The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 394 Winged Tiger Camp

Chapter 394 Winged Tiger Camp

"However, this kind of green pearl fruit is like some mushrooms. Once you find one, there are many more around. They are usually one long and one small piece." Taohua reminded them.

"That is to say, there should be many more near our camp?" A certain officer asked.

"As long as you didn't just shovel or burn them or something, it should be like this."

Hearing Peach Blossom's words, the officer immediately plucked the roots of the small bushes and other places in the nearby grass.Sure enough, I found three more ripe fruits, and a slightly smaller white fruit.

Part of the little ginkgo fruit has already turned blue, and it will be completely green in about a day or two.

Officer Xiaobaiguo was not willing to pull it out, but he deliberately drew a mark on a prominent tree nearby.

"Everyone look for it nearby." When he really got something for himself, he actually trusted most of Tao Hua's words.So he began to call the receivers to find the first-order elixir quickly.

As soon as he spoke, several other sergeants began to shout grass.

As a result, one small fruit after another appeared in their hands.The digging was not bad, at least the roots were not broken, and they were all pulled out by the roots.

Chu Taohua and Chu Shiluo were sent back to the camp warmly and respectfully by the Changyang guards.After sending them back, he also sent them some delicious wild animals.There are bison, wild lamb, and a small roe deer.

All these new wild animals will be kept for tomorrow. What everyone eats today is the first-order elixir chicken soup that has been prepared long ago.

Really delicious meat, soup is also delicious.After drinking the peach blossoms, he ran into the camp of himself and his sister to sleep.For her, sleeping can also be cultivated.Her elder sister, Qingmei, did not have such a good life. After eating the chicken and broth, she hurried back to practice.

One night passed, but she still didn't finish digesting it. In order to fully integrate the spiritual energy into her meridians before the spiritual energy completely overflowed her body, Qing Mei continued to meditate without even thinking about it.

As a result, Taohua woke up early in the morning and saw that her sister was still practicing, and when she came back after washing, she found that she was still practicing.Well, let's just practice, Taohua thought about it and went to see how the breakfast was going.It turned out that Lin Changge was making breakfast, and no one else came out of the tent except for the few on duty who were in charge of security.

Taohua ran over to help Lin Changge speechlessly, and the two quickly made breakfast.

While making peach blossoms, he was still complaining, "What's the matter? Isn't it just a meal of first-order elixir? It's still eaten by the big guys. Why are everyone squatting in the tent and can't come out?"

"How can a person like you who has never bothered with elixir and resources understand the minds of our poor people. At least half of us have never taken a bite of the first-order elixir that you don't care about.

It's so easy to eat so much at one time, and the spiritual energy is strong, and the cultivation base will grow after a few casual practices. It's a rare good opportunity, and everyone is naturally practicing hard.Otherwise, wouldn't this good opportunity be in vain? ! "Lin Changge complained about her.

The little lady Taohua is the daughter of God's direct relatives both in the previous life and in this life.

As a guy who can pick up a rare treasure by stepping on every hole, has she ever worried about any resources?She has never been worried, and the resources all came to her door and posted it to her.

"That's right, Taohua was raised by my parents since she was a child, and she never knew any suffering in the world." Chu Shiluo also came over at this time.

Why did Taohuaxin say that it was changed to criticize the peach blossom conference?
"You say you are stupid and generous. If you tell others about the important first-order spiritual plant of Lvzhuguo, you will tell them. If you don't tell them, can we also pick some today!" Chu Shiluo Said with a painful look.

Peach Blossom: "..."

"Why, my brother said you still don't recognize it? Look at someone who found a first-level spiritual plant. If you didn't pick it up quietly, how would you tell others?" Chu Shiluo said angrily.

"It's just a little first-order spiritual plant." Tao Hua was speechless.

"Why do you hand over some spiritual plants? I heard that the Changyang guards stayed up all night to pick first-level spiritual fruits last night, and they didn't let the people in the camp go out to help. Many people in the camp almost lost their minds as if they wanted to swallow it all by themselves. Start cursing." Chu Shiluo said.

"If you scold, you will be beaten. The Changyang guards here don't have a good temper." Taohua laughed.

"I said you should be more serious. After picking them all night, they still haven't picked [-] to [-] first-order spiritual fruits?" Chu Shiluo said with a heartache.

"I didn't follow them to pick fruit. How would I know how many first-order spirit fruits they collected in one night. But if they say so, they will definitely collect more fruits." As soon as Taohua finished speaking, she heard Suddenly there were many voices in the camp.

It turned out that another large group, nearly 1000 Changyang Guards, appeared in the camp.They were all newcomers, and each of them carried a basket on their backs, which also slowed down the tools for gathering medicine.

Taohua and Chu Shiluo were attracted by the voices and walked out of the camp just in time to see the new guards and their new equipment.It's really hard to describe.

"Look, your Lvzhuguo is really popular." Chu Shiluo directly transmitted the voice to the little girl.Xin said let you tell others that green pearl fruit is produced here! !
Taohua is also very speechless, she didn't expect the Changyang Guards to attack so quickly.

The new guards didn't even drink much, and were taken away in batches by the veterans who had been busy all night.Everyone rushed into the surrounding forest with a little excitement.At this time, in the main tent of a certain garrison, three baskets full of small green fruits had already appeared in front of the new officers of the Changyang Guards.

"Is this the rare first-order spirit fruit, the green pearl fruit, that the pharmacists in our army mentioned?" A male officer in his thirties, wearing a school captain's uniform, asked with burning eyes.

"We don't know if it's a rare spirit fruit, but the first-order spirit fruit is certain." A young officer who visited Taohua's camp yesterday said.

"Xu Huzi, what kind of luck are you? You have just changed your defense here for less than two months, and you discovered this treasure. Your promotion and fortune are just around the corner." Thirty male captain Xu Said happily.

"Where, where is it a fluke."

"In this mountain forest, we will increase the number of people in the future, and a new camp will be established. You have to show us the green pearl fruit in this area in the future. The green pearl fruit resources here will belong to our Winged Tiger Camp in the future. How about it?" , is there a problem?" the captain asked.

The young officer immediately frowned upon hearing this, "But our camp is connected to the outside world, and outsiders keep coming in to collect various resources."

(End of this chapter)

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