The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 392 Changyang Guard Officer

Chapter 392 Changyang Guard Officer

"What's wrong with being a money fan, as if you don't lack resources?" Chu Shiluo rolled his eyes.

"It's missing, why not? I don't have anything to rely on, unlike you and your father as a backer. I'm more money-obsessed than you." Lin Changge said with a smile.

Hmph, Chu Shiluo snorted at him arrogantly.

"It's getting dark, and it's dark in the forest. We don't even have a place to rest safely. Let's go back quickly." Lin Changge said.He has rich experience in the jungle, and Chu Shiluo agreed with him as soon as he heard it. "But what about the small hill here? How about I leave a few people here to guard?"

"Don't, isn't the person who placed the order delivering food to the monster clan and monster beasts?" Lin Changge hurriedly stopped him. "We can come out early tomorrow, and this hill can't walk."

"Then what if others find out?" Chu Shiluo asked a little worried.

"Then grab the territory. Whoever is powerful, just drive the others away." Lin Changge said.

Chu Shiluo listened to the words, thought about it, and had no choice but to agree.

"Let's hurry up and pack up the black claw vine as soon as we get back to the camp. If it's good, we'll seal it with the sealing bucket. If it's broken, we'll eat it in the pot." Tao Hua also said aloud at this time.

Cough cough cough, the people who followed this time were all men except Qing Mei, when they heard this, their eyes widened suddenly.

Eat it, eat it! !
"Okay, let's go back to the camp." Chu Shiluo also said decisively at this time.

When some people returned to the camp, torches and bonfires had already been lit in the camp.

What surprised even Taohua was that there were boys and girls who were a few years old and ten years old among the teams that entered the secret realm.

This secret realm was later called the Giant Forest Small World, and it was not a safe and peaceful place.

A few middle-aged people in their 50s and [-]s, with their families and seven or eight children, were stationed next to Taohua and the others.A female monk dressed as a daughter-in-law came over to say hello to Taohua. "We forgot to bring vinegar. I wonder if we can buy some from you."

"Okay, I have it here." Taohua handed her a small wooden bottle directly.The little daughter-in-law opened the sealing cork and smelled the strong smell of vinegar inside. "How do you sell this vinegar? Is it okay for a tael of silver?" the little daughter-in-law asked in surprise.

"Yes." In fact, one tael of silver can be sold for a large bucket of ten catties of good vinegar.It's a pity that it's the price outside. Here, a tael of silver for a small bottle is really not expensive.

The little daughter-in-law handed over one or two weights of small ingots to Taohua's hands, and then walked back with the vinegar.

Not long after, a ten-year-old girl over there beat and said what a big face, one tael of silver and two taels of jealousy.

Qingmei walked up to the girl speechlessly, "I don't think you should have sold them jealous just now."

"She said to give it a tael. Why don't I do such a good thing, and besides, I brought in a lot of vinegar." Tao Hua said with a smile.

Qing Mei felt even more helpless after hearing this.

"Okay, okay, Taohua is just naughty, so I tested the character of the neighbor next door. Hehe, it doesn't look too good." Chu Shiluo sneered indifferently.

Qingmei couldn't see it, she just felt that if she made up her mind, she wouldn't talk to the woman who came to buy vinegar just now.

Wouldn't it be less troublesome?

"Let's go, let's hurry back to the tent, we still have things to do." Chu Shiluo didn't wait for Qingmei to continue, and greeted the two girls to enter the tent.

Some people have already started cooking dinner.

The other people all sat happily and excitedly on the carpet of the largest tent, picked up a black claw vine, washed it, wiped it clean, and tossed it into the sealed jade bucket to see if there was no defect.

One seal per thousand.Everyone actually sealed three and a half barrels in the end.What a bumper harvest.

"I'll give you the dividends when I exchange the spirit stones later." Chu Shiluo said happily looking at the four sealed barrels. "This time they sent it."

Early the next morning, Taohua and the others just got up to wash up, when the little daughter-in-law came again, and she apologized to Taohua with an embarrassed face. "I'm sorry, it's all my fault. This is a backpack I made, please accept it."

They are here to give Taohua an apology.

The peach blossoms were confiscated. "It's not a big deal, anyway, you asked me to wish."

Seeing that they were about to set off again, the young daughter-in-law didn't intend to accept her things, so she retreated in shame.

It wasn't until Chu Shiluo led people to Xiaoqiu again this time that he realized that he and others had poached half of Xiaoqiu away.But today everyone was well prepared, and when it was getting dark, they even hollowed out the entire hillock.

And the black claw vine finally disappeared.

Unwilling to reconcile, Chu Shiluo led someone to dig three feet down, but there was nothing.

Seeing that it was getting dark again, I took people back.

Today's harvest is even more amazing, but this time when everyone started digging, it was a little bit fast, and they dug up a dozen trees.I don't want to think about yesterday, basically there is no digging.

What to do if it is broken, just put it in the pot.

By the way, the golden pheasant caught yesterday was also plucked into the pot, and it was suitable to be paired with black claw vines.

The scent of the first-order elixir blended with the smell of chicken, and it floated all over the camp within a few breaths as soon as the pot was boiled, but Chu Shiluo's face changed.He didn't expect the fragrance to be so strong.

"What are you eating this time? Why is it so delicious?" A young man dressed as a Changyang guard officer opened the curtain of the tent and walked in with a few guards.

"I dug some first-level elixir, but I didn't dig it well, so it broke, so I just put it in the pot with the golden pheasant caught yesterday." Chu Shiluo's face quickly changed into a calm one, and smiled at him. said the man.

"First-level elixir? I didn't expect you to be so lucky. On average, someone on our side only digs out elixir every one or two months." The officer said. "How about it, how about splitting the meeting in half?"

"Half the chicken." Tao Hua said. "Anyway, there are only a few of us here. Taking too much of this kind of first-order elixir is not good for your health."

"I mean all the Tier [-] elixirs you dug up." The officer said very bluntly.

"I didn't dig much in total. If you have gone half way, then we have dug in vain?" Taohua said dissatisfied.

"Tch," the other party sneered. "Do you know where this is? This is the place of the Changyang Guards."

"I know, who dares to come to Chu Shinian's place without any confidence! But our surname is also Chu." Tao Hua said.

"Little girl, there are quite a few people surnamed Chu." The officer said with a cold face. "Who cares if there are a few less one day."

"Why, just to order the first-order elixir?" Tao Hua said speechlessly, "There are so many first-order elixir near this camp, why do you keep staring at us?"

(End of this chapter)

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