Chapter 400
Chu Shiluo followed Taohua's footsteps, walked sideways into the narrow stone path, and walked into an underground secret room after walking for a while.

There are a large number of middle and low-level elixir jade boxes stored here, but because the jade boxes are not suitable for long-term storage in a space with no aura or thin aura.So the elixir in the jade box turned into dross one after another.

Taohua searched carefully and found some small gourds in a special interlayer.These small gourds and peach blossoms didn't even look at them, so they were put into his Taiyin Stone Pagoda one after another.He grabbed hundreds of small gourds and emptied the interlayer.

Pulling the interlayer on this side into the air, Taohua found another interlayer, and then pulled out a bunch of small gourds, which are the size of a palm.Those small gourds were all emerald green.The small gourds here are all fuchsia.

After the mezzanine of Balakon, Taohua deducted a small hidden door from a corner of the wall, and then took out a dozen or so small golden gourds inside.

After filling these small gourds, Tao Hua opened another small stone door without looking at anything else, and took her brother to the next place.

"I said what are those little gourds?"

"Don't ask, don't inquire. We'll talk about it when we get back." Taohua stopped him.

Chu Shiluo's expression turned pale and he was speechless.

The two of them walked another section of the stone road, and then walked into a small underground lake.

"I finally found it, it's here." Taohua looked at Xiaohu and smiled. "We are waiting here for Lin Changge and Second Sister. They will come here after they have collected their things."

"We still haven't found a lot of places up there." Chu Shiluo said unwillingly pointing up.

"There are still some valuables on it, but it's not worth our robbing." Tao Hua said. "Even if you want to grab it, you can't grab it. Do you think the Changyang Guards are given for nothing?"

"But there are those great monks of the Zongmen up there? They are not ordinary monks." Chu Shiluo pointed out.

"Come to an army of [-] monks, let everyone prepare a bundle of Fu Wen and throw guns, try it, who dares to be arrogant in front of the guards? Just send him to the third reincarnation."

Zongmen Great Cultivators are called Great Cultivators because they are basically reincarnated from former Zongmen Senior Cultivators.And it was reincarnated by someone.They have already been reincarnated for the second time, and if they reincarnate three times after death, they may not remember their cultivation knowledge from the previous life, and they may not be able to retain the cultivation qualifications of the previous life. The most terrible thing is that they should not be reincarnated into their own sect.

If the reincarnation is outside and is discovered by other monks, it will basically be reincarnated immediately.

The more times a monk reincarnates, the more difficult it is to solve the mystery of the womb, the more difficult it is to recall the memory of the previous life, and it is even more difficult to maintain the original cultivation talent, and the chance of re-entering the cultivation path in the future is even slimmer.

Tao Hua's words directly made Chu Shiluo click his tongue.

"Will there be so many Changyang guards rushing over?"

Peach Blossom "Hehe."

Before Taohua finished speaking, she heard the sound of uniform military boots stamping on the ground.

Chu Shiluo's face immediately changed, and even Tao Hua was slightly surprised.Xin said that these Changyang guards were not slow to react.

Just when Chu Shiluo was still figuring out how many Changyang guards would come in, he saw that Taohua had pulled out the fishing rod, fishing basket, fishing net and ground cage from the storage bracelet.

"I said what are you doing?"

"Fishing for shrimp, what are you doing?"

"Taohua, you came here just to fish?" Chu Shiluo asked in astonishment.

"You're not willing to ask for the lowest third-rank fish? This place has been changed to the best-preserved spiritual object in the entire ruins. Don't just stand there and go fishing. There are fishing rods and ground cages over there. Hurry up and help me get out of the cage first." Chu Shiluo was shocked when he heard this. "There are third-order spirit fish here?"

"The lowest level should be the third level, and the highest level is the fifth level. After all, the aura has been thin here for too many years." Although the entire small secret realm also has aura, the aura is too thin to support spiritual creatures above the sixth level.

Tier [-] can only be cubs.

After placing the cages, throw out the fishing nets, set up the fishing rods by the way, and sink the fishing rods one by one into the shallow water by the lake.Taohua dug out another jasper gourd from the Taiyin Stone Pagoda.Following her, she pulled out several large wooden barrels from the storage bracelet.

Then set up a bonfire with peace of mind, and then sit on a small bench by the bonfire and wait.While waiting, he took out the small alchemy cauldron to warm up food and vegetables.

Chu Shiluo's expression was beyond words.

He had too many questions to ask, but he remembered the big monks above.After all, he didn't ask the question in his heart.

Not long after, Lin Changge and Qingmei came out from another stone path with beaming faces.

When they saw Taohua and the others, they even took the initiative to say hello.

"How's it going, how's the harvest?" Qing Mei walked over to ask the younger sister with a smile.

"It's okay, I also exchanged a lot of sect contribution points for elder brother." Tao Hua said joyfully.

"Why did you change it?" Qingmei asked curiously.

Taohua told her sister what happened after they entered the ruins.Of course, she subtracted all the things she collected herself.

After hearing Taohua's words, Qingmei thought for a while and said, "Brother, it's best to go back to the sect recently and exchange all the things you need."

"That's what I thought too. When we go out, I'll ask my elder brother to go back and exchange for what I need. Otherwise, if someone comes to borrow it, do you think it's better for my elder brother to borrow it or not."

After hearing Taohua's words, Chu Shiluo immediately became excited, and his body was full of chills.The merit points that I finally obtained by myself may really be missed by some weirdos.

"Hey, Taohua, when did you put down the fishing net and the ground cage? I think the ground cage over there has moved. Did you bring it up instead?" Lin Changge interjected all the time.

"It's been a long time. It's almost half an hour. Hurry up and get me the ground cage, fishing net, and fish basket."

Lin Changge heard the display and pulled up a ground cage.

There are fish, shrimp and crab in it.But the volume is not large.The largest crabs are the size of a baby's fist, even in large numbers.

Taohua put the lively and healthy fish, shrimp and crabs into the jasper gourd, and threw the others that looked weak into the bucket next to them.

Chu Shiluo and others looked at each other embarrassingly.

The same operation was repeated after Lin Changge pulled on the catch again and again.

Peach Blossom's little hand picks quickly and seriously.

Qingmei and the others who watched were very speechless.

"These little fish, shrimps and crab larvae, don't they look unusual?" Qing Mei squatted beside a bucket and watched carefully.

(End of this chapter)

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