, so why worry?" the village chief said proudly.Although the Chu family also has poor and humble families, very few of them really can't survive.The patriarchs of their own branches will take care of it.

Unless your family insists on taking your relatives to go outside the Chu family's settlement.

No one in that tribe can find where you are, so how can they help you?

It can also be said that this is the universal view of the various clans in the Yun'an Continent.A family with a family will manage the life and death of the clan.If the branch patriarch can't manage well, then change the patriarch.

If the direct branch is completely abolished by decline, then the direct branch will be re-elected.

The role of the direct branch is to lead the pack and accumulate wealth. When it comes to life and death, the direct branch must take care of everyone's life and death.

Similar to the previous Changyang Dichu who wanted to divide everyone into sects, the kind of free development of everyone usually appeared when the Dichu branch was about to collapse.

I am too busy to take care of myself, how can I take care of other things?

Chu Da left in a hurry, and she turned some branches into sub-clans.This made the major branches, side branches, and branch sects see the weakness of Chu Chu, and at the same time ruined Chu Chu's reputation.A direct branch who cannot bear the heavy responsibility of being the leader of a clan, then what qualifications do you have to call yourself a direct branch.

This is also the reason why Chu Chu was torn apart later, and there were no branches, and the side branches and branch clans had managed them.

After all, Chu Da had never run a clan before, and only thought about her experiences and opportunities before her rebirth, so she couldn't wait to get rid of her burdens.So step by step, Yi Chu was marginalized.

If Chu Chu, who used to be in charge of everything, was still in charge above, Taohua would not have transferred the clan power so easily when she was fighting to control the Chu clan.

Speaking of which, Chu Da and Chu Xi are not at the same level as players.

After Chu Da was reborn, it was right to kill Chu Xi immediately. If she didn't kill Chu Xi, she would have no chance to touch the clan power.However, she later talked about her own rebirth experience, but it would be miserable if she had to face a powerful opponent at the level of the reborn Chu Taohua.

Before he knew it, he was kicked out of the clan again.

"Then no matter what, if your little girl marries a monk, it will be a good thing for the future, right?" the old man said.

The village chief nodded.

"Then since you want to marry a monk, you might as well marry Dawu. At least you know the basics, and their family is also in your village." The old man said.

The village chief was silent again, "Let me think about it first."

The old man knew that if he said more at this time, the son-in-law and the village chief would be disgusted, so he gave up and continued to persuade, and went home after saying a few more words.

The village head thought and thought, and he simply ran to find his clan brother, and then told Sui Dawu his eldest niece who was 19 years old and unmarried because of her grandparents' filial piety.

His old father-in-law knew about this, and he booked the marriage.

Emma, ​​the old man stared with anger.

In fact, he wanted to marry his granddaughter, and then followed the clues to marry his second daughter, who had returned home reasonably, to Sui Dawu's father.After all, his second daughter is not yet 30 years old, so it's not normal to marry second.Speaking of which, Dad Wu still made money.

But he didn't expect his son-in-law to marry his niece.

That child has no blood relationship with their family, will he talk to his second daughter?

So angry!
When the village chief's father-in-law was angry, Sui Dawu's father was also angry.Because Sui Dawu went directly to join the Yanbo Island Guard Army after the first stage of Tongmai Realm.Dawu is a martial artist, so it is more suitable for him to go to the Weijun side, but the problem is that the Weijun side is strict, when will his son ask for leave to get married?

How can a dead boy run so fast?

After Sui Dawu became the guard of Yanbo Island, first of all, various cultivation resources were enriched, and then he trained in the camp first, and then trained on a boat.While training, he also has to undertake the task of continuously transferring various mainland materials to the island.

In addition to traveling to and from the mainland and Yanbo Island, they also had to take on the extra task of transshipment, which was to go to Yunchi Island and Xianyu Island.

With the improvement and activation of the main formation, the area of ​​both Yunchi Island and Xianyu Island has increased.Yunchi Island has increased more, while Xianyu Island has increased less.

Yunchi Island has directly changed from a small island to a huge giant island.

Hundreds of thousands of people are building various settings and buildings on Yunchi Island.

By the time Sui Dawu wandered around, more than half a year had passed since he returned to his home.The wide roads leading to other places outside Zijiazhuangzi have all been repaired.The main road runs almost along the village.Linked to the main street of the village.

The village head quickly summoned the whole village, saying that he wanted to build various shops in the spaces deliberately reserved on both sides of the main street.

If everyone contributes money, the shop can be sold to everyone.

Sui Dawu just came back at this time.As soon as he came back, he was cleaned up by his father, and the next day he went to the village meeting staring at the two panda eyes.Sui Dawu made a plan to go out with his family, and it just happened to be rewarding. It was not a good idea to buy a shop to sell wine for the old man.

So he simply bought a not-so-small shop with the front and backyard, which happened to be used as a small wine-making workshop.

Da Wu's father was very happy to get the wine brewing workshop, but he still grabbed Da Wu who was about to run away in the middle of the night, and then forced him to get married directly.If you dare to run, you will directly break your legs.

So Dawu had no choice but to squat at home and marry a new wife.


At the same time, many fellow monks who were newly promoted immigrants like him knew his tragic experience, and Jin Pinxin, who was really gloating, ran over to attend his wedding.

The black-faced bridegroom looked at those colleagues with malicious intentions viciously, and said in his heart that you all wait for me.Wait till you get married!

On the day when Sui Dawu got married, on Yanbo Island, a large, hidden port, a huge fleet of all-black magic weapon ships slowly berthed into the port.

Zhuang Zihan stepped down from a certain flagship in a hurry.

This operation took too long, and the little boy's face was tanned into a little black face.During the period, he also had to manage the progress of the various major projects, which was simply not life-saving.Besides, this trip was also a bit thrilling, and two of them almost killed him.

The deep sea half-monster clan and some sea monk forces really taught him a deep lesson this time.

(End of this chapter)

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