The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 369 I Have Ten Thousand Cultivators

Chapter 369 I Have a Million Monk Army

Zhuang Zihan contacted our Patriarch as soon as he came back, and he gained a lot this time.

It's a pity that the head of his family didn't see him, because Taohua was busy.

In fact, Taohua has been very busy since last summer. First of all, after the summer tax, the autumn tax is also tripled.It really cost the lives of many people.I can't afford it at all.

Generally speaking, if you really can't pay the tax, you will either buy a house or land, and your family will be ruined, or you will sell your children and daughters, and your pawned wife will be sold as a slave to a rich family.

But this time the people of Myitkyi Prefecture did not do that.

How did they do it?
I don't want the house or the land.I dragged my family and fled to Changyang.

Changyang absorbs a large number of people, either sending them away, or directly enriching them to Xifeng City.For more than half a year, Xifeng City, which was previously sparsely populated, became a little bustling.Outside West Wind City, there are villages and forts everywhere, and hundreds of thousands of acres of fertile land have been developed.

Other cities are vigorously collecting taxes, forcing the people to flee with their families. Changyang actually vigorously absorbs the fugitives and enriches itself.

Are you really good at doing this?

At least the surrounding city orders all turned their noses in anger.

Changyang Chu Shinian is simply not a son of man.

Especially after someone broke the news that Changyang Chu Shinian actually occupied the island overseas, and large-scale immigrant people went to open up wasteland.The faces of all the city magistrates can be darkened beyond the bottom of the pot.

Damn, when we were suppressed by Emperor Song, you actually went to open up the island and want to stand on your own as a country, right?

Even Emperor Song couldn't hold back, and specially sent a young minister over to announce the decree, and also planned to beat Chu Shinian.

This person is Chen He.The current commander of the Flying Fish Guard.

Feiyuwei has a chief governor and two chief commanders, each of whom is outstanding.

This time Chen He came to announce the decree, and it was also the first time Chu Shinian saw Chen He.The two met on a sunny morning.

Chen He looked a little thin, but his eyes were too sharp, like sharp swords.

"I have admired your name for a long time." Chen He said.

"To each other," Chu Shinian continued.

"I always thought that apart from the imperial capital, there would be no one like you in Song Dynasty." Chen He looked at the man in front of him.Chu Shi was very handsome when he was older, with deep eyes and a dark demeanor, which suited his status as the commander of the dark guard. "I really didn't expect that there would be someone like you in the Northwest."

Chen He himself also stayed in the Northwest, and he once thought that there was no new generation who could compete with him in the Northwest except himself.

The result was a slap in the face, the Chu Shinian in front of him was amazing.

Chu Shinian also looked at Chen He carefully.

He has also investigated the matter of Chen Dazhi and Chen He, and the matter of the Chen family in the northwest.

To be honest, he didn't really want to face this opponent.Even if you have to become an opponent, it's better to be later in the world.

"In such a barren place in the Northwest, what kind of people can there be? Everyone is just making a living." Chu Shinian said flatly.

"You don't look like a person who just eats and eats. Occupy Changyang, tear apart Changyang Chu Chu, steal clan power as the leader of the hidden guards, open up Longshanfang City, open up the underground waterway of Wanji Mountains, open up the Yun'an Continent to Yunan Occupy Yanbo Island and develop Yanbo Island. Occupy Yunchi Island, build a large array, connect the ground veins, gather spiritual veins, and transform the original small Yunchi Island into a large piece of seabed land and evolve into today's Yunchi giant island.

With more and more caravans navigating by sea, are you planning to make a fortune? "Chen He asked leisurely.

"It's just to take advantage of the opportunity." Chu Shinian didn't deny it either.

"Your family alone will definitely not be able to defend the two sea transit islands." Chen He said bluntly.

"Da Song is weak, and the little power in his hand can't be relied on by us at all." Chu Shinian's counterattack was equally sharp.

Chen He hummed heavily coldly.

"As a citizen of Song Dynasty, you didn't take Da Song seriously at all."

"To be seen by others, Da Song has to be strong." Chu Shinian continued to say calmly.

"No matter how weak the Great Song Dynasty is, don't forget that it still holds righteousness. At least if you occupy Changyang, whether you are justified or a traitor, it can decide with one word." Chen He threatened.

"Actually, even if you send a prince here, I still occupy Changyang. It doesn't matter if I have a title or not." Chu Shinian is now very confident that there are not as many monks in the six northwestern prefectures as there are monks under his command.

"What about Longshanfang City? As long as I, Song Dynasty, cut off your Longshanfang City's outward teleportation array, what will happen to your Longshanfang City?" Longshanfang City's teleportation array, nine out of ten, will first be connected with the teleportation array in Dasong City Array, and then sent outside.

If there is no teleportation array in the Great Song Dynasty as a transfer, the teleportation array from Longshan to other places will cost more spirit coins and spirit stones to be sent out.The same goes for sending in.

In fact, there are also many formations in Longshanfang City that do not pass through the teleportation formations in the Song Dynasty.

It's just that without the Dasong transit, the transmission cost will increase a lot after all.

If Longshanfang City is torn apart from Da Song, it will still have some impact.

"Conditions, if it's too outrageous, don't say it. At worst, I will increase the transmission cost." Chu Shinian said flatly.

"Longshanfang City, Yanbo Island, and Yunchi Island account for [-]% of the annual income." Chen He said.

"You can go." Chu Shinian felt that this condition was too outrageous, and it was not worth talking about.

"Okay, how about changing it to Liangcheng."


"That ten percent."

"No, it's too much."

"Your Chu family lives in the Song Dynasty after all." Chen He threatened again.He even narrowed his eyes dangerously this time.

"If you don't bring [-] people, then I won't have any problem keeping them." Chu Shinian said indifferently.

Chen He was terrified in his heart, and looked at the other party more and more fiercely, as if evaluating whether what Chu Shinian said was true or not.

"You have lived in Anxia, ​​beside Emperor Song for too long. People always stay in a comfortable environment, and their minds are paralyzed. Don't even think about it. How dare I develop it if I don't have a million monks? Yanbo Island and Yunchi Island?"

"What did you say?" Chen He couldn't hold back, and gasped.

"The Song Dynasty is a large land, but there are few people. But the Northwest is different. There used to be a large number of refugees here, and there were quite a few of them with monk talent. We in Changyang have been collecting and cultivating them for many years. In order not to let Song Huang discovered that I have only cultivated monks all these years, but I have never made a move.

When I have enough monks in my hands, Emperor Song will decline instead, and he is not qualified to confront me head-on.Why are you going to test me out?
With that little power you have accumulated, do you really intend to be buried here? "

(End of this chapter)

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