The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 391 Black Claw Vine

Chapter 391 Black Claw Vine

Chu Shiluo almost had nothing to say.

"I always thought that what people said about Chu Shinian was a bit exaggerated. Now I realize that I am too ignorant. This secret realm has been discovered a long time ago. Chu Shinian has built a city there, and this news has not been heard yet. Spread the word. That's powerful enough.

When Taohua said that she would take us into the secret realm ahead of time, I was quite happy, thinking that I could take a step ahead.In the end, you said that Chu Shinian had already sent people into the secret realm to collect benefits.

Compared to Chu Shinian, I'm still far behind. "

An evildoer like Chu Shinian was simply walking ahead of others every step of the way.

Just when you thought you might discover a little secret of him, you never thought that there was a bigger secret hidden behind the little secret.

"It doesn't matter so much, we just need to go in and get some benefits." Tao Hua said.She understood in her heart that it was not the work of one Chu Shinian, but the work of the entire Chu family.Chu Shinian seemed to be unexpected everywhere, but behind Chu Shinian, there was a huge think tank planning and executing it precisely.

No matter how strong Chu Shinian was, he only had one head.

The peach blossom immediately cheered up Chu Shiluo.

If he can't keep up with Chu Shinian, he can continue to surpass himself.

Five days later, Taohua led everyone through a series of wet underground passages with obvious traces of man-made excavation, and twisted and twisted to a dark blue energy light wall where a team of 12 people was stationed.

Here is a small square.Several teams had already gathered here. After Taohua and the others came, another team of about thirty people came out from another cave.

Chu Shiluo was in charge of going forward to register.

When he came back, he had already carried a large bag of things.

"Come on, everyone, change your coats. The Changyang Guards have reached an agreement with the local aborigines. As long as we wear the coats of the guards and enter the secret realm, they will not attack us. Otherwise, they will attack us. After all, the Yaozu also With a human face, it can also transform into a human being."

Taohua and the others obediently changed their coats.

Anyway, it's not very good-looking, so it's okay to wear.

And the women in the team that followed Taohua and the others refused to wear it, and laughed at Taohua and the others for being ugly.

As a result, Taohua and his team entered, but they were directly intercepted.If you don’t wear it, then don’t go in.

As soon as Taohua and the others entered, the burrow immediately turned into a beautiful forest with fresh air.

Here is a piece of flat land in the forest that has been opened up to become a small temporary campsite and a small trading market.

Many people set up stalls here to sell items.

Holding the map in his hand, Chu Shiluo chose a location corresponding to the wooden number in their hands. This is the temporary camp sent to them.It is not allowed to station casually here.Yang Wei, the captain of the first team, looked at where they were stationed, then walked over and asked if they had a number plate.

Chu Shiluo hurriedly showed them the number plate, and they told them not to camp beyond the position corresponding to the number plate, and then left at last.

Everyone cleaned up the camp briefly, and then only two people set up camp here, and the others took advantage of the early time and good weather to go out for a stroll.

Before walking half a mile, I found a small group of golden pheasants in the grass.

Probe one by one, cautiously.

The team members behind Qingmei rushed up excitedly one by one.They caught eight of a small flock of twenty or so golden pheasants.The others fly too fast and run away.

With the harvest, everyone was more energetic, and a lot of herbs were discovered along the way.Ordinary mortal medicines, everyone will not pick them up, only when they see wild elixir, will someone run out and pull them out.

It didn't take long for everyone to climb up a small hillside.

There is still a large area of ​​dense forest around the hillside.I don't know how big this forest is?They were all five or six miles from camp.

It was Taohua stepping on the hillside under her feet, looking left and right, with doubts in her eyes.

Taohua flipped out a small hoe, and started digging according to the ground at her feet.

After digging twice, a dark and strange claw came out.

Everyone was stunned by this ugly thing that was as big as two palms, which resembled the claws of plants and animals, and could move the tip of the claws by itself.

"This is……"

"First-level spiritual plant black claw vine. Everyone, look for it quickly. As for the first-level spiritual plant, one can be exchanged for several spirit stones." When Tao Hua said this, the men around gasped.A few spirit stones can be exchanged for one.They know the preciousness of spirit stones, one spirit stone can be exchanged for [-] spirit coins, and often no one is willing to exchange it.

Dig quickly, dig quickly.So everyone took out hoes, shovels and other digging.

"Don't use too much force, it's worthless if you cut it off. The intact ones are only worth a few spirit stones, and the broken ones can be exchanged for hundreds of spirit coins at most." Taohua's words made everyone froze for a moment.Then I dropped the hoe, and the shovel became much softer.

A group of people surrounded the hill, digging all the way.

One black claw vine, another black claw vine... Even Qingmei dug up hundreds of them in less than an hour.There are too many black claw vines here.Everyone dug up the black claw vine, and simply threw it into the back basket or bamboo basket beside them.Then keep digging.

Chu Shiluo used to be able to walk a long distance in one day, but who knew that it was getting dark, and we hadn't completely dug up the hill, but there were hundreds of baskets of black claw vines in our hands.These are all spirit stones!After returning from studying abroad in Qingxu Jianzong, Chu Shiluo could be regarded as deeply aware of the importance of Lingshi.

Having spirit stones is equivalent to having resources.

"Oh, there are still too few people. Why don't you find some more people, Qingmei."

Qingmei looked at her elder brother speechlessly, "Didn't you ask me to bring twenty people?"

"Isn't there a shortage of manpower now?"

"Then there are black claw vines that can be dug every day." Qingmei looked at her elder brother inexplicably.The heart said what you think is all right. "When the entire hill is hollowed out tomorrow, you should dislike many people again."

Chu Shiluo: "..."

Pfft, Lin Changge burst out laughing.

"What are you laughing at, I want to earn more Lingshi." Chu Shiluo said angrily.

"Yes, I didn't say you are a money fan." Lin Changge said.

Ahhh, the people around him all laughed.In fact, everyone was very happy. The people who came in this time were usually good friends with Lin Changge. They were either people who often went into the mountains with him, or people who often worked with him obediently.

Among them were a few clansmen who had a good relationship with Qingmei.But Lin Changge knows how to behave, and he has a good relationship with Qingmei, and he has a good relationship with him.

(End of this chapter)

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