The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 393 Green Pearl Fruit

Chapter 393 Green Pearl Fruit

Tao Hua secretly laughed in her heart: The idea of ​​killing people has been figured out.Chu Shinian's group of people really deserved to be selected from among the outlaws.

But she didn't think it would be too difficult for others. After all, Changyang Weijun is still her own family, and she doesn't look good when she is too poor.

"Didn't you hear what I said just now? The first-order elixir here only appears every one or two months. If it's good, why did our brothers come to make things difficult for you?" Sitting in front of Xiao Taohua proudly The young officer frowned.

It takes a month or two to discover a first-order elixir, and these people really have no knowledge of elixir.Could it be that Chu Shinian never trained them?Later, she had to mention Chu Shinian, but all soldiers stationed in resource-type locations must learn about spiritual plants and spiritual medicines.At least you have to know what elixir is, how to pick and store it, right?
"You set up the camp here, so you didn't check the vicinity of the camp?" Tao Hua asked, thinking that even if these people stepped on the bottom of their feet, they wouldn't know what medicine it was.

"What do you mean?" the young officer asked suspiciously.

"The first-order elixir green pearl fruit grows near the camp here. When you were patrolling around the camp, you might have stepped on their heads." Tao Hua said.

"What? How is this possible? There is a Tier [-] elixir near our camp?" Another young man beside the officer exclaimed out of composure.It's not that he has little knowledge, but that first-order elixir is really rare, and it's super expensive, at least a few spirit stones.

How expensive are spirit stones now? Ten thousand spirit coins can be exchanged for one spirit stone, and it is often impossible to find it.

"Yes, when we came back, we saw a plant. How about I take you to see, do you know what the first-order elixir Lvzhuguo looks like?" Taohua asked.

Cough, cough, both the officer and the young people around him are hiding from Taohua's sight.If I knew each other, I would have taken it long ago.

Taohua's stomach burst out laughing, and no one knew about it.

"I think you should buy a complete set of low-level elixir, at least remember what they look like in order to find them?" Tao Huayu said earnestly. "If you want to take the road of collecting herbs, you must at least know what a panacea is, right?"

The Changyang guards were really embarrassed. "Before we left the camp, we also learned a little knowledge about elixir, but we didn't have those here."

A slightly younger guard said proactively.

"Then how many kinds of elixir do you know? Is there a hundred?" Taohua asked.

"Ahem, there are ten kinds, ten kinds, not a hundred kinds." The little sergeant said.

"From the first level to the sixth level, there are more than 48 basic elixirs. You have to work hard, little general." Tao Hua teased him.

Whoa, whoa, whoa! !

The other guards all looked embarrassed, flushed, and their scalps were numb. I really didn't expect that there are so many kinds of elixir in just the sixth level.

Of course, these 48 kinds are not local panaceas.

There are not so many kinds of elixir in the northwest.Peach Blossom is said to be the type of elixir officially announced by Shenting.In fact, there are some bigwigs who specialize in collecting all kinds of rare medicinal materials, and there are also some private collections of rare elixir collections.

Tao Hua herself had obtained several secret elixir books from her ancestors.

But the guards of Changyang don't know how the current elixir is classified and how many kinds there are.

They faintly felt some reverence towards Tao Hua, thinking that this little girl might not be of ordinary status.

"We didn't pick much of the Tier [-] elixir black claw vine we picked this time, so let's just give it to you. Then you come with me, and I will tell you what is green pearl fruit, and how to pick and store green pearl fruit , when the time comes, go find and pick it yourself.

A green pearl fruit is worth several spirit stones.

With this long-term income from picking elixir, you will not be interested in what we have in our hands? "Peach Blossom asked with a smile.

"Then I would like to thank the lady of the Chu family." Kekekeke, a certain officer coughed heavily, just to cover up his embarrassment just now.

Anyway, these people will continue to stay in the secret realm, and he is not worried that the other party will deceive him. He only needs to step on it to get the elixir. Once he sends it to the garrison team outside, a pharmacist will give them the elixir in less than a day identified.

At that time, what grade of elixir and how many spirit stones are worth will be reported back immediately.

If these people dare to deceive him, then they don't want to get out from here.

Of course, if what he was told was true, then he would take the initiative to tell them the place of origin and the method of picking and storing a kind of elixir. This is a big favor, and they should take care of them as much as they can.

Taohua stood up on her own initiative and wanted to take them out to find the first-order elixir.Chu Shiluo also simply stood up, as well as Qingmei and Lin Changge, except for the guard camp that was left behind, everyone else followed.In fact, Peach Blossom was not far away, it was just behind their camp, among the grass near the camp.Pulling apart the long, leafy shrubs, at the outer roots of the shrubs, a small green meat ball the size of a thumb belly appeared in everyone's eyes.

"This is the green pearl. It's just this big. The unripe ones are smaller than the whole ball, and they are white. Only those that turn green are mature. Ripe green pearls can be picked directly and sealed until Jade box or some similar sealed spiritual fruit box." Tao Hua directly pulled out a green pearl fruit.The white and delicate roots underneath are exposed, only five or six small white roots.

"If you want to preserve Lvzhu fruit for a long time, you must not cut off its roots, just keep the seal and put it in the box."

"This is a first-order spiritual fruit. If you don't pinch its peel, you won't feel that it is a first-order spiritual fruit." Peach Blossom simply squeezed it, the peel was crushed, and the flesh was squeezed out.Immediately, the rich spiritual energy flew out along with the flesh.Based on the richness of this spiritual energy, it is undoubtedly a first-order spiritual fruit.

Everyone was shocked when they heard it.Tao Hua casually threw the crushed fruit into her eldest brother's mouth. "Lvzhuguo has the benefits of improving cultivation, warming and nourishing meridians, and internal organs. Long-term consumption can also nourish bone marrow and improve blood regeneration.

It is the main drug of the famous Hematopoietic Pill.

It has a good curative effect on serious injuries caused by traumatic blood loss, just eat it dry. "

When several Changyang guards heard this, smiles appeared on their faces.

"Is there such a benefit?"

"Of course, it's just not easy to find. It's too small, so you have to search a little bit."

Those Changyang soldiers listened very seriously, while Tao Hua said, they nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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