The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 370 At least 3 master craftsmen

Chapter 370 At least 3000 master craftsmen

Chen He stared at Chu Shinian's face in shock, as if he planned to see the real cards in his hand from his face.

In fact, he didn't really believe it, or rather dare not believe it, that Chu Shinian actually possessed such power at this time.A legion of millions of monks, how dare he?Besides, Longshanfang City is really so profitable, it can support you and his military expenditure of millions of monks?
Why is it so like the Arabian Nights?
"I know you brought people back. Although you are good at hiding, those people are willing to cooperate with you. After all, as the orthodox Emperor Song, there are quite a lot of aristocratic forces who support him in private. The attitude of those officials is also relatively ambiguous. , it seems that I still have some expectations for you.

But you should also be aware that this is the Northwest.Even the people in the Northwest Building, do you see if they dare to confront me? "Chu Shinian is full of rebelliousness.

"But it's only been a few years since the spiritual energy recovered. I don't think you have a million monks." Chen He said in a condensed voice.

Chu Shinian glanced at him indifferently, indifferently and ruthlessly. "Actually, I don't need you, or Song Huang, or anyone in the northwest to confirm. My strength is my strength, and my monk army is my monk army."

Chen He: "..."

"If Song Huang wants to take advantage of it, I can promise Song Huang to give him a bonus of 60 spirit stones every year for the sake of borrowing so many of your teleportation arrays. If you are not greedy enough and want something else, then come here Well, I'll wait for you." Chu Shinian said.

When his monk army was 30, he planned to start the island project.But the master stopped him.A restriction was also set, and he was not allowed to start the island project until he became an army of more than one million.

Otherwise, the island will continue to be built and not developed externally.

How about that?The family has invested so much manpower, material and financial resources, if there is no return, those wild and boring guys in the family will definitely blow their hair.

Even if it is to save the group of old and young men who are staring at him so that they will not cause him any trouble in the future, he will start the island project earlier.Fortunately, as early as after he occupied Changyang, he had been expanding his army.

After the construction of Longshafang City, he couldn't stop expanding his army.After all, the huge Longshanfang City, even if it has formations and various magic tools to protect it, it still needs a huge monk guard army that can protect the safety of the city and protect the interests of the city from being violated.

On the bright side, Longshan continued to absorb wandering monks to join the Fangshi Guards.In fact, in secret, anyone who buys or rents a spiritual land in the Dragon Scale Land must send some monks from their families to join the protective guards. They are all trained as elite core combat forces.

These people have families, businesses and relatives in Longshan, and everyone is willing to protect Longshan's interests.

In Longshan alone, he absorbed nearly 30 monks into the guard army.After training, 20 of them were transferred to the sea.

Just these monks went down without splashing a splash when developing and building the island.

It was only then that Chu Shinian realized that offshore development was like a bottomless pit, and there were too many places that needed manpower.

The establishment and garrison of the important resource points and supply points in various places alone has divided up more than 6 troops in his hands, which is only to maintain the minimum number of garrisons.

According to the plan given to him by the Patriarch, what he is doing now is far from enough.

But he is still working hard, and now it has begun to pay off.

"60 spirit stones?" Chen He estimated in his mind whether the 60 spirit stones are worth it or not.The 60 may seem like a lot, but in fact, it is estimated that it is only a drop in the bucket in Chu Shinian's heart.

The key is that Chen He's assessment of the value of Longshanfang City and the islands on the sea has always been vague.

His thoughts and people are all spent on Song Huang's side, after all, there are too few truly capable people under his command.

"Can't it be more? In fact, half of it is fine." Chen He said.

Chu Shinian shook his head.I said in my heart that there are too many half-finished spirit stones, enough to pile up a mountain of spirit stones and press you down.

"You two islands, how many spirit stones can a Longshanfang City make in a year?" Chen and Hu'er asked.

"You care too much, what does it matter to you how many spirit stones I earn?" Chu Shinian said coldly.


"If you can't decide, then go back and contact your master to see how Emperor Song made the decision." Chu Shinian said.In fact, he can roughly guess what Song Huang's psychology is.The designated person will accept it.After accepting it, they will be greedy and dispatched to sneak into Longshan or sea to evaluate how many spirit stones those two islands and Longshan can earn in a year.

After he evaluates well, he will choose the right time to compete for or increase his interests in these places.

Chu Shinian hehehehe in his heart.

But when that time comes, I'm afraid that even if he has ideas, he will be powerless.

Hearing Chu Shinian's words, Chen He suddenly realized that he and others probably didn't know enough about Chu Shinian and the Chu family, but they had already figured him out and Emperor Song thoroughly.

What does this mean? This means that people have already set their sights on Song Ting, Song Huang, himself and the others. Maybe there are dark men lurking around them.

That's why he was able to put himself in a difficult situation with just a few words.

He is careless!
They had already prepared for it, but on the contrary, my power has risen sharply recently, so my mentality is a bit over-inflated.

Chen He adjusted his mentality silently, and then said, "The Emperor Song can get a bonus of 60 spirit stones a year, what can I get?"

"Then what can you do? Our Chu family is not willing to let people eat bonuses for nothing." Chu Shinian asked back.

Chen He thought of "all kinds of secret news from the upper echelons of Song Ting."

"At most, I will give you 500 yuan of spirit stones a year." Chu Shinian said angrily.

"Well, you really have people in the imperial court. In this way, I can help you operate a fief in any part of the imperial court. The size is not smaller than the area under the jurisdiction of Changyang. What do you think?" Chen He said.

Chu Shinian shook his head sneeringly. "Do you think I'm a person who lacks fiefdom?" Da Song is going to be finished, and it's useless to gain fiefdom.

Chen He immediately said with a headache, "Then what do you want?"

"You gave me 15 skilled craftsmen who specialize in building warships. I'll give you a bonus of [-] spirit stones a year." Chu Shinian said.

"What?" Chen He said with a rare loss of composure, "That's impossible. The craftsmen who weave warships are strictly controlled by the imperial court. Let alone 15 people, there are not even 5000 people."

"Yes, how did the nobles get them, you can just get them for us." Chu Shinian said. "15 craftsmen, including at least 3000 master craftsmen."

"Too many, one or two is fine."

(End of this chapter)

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