Chapter 401
"Take it back and raise it and you'll know." Tao Hua didn't want to say more. "Anyway, what's wrong with things that can be kept in the ruins?"

"It makes sense, come and help me fish." Qingmei took the initiative to take charge of five or six fishing rods.

Even if the fishing rod is equipped with bait, it is not very easy to catch, but every time the small fish caught are unusual, the pups are a little bit bigger.

Even if the thumb belly is big, there is a difference in size between fish cubs with two big thumb belly, or three big thumb belly.

But these small fishes caught are super lively and fierce.Some even dared to ask for Qingmei's finger.

Qingmei: "..." Are you guys going to be fried, fried, or grilled?
The young fish couldn't understand her new life, so they just opened their mouths, ahhh.

Ome: What should I do if I want to grill skewers too much?
"Sister, what are you looking at?" Taohua finished collecting a wave of small fish and shrimps, and looked suspiciously at her sister who was staring at a certain small fish in a daze.

"Grilled skewers?" Qingmei asked blankly.

"Let's fry it, it's too small to fit on the skewers." Taohua thought for a while and replied seriously.

"Okay, I can make do with pan frying. Wait, let me ask Lin Changge if he can pan fry?" Qing Mei was the first to think of Lin Changge, who is especially good at eating.

Lin Changge became energetic as soon as he heard it, and quickly handed over the work in his hands to Chu Shiluo, and then took out the frying pan.

Chu Shiluo immediately said in a very speechless manner, "That's too much, you came out with a frying pan?"

"I actually brought a frying pan, a stewing pan, and a steamer." Lin Changge smiled shyly.

Chu Shiluo was also helpless.He simply handed over the work that Lin Changge entrusted to him to a few boys in the clan.Then he also ran to wash the pot and fish with Lin Changge.

Foodie +1!

"Why do I think the two of them want to eat pan-fried fish larvae more than the two of us?" Qingmei moved closer to Taohua, watching her continue to eat fish and shrimp, and complained.

"Try it, it's not delicious, who is willing to take these little seedlings back?"

"Xiao Yao, what you said makes sense."

"Yes, yes."

This made a certain big monk feel helpless when he found out what they were doing. You said you go to the lake to catch fish and shrimp, so why do you have to eat in advance?

It's just a group of foodies! !

Cough cough, when they are finished frying, I will have a plate too.

Ever since the second sister proposed to eat fried fish, Taohua has consciously selected the more vigorous and vigorous young fish, and dropped all the other seedlings, and sent them directly to Lin Changge and the eldest brother for disposal.As more and more fish were eliminated, more team members went there to help deal with the small fish.

Lin Changge marinated the small fish that had been cleaned and their intestines removed with the ingredients, and when the time came, they fried them directly.

Small fish, small shrimps, small crabs, they are all small seedlings anyway, they are all put on the frying pan, and after frying, they are covered with a layer of spices. The aroma makes the mouth water.

Qingmei quickly took a plate, and she ate it with Taohua.

It was delicious, but it was too little, and a plate was eaten in the blink of an eye.

"It's so delicious, hurry up and fry some more." Lin Changge was not very familiar with this business, and when Lin Changge looked up, he immediately saw a handsome man in white with a long sword on his back. "Senior, who are you?"

"Is the little guy not good at seeing? I'm Fu Xiyi from the Qingxu Sword Sect. Have you never seen me?"

Lin Changge shook his head directly.

"But he has seen me. Right? Little guy." Fu Xiyi pointed at Chu Shiluo's head and said to Lin Changge.

Chu Shiluo nodded pitifully after hearing this.

He also didn't expect that Fu Xiyi, the great monk whom he met just now, would suddenly appear in front of him, and even snatch a plate of fried fish from him.

"Okay, I was wrong, just wait a moment, I'll fry the fish right now." Lin Changge raised his hand to beg for mercy.

"Oh, young people nowadays, they don't take us old seniors seriously, they can't even remember my handsome face. How did the teacher who brought you in educate you?" Fu Xi Yi loves nagging.

Lin Changge was speechless, "I think Jianzong should draw portraits of all the elders and book them into a booklet, one for each disciple."

Fu Xiyi was taken aback when she heard this, and then said, "It's a good idea, but it's not enough to make it happen. I'm so handsome, I've already passed the mountain gate, if every disciple has a copy, it won't be spread out. Turn over the entire southwestern cultivation world?"

Lin Changge was speechless, and said to himself, uncle, are you thinking too much?

"But I'll talk about your opinion later with the old guys in the sect. By the way, what's your name? Then I'll say that you came up with the suggestion." Fu Xiyi said seriously.

"Chu Shiluo." Lin Changge said equally solemnly.

Chu Shiluo: "..." What should I do if I seem to be beating someone?
In order to make it easier for everyone to eat fried fish quickly, so as not to spoil the marinated fresh fish, Lin Changge took out several frying pans and fried them at the same time.

Fu Xiyi greatly admired the skill of frying fish.

Everyone eats fish, and drinks some spiritual juices, and the little days are simply blissful.

It's a pity that when everyone was still fishing and eating, a female monk suddenly found this place somehow.

"Hey, there is also a Lingshui lake here. Maybe there are some fresh lakes in it that can be collected. Let me collect them." The man directly took out a white jade bottle, and then the bottle mouth was facing the small lake, and he simply connected the lake to the lake. All the fish and shrimp in the water were taken away.

With her hand, Fu Xiyi quickly took out a small clay pot and began to collect the lake water, but judging from the water flow, Fu Xiyi absorbed much more water than that female monk.

"Fu Xiyi, you old bastard, why do you want to grab everything I see?!" The female monk found Fu Xiyi and roared angrily.

"You take yours, I take mine, what's bothering you? Are you glad you found out that there is a small lake here?" Fu Xiyi still said calmly.

People are not angry, what are you angry about? I just finished eating fried fish and I am in a good mood.

"Fu Xiyi, stop me, I'm in love with you." After finishing speaking, the female monk accelerated the speed of collection.

But she speeded up, and Fu Xiyi also became faster.The lake water was quickly divided by the two of them, and the small fish, shrimps, and crabs in the lake water were all taken away by the two of them.

Taohua quickly put the small fish, shrimp and crab in the bucket into her storage bracelet.Lin Changge also simply put away both the built and unfried fish and shrimp.Pack together with the pot.Then the group of people looked around and planned to run away.

"Don't run, a few little things still want to run out of my palm and leave them for me." The female monk suddenly made a ruthless hand, and a black and smelly huge aura palm whizzed towards the direction of Taohua and the group. shoot away.

"Hugh's crazy, plotting against my juniors, do you think I'm dead?" Fu Xiyi swung his sword to arouse the light of the sword and was about to smash the big black palm into pieces.

(End of this chapter)

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