Chapter 398

Boom, boom, the little purple wooden gourd was thrown to the ground by Peach Blossom, and crushed with its feet.

A string of dark green wooden beads was exposed inside, each the size of a child's thumb belly.

This string of beads carried a strange fragrance all the way out, and Chu Shiluo immediately felt his brain clear up when he smelled the fragrance, and immediately added many new ideas and new ideas to many places that he hadn't realized before.

"What's that?" He couldn't help asking when he saw that the beads disappeared when Taohua pulled her little hand.

"Have you ever heard of Wudao Tea?" Tao Hua asked with a sideways glance at her elder brother.

"That's enlightenment tea? No, it's beads..." Chu Shiluo asked in confusion.

"Doesn't Wudao tea grow on trees?" The peach blossoms were rendered speechless by his words.

"Wait, are you saying that those are the wooden beads ground from the Wudao tea tree?" Chu Shiluo asked in astonishment.

"However, the tea tree has such effects. These are the wooden beads that are extracted from the heart of the millennium-enlightened tea tree and polished. It has a miraculous effect on monks, especially low-level monks." Taohua said with a smile.

"It's a good thing, let my brother use it later." Chu Shiluo said.

"Success, use 100 yuan of spirit stones a day, use whatever you want," Tao Hua said.

Chu Shiluo: You black hearted little girl.

Just for a while, my little sister snapped open a bronze lamp holder again, and then fished out a small silver-white ball from the lamp holder.When Chu Shiluo saw the small ball, he was overwhelmed with excitement. "It's a sword pill. It's a sword pill that has just been refined and hasn't been integrated into the sword. This is a treasure. I heard from my master that there is no one of this kind of treasure for hundreds of years."

Peach Blossom casually threw it to our eldest brother, "Here you go, play with it."

Chu Shiluo was speechless for a moment, holding the sword pill in his hand was like holding a hot potato, and he didn't accept it, and he was a little reluctant to send it back.

"I said what are you struggling with? Wait for someone to come later, can you still keep this sword pill?" Taohua rolled his eyes helplessly.What do you think, don't forget that there are so many tails behind us.

Chu Shiluo suddenly came to his senses, and swallowed the sword pill without saying a word.

Tao Hua was even more speechless when she saw it, thinking that this unlucky kid didn't even check to see if there was anything else bad in that sword pill, what if it was poisonous if eaten?How did this thing survive until now?
It's really not easy for her father, this eldest son is full of signs of premature death.

"Brother, I said you..."

Drink, suddenly someone let out a shocking roar.

The laughter turned into waves of air.

Taohua and Chu Shiluo knew immediately that a master was coming.And this master is at least a high-ranking God Altar Realm, or a peak God Altar Realm.

The expressions of the two brothers and sisters all changed.

Who is this, came too fast.

Immediately after this long howl, there were several more long howls, and laughter came from several directions around.

Tao Hua thought for a while, then tore off a scroll on the wall and held it in her hand.Then shook it off a few times, and put it into his storage bracelet.After doing this, Taohua quickly took a golden alchemy cauldron and a silver boat from Chu Shiluo's hand.He left the small silver tripod and the small stele in his brother's hands.

Chu Shiluo looked at her in astonishment.

Taohua deliberately blinked at him a few times.Then continue to move towards a small jade screen.Click, click, a black fingernail-sized jade array plate was dug out.

"Hey, hey, let me tell you, how can you, little girl, absorb it so quickly? The jade screen in your hand is also a magical treasure, okay? Tell me, even if you want to dismantle that small array, we You can also find a good way to remove the little black array for protection."

A middle-aged monk with a chubby round face walked in.The two brothers and sisters had just heard the laughter and shouts, and after a while, someone came directly in front of them.

The high-ranking monks who came this time are not simple.

Taohua looked at him speechlessly, and then put the small black array plate she got into the storage bracelet in her hand.

"Children nowadays really don't know how to respect the old and the virtuous. Tell me, what have you found?"

"I said Wu Chang, don't you still have to nod, don't you see that kid is wearing my Qingxu Jianzong disciple card on his waist? Even if the two little guys get something, it's not something you can covet. Unless Are you going to completely put us on the right track with our Qingxu Sword Sect?"

"I said ancient ghost, how did you come so fast? I heard that you returned to the mountain gate the day before yesterday." The fat monk with a round face complained angrily about another monk with a square face in white clothes who felt it in time.

Although the other party's face was not good-looking, he had thick eyebrows and big eyes, deep eyes, high nose bridge, thick lips, and was very dignified, especially like a senior monk.

"What does it have to do with you if I go back to the mountain gate? Here are the relics discovered by the juniors of my sect. It's fine for you to come here shamelessly to hunt for treasures. Why do you want to take away what the juniors got?"

The fat monk with a round face felt uncomfortable from his hot gaze, so he could only snort coldly and run away.Anyway, this relic is a new discovery, and if it doesn't work, he can also gain a lot in other places.

As soon as he left, Taohua obediently took out the painting scroll from her storage bracelet, and put it in the hands of a certain senior.

"This is a space medicine garden. Although the aura has diffused a lot, I think there should be a third-order elixir left."

The monk surnamed Gu who didn't care much at first grabbed the scroll excitedly.

"Is it really the third level?" the ancient monk asked.

"Yes, it's really the third level, but there shouldn't be many remaining. It's been too long, and the spiritual energy has diffused too much." Tao Hua said obediently.

"Good job. Who is your master?" asked the ancient monk.

"Yang Xiao." Tao Hua said.

"That brat Yang Xiao didn't take his disciples for nothing this time. You guys haven't been a disciple for long, have you?" asked the ancient cultivator.

"Only two years." Taohua said. "The Zongmen is too poor and lacks all resources. We have no choice but to run out to find opportunities."

The ancient monk nodded in special approval.

"When the spiritual energy was overflowing, I told them to grab more things so as not to be sad later. But they were too embarrassing and refused to listen to me. Is this going to be good? Even the little disciples under the sect know that life is going to happen I can't go down."

Tao Hua nodded in agreement, "Yes, yes. If you want resources, you have to do what you have to do. If you want face, you can be cultivated."

Upon hearing this, the ancient monk immediately glanced at Peach Blossom with great admiration.This little girl is not only good-looking, but also has a temper that suits his taste.

"Aside from this space medicine garden, what else have you discovered?" the ancient monk asked. "I'm not trying to steal your things, but you won't be able to use many things after you get them. It's better to exchange them for Zongmen's contribution points and exchange them for things suitable for your use."

(End of this chapter)

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