Chapter 397

The Taohua family still has quite a few, some were raised by our family, and some people in the village didn’t want to raise them, and they didn’t want to sell them for meat, so they sold them directly to the Taohua family.

The cattle, sheep and horses of the Taohua family were also driven to the sloping grassland between the big depression and the valley to graze.I don't dare to raise them in the valley at will.

The big cows, horses and sheep all became violent.

Although it can't eat meat yet, it can bite people.

Some people try not to fight against the hordes of wild beasts around them, and the hordes of monster beasts that have grown bigger. They dodge when they can.Some of them didn't even collect their prey after they died, and just left.

This way of walking made the group of people behind them puzzled and chased after them.

Before nightfall, Taohua and the others found a few giant trees, set up defensive arrays directly on them, and built the proposed tree house, and then climbed into the tree house one after another to cook with the stove and fire plate inside. eat.

This method of cooking food with a refining furnace shocked the people who followed.

However, the effect is not generally good.

In this kind of forest, if you make a bonfire on the ground brightly, you are courting death.As soon as you see the flames of the bonfire, countless night hunters will come secretly.At that time, even if you fight off the attacks of wild beasts and monsters, you won't be able to sleep all night.Fight with your eyes open.

Otherwise you are dry food and cold water.

How can I make a small stove like others, and then heat rice, dishes, and a pot of hot soup.

Still living in a tree house, it's so cool!
Those following behind were all envious and jealous.

A Changyang sergeant even whispered, "I'm so jealous, I never knew that the alchemist's furnace can do this."

"Then why don't you buy one for use?" His companion asked.

"No, I'd better ask my brother for one, he is a pharmacist."

"I'm sorry, I didn't expect you to have such a powerful brother!"

"No, he's not that good at all. He's busy like a dog every day. He doesn't listen to him day and night to refine medicine, and he is scolded by my grandfather every day as a useless medicine refiner."

Ahhh, his companion laughed.

"Speak, are they on their way to collect elixir?" asked the guard who wanted the stove.

"Keep following and you will know." His companion said.

At this time, people finished their hot meal and began to sleep.Those of them who eat cold food and drink cold water can only envy and hate to find a place to sleep wearing a piece of leather.Emma, ​​without a tree house, the forest at night hurts!
The little wind is blowing, and the heart is so cool!

Early in the morning of the second day, they packed up and set off again.

This time they walked for more than half a day, and then stopped in front of a small waterfall. Together, they walked along a narrow path that was not very smooth and got into the cave behind the small waterfall.

Taohua led everyone through the caves one by one, and even Chu Shiluo was stunned.

They just entered a sinkhole.

On the top is the mouth of the pit with oval skylight, and below is the bottom of the pit whose area is several times larger.

The most important thing at the bottom of the pit is a dilapidated area with broken walls.

A dilapidated courtyard area with an area of ​​over one hundred acres stood quietly under the thick yellow sand.Some weeds grew tenaciously from the yellow sand.

"Is this the relic you mentioned?" Chu Shiluo asked in surprise.

"Yes, it's a secluded place for a senior monk and his relatives and disciples." Tao Hua said. "Let's go, let's go in quickly, but be careful, everyone, it may be dangerous here."

Taohua's words made everyone vigilant, and walked into the ruins cautiously.

After entering the ruins, Peach Blossom quickly rushed in a certain direction.Chu Shiluo hurriedly followed.It was Lin Changge and Qingmei who led the people behind to find a direction and searched.

Peng's double kill exploded, and a huge earthworm-like beast opened its mouth wide, jumping out to bite people.Peach Blossom stepped directly on top of its head with force, and then swept away quickly.

Chu Shiluo was unlucky, when he passed by here, five huge mouths bit out at the same time.He can't jump over, just draw out his saber and start killing!

Taohua quickly avoided the bites, chases, sneak attacks, and hidden weapons again and again, and quickly entered a courtyard that looked very delicate, and then rushed into a dilapidated study room with an open roof according to her memory. Fumbled a few times on a dilapidated bookshelf, then twisted and twisted again.Click, click, after a few mechanism sounds, a dark cabinet bounced out of the bookshelf with a click.

An old wooden box inside was revealed.

Taohua gently opened the box, and inside was a yellow jade unicorn full of cracks and fine lines.

Taohua took the topaz unicorn into the Taiyin Stone Pagoda, and then continued to grope in the study.

When she came in, there was only one broken bookshelf left in the study, and the rest had been taken away.Now she's probably the first to come.The furniture here is still complete, and there seems to be nothing missing.

In order to get things quickly, Taohua simply activated Qi Tianjian, brushing.This study room, which was originally dusty, suddenly shone brightly in her eyes.

There are two blue jade fishes on the inkstone on the table.

Pull this out.

If the inkstone is useless, just put it where it is.

Hey, this table is shining brightly, but the wood on the table is worthless.Open the table and have a look.

It's so good at hiding, there is actually a small flat space hidden under the seemingly monolithic tabletop, inside which are three red beads, large, medium and small.

Taohua was delighted at the first sight, and then threw all three beads into the Taiyin Stone Pagoda with a strange hand speed.

After dismantling the tabletop, the table still has a precious light emerging from it.Taohua simply continued to dismantle the table, and then removed a silver boat, a small off-white stone tablet, a small golden alchemy cauldron and a small silver alchemy cauldron from the four legs of the table.

When Taohua demolished the last small silver refining cauldron, Chu Shiluo hurried in.Then I saw my sister violently push open the legs of the table and pull out a small silver alchemy cauldron the size of a palm from inside.

Especially after he saw Taohua tear the whole table into pieces, his expression was really indescribable.

"I said you are too cruel, why did you tear down the table?"

Taohua casually tossed him four treasures. "Can you find them without dismantling them?"

Chu Shiluo fiddled with the four little treasures a few times, and immediately said with bright eyes, "Tear it down, tear it down here." After speaking, he rushed directly to the largest bookshelf in the study, occupying one wall.

Taohua gave him a speechless look, and then rushed to a small purple gourd hanging on the wall where Baoguang was the strongest.

(End of this chapter)

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