The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 396 Giant Forest

Chapter 396 Giant Forest

There are a few with low cultivation bases, and they took this opportunity to break through a small realm.

It is unbelievable that one meal has raised a small realm. In the future, it is best to come to such an opportunity.

After training, the young boys happily joked with each other.

Everyone was very satisfied with this training, and they couldn't hide the joy on their faces.

"This is the first time in my life that I have taken a first-order elixir. I didn't expect the effect to be so good."

"Black claw vine, I remember it."

"It was so worth it this time, my mother was not willing to let me out at first."

"You're a milk baby who hasn't grown up yet. You're so old. If you can't get out, you need your mother's consent, hahaha."


"Stop smirking, I told you to pack your things quickly, we're leaving." Lin Changge walked into the tent, and the angry Bala kicked his head, then kicked the other ass, calling everyone to get ready, and then walked away quickly Next tent.

Damn, everyone has become a chatterbox after improving their cultivation.

With the harvest of black claw vines, everyone is full of expectations for this operation.

"If only I could find something else."

"As long as it's a first-order elixir, I don't care what kind it is."

"Bah. You treat Tier [-] elixir as roadside weeds, so easy to find."

So-and-so, hehe, maybe for my little Liu Niang, it's a weed that can be picked up casually.Otherwise, how to explain that the other party kept finding the black claw vine, and also found the green pearl fruit?
A team set off, everyone was full of fighting spirit, even walking with wind.

Not far away, Chu Shiluo walked up to Taohua, and asked in a low voice, "Where is the thing you are looking for, and how can we get there?"

"It's fine to go in our current direction, and we need to sleep out." Taohua said.When Taohua came in this time to find something, Chu Shiluo had already heard from her that since there was something serious to do, it was better to finish the serious thing first, and then we all collected all kinds of treasures together.

To be honest, even Chu Shiluo became more active after eating the black claw vine.When he was studying abroad, his family often sent him things, including the first-order spiritual fruit Qingyang Lingtao, red fruit, ginkgo fruit, first-order spiritual ginseng and so on.

The problem is that in the sect, when the things arrive, should they be distributed to their own master, and not to the direct brothers and other close brothers?So even for him, the cultivation resources are not enough! !
The landlord's house has no surplus food, what a pity!
So although it has only been more than a year, Chu Shiluo has been transformed into a good boy who cherishes resources!
"Then I'll ask them to bring more supplies. Is it far away?" Chu Shiluo asked.

"It's not far away. It takes one night to get there in the middle." Taohua secretly calculated and said.

"Where is that place? Is it dangerous?" Chu Shiluo asked.

"I don't know, but I know it's a relic, very dilapidated." Taohua thought for a while and said, when she got that thing back then, there was really no danger in that dilapidated place.But going there so early in advance now, she wasn't sure if it would be dangerous.

"Then let's be careful." Chu Shiluo didn't say no, he had followed the big brother twice before to go to the ruins to hunt for treasures.There are various dangers and risks in unknown ruins, which is also normal.However, the cultivation resources used by the elders in the sect are basically obtained from these dilapidated, mysterious, and unknown ruins.

It's a pity that there are so few such relics. He has been in Zongmen for more than a year, and he has heard that five relics have been newly discovered. He went to two of them with his elder brother, but they went a bit late, basically there are no relics. What a gain.

Chu Shiluo and the others made big purchases before they left, and then they folded up the tents and set off, especially when they retreated to the temporary camp. They all told the Changyang Weijun that they were going to sleep out.

So not long after they left the camp, a certain Captain Yiling thought about it, and dispatched a small group of guards, carrying all kinds of supplies, to follow them quietly.In fact, not only the Changyang Guards, but also the tails of other forces followed behind them.

Taohua and the others walked quickly through the mountains and forests. Lin Changge and Qingmei cooperated with each other tacitly. While cleaning up poisonous insects and snakes, and driving away hunters hidden in the dense forest, they called the team members to pull out some spiritual plants they saw.

Behind them, Ruoyin chased one, two, three or four little tails if he wanted to.

Lin Changge was the first to notice their stalking, he took the initiative to walk near Taohua, and asked her in a low voice, "Someone is following behind, don't worry?"

"Don't worry about it, we're about to enter a dangerous area, so everyone should be careful to obey orders and keep secret," Tao Hua told him.

Lin Changge went to do it immediately.

Qingmei walked to Taohua's side speechlessly, "Why do I think Lin Changge trusts you more? You trust both me and elder brother."

"What else can this be for, because I have a good character."

After Qingmei heard this, she really wanted to beat her up.

Chu Shiluo also found out, but he didn't think much about it, because he had already told Lin Changge that Taohua was looking for something and might enter a dangerous ruin.So it was normal for Lin Changge to take the initiative to contact Peach Blossom.

The forest seemed normal at first, but in a certain area, suddenly the giant tree was not only taller, but also thicker.The forest has also become very dark and obscure.

As soon as they stepped into this new area, a cold and damp feeling immediately enveloped everyone.

Just when everyone was shocked and wanted to speak, Lin Changge made dodge and silence gestures.

Just after they hid, a group of black goats taller than horses leisurely appeared in front of them. While walking, the goats ate the fat leaves on some small trees.By the way, by stretching its neck, it can also eat some fruits growing on dwarf trees.

A group of peach blossoms hid in a nearby tall tree canopy.Everyone kept silent as much as possible, because there were so many black sheep under their feet. Seventy or eighty of them wandered together, and there were only a dozen or so of them.

When the flock was far away, they fell from the canopy, and then quickly rushed to the depths of the woods.

I encountered several herds of cattle, sheep, wild boars and deer that became huge one after another.

In the face of these behemoths that weigh several thousand catties at every turn, human beings have completely lost their size advantage.Looking at those shiny furs and those sharp horns that look like coming out of a smelting furnace, everyone weighed their light weapons in their hands, and they were really depressed.

It's no wonder that since the mutation of cattle, sheep and horses, ordinary villagers no longer raise them, and only monks' families raise a few in small quantities.

(End of this chapter)

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