The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 402: White Jade Brand

Chapter 402: White Jade Brand
"Hmph, you want to run, baby?" The female monk suddenly yelled loudly, and then punched upwards to break through the thin soil layer. She jumped and disappeared in front of everyone's eyes.

As soon as she left, everyone was shocked to see that the small lake, which was originally small, was completely lost and only a water base remained.

Fu Xiyi snorted coldly, and even picked up the bottom of the water. "That woman is obviously trying to use you to hold me back, so that I won't let me continue to chase her to get back the water in the small lake. Huh, she's lucky this time."

Chu Shiluo and the others looked suddenly enlightened.

That female monk said that they ran away after taking the treasure. It was obviously nonsense, but it also restrained Fu Xiyi. If Fu Xiyi went after that female monk at this time, maybe there would be something shameless The monk ran over and asked them what kind of treasure they got.

"Let's go, this place has already been taken by the Changyang Guards, we have enough things, I'll send you out." Fu Xiyi said with a pain in her heart.In fact, he didn't want to leave at all, he wanted to stay in this ruins and continue digging.

It's a pity that more than 1 Changyang guards came, and he couldn't do it with the ancient ghosts, so he could only let the ruins go to the Changyang guards in despair.

Fortunately, he came here relatively early this time, and he also caught a lot of good things.

Fu Xiyi collected the lake water, and then led Chu Shiluo and the others out of the underground lake.Ever since it was knocked down by the female cultivator's punch, the land around the fist hole has been collapsing and falling.By the time Taohua and the others went up, they had already formed a rocky road for people to walk up.

Walking on the ground, there are indeed Changyang guards all around.As soon as they found out, the monk silently escorted each other away from the ruins.

If you don't leave, if you don't leave, you will beat him directly.Besides, you can grab something by the way.

But for their team, the leader is Grand Cultivator Fu Xiyi.So the Changyang Guards were just a few teams escorting them towards the outside.And they were not allowed to stay outside, so they were relieved to escort them out of the secret realm directly.

After being escorted out, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

It was still Fu Xiyi who said, "Hurry up and go back to the sect. Be careful along the way, don't be attacked by someone."

As for whether the disciple could return to the sect alive, Fu Xiyi didn't care.He is an elder monk, not a nanny.If you really can't live in the sect, it can only be said that the chance is shallow, and it should be like this.

After Taohua and the others came out, they went directly to Xifeng City and then went home through the teleportation array.

The discovery of the ruins in the secret realm is a big deal. The Changyang Guard sent more than 5 monks into the secret realm.So the journey was safe and there were no accidents.

After returning to the Chu family compound, everyone gathered in the lobby of the main building.

After looking at Taohua, there are only about twenty people, and everyone has to come out in full, very good, this task is done well.

"According to the rules, whoever gets the relics will get it. If you want to exchange, then we will hold a small fair. Everyone come to the stage one by one, take out the items you want to trade and tell them what you want to trade.

If someone is willing to trade, you can barter.Of course, it is also possible to replace it with Lingshi.

As for the black claw vine dug up by our group, after the sale, we will distribute everyone's share to everyone. "

Tao Hua's words brought joy to the faces of the twenty or so people present.They thought that they would hand in all or part of the harvest from the ruins this time, but they didn't expect that it all belonged to them in the end.Let this kind of good thing happen a few more times in the future.

"We are all on our own. As long as everyone doesn't go back and talk nonsense, then let's make a private transaction."

"Whoever talks nonsense, I'll beat him up. Let's make a deal. I want to exchange something too."

"That's right, I don't know what the thing I got is for, but it doesn't look like I can use it."

"I got a bunch of medicine picks, small shovels and so on, and I want to change some that are useful to me."

Twenty or so people talked about it in a hurry, and most of them wanted to make a deal.

Then Peach Blossom asked people to prepare tables and chairs.

The largest long table was moved and placed in front of everyone.Qing Mei took the initiative to walk over, then stood on the side of the table and said, "Then who will come first?"

"I, I..." A young boy jumped over immediately. "I got seven or eight pieces of blue iron ore." He poured a small iron ore directly onto the table. "I don't use this, I want to change some elixir, lingering fruit."

"It seems to be first-order blue iron ore," Chu Shiluo said after taking a closer look.

"Brother, if you need it, replace it. Ask him if he wants spiritual fruit or spiritual ginseng?" Tao Hua said.

Chu Shiluo hurriedly asked, but the kid wanted spiritual ginseng.Not long after, three spirit ginseng were sent over.The spirit ginseng was given to others, and Chu Shiluo took the spirit ore.

"Mine are some elixir. These are elixir that I don't intend to ask for. Can you trade some spirit stones for me?" The second one looked at Chu Shiluo and Chu Taohua at the beginning.Apparently he came here to exchange spirit stones.

Then there's nothing wrong with it, Chu Shiluo arrogantly asked people to accept it, and then exchanged the spirit stones for him according to the grade and preservation of the elixir.There is no first-order spirit stone.Slowly, a pile of elixir in the jade box was exchanged for a piece of spirit stone.

It's still Chu Shiluo who counts on him.

However, these elixir medicines are well preserved, and many elixir medicines are alive, just to enrich the Chu family's elixir varieties.But he doesn't need to take care of these things, as long as these elixir are given to Ling Zhifu at home.

In case these panaceas are planted alive, in terms of long-term benefits, Chu Shiluo will not lose.

The third one who came up took out several medicine hoes, medicine shovels and other Ling Zhifu tools.Many people can use this kind of thing, so the atmosphere on the scene became lively.There are several people who want to use their harvest to exchange medicine hoe, medicine shovel and so on.

After he finished the exchange, someone went up to exchange it. Some of them were successful, and some of them were not willing to exchange, so they asked Chu Shiluo to exchange them for spirit stones or spirit coins.

When everyone finished changing, they all collected their things and went back to their respective homes.Then there was a guy who walked last, and when everyone left, he came back again.

"Mr. Dalang, Mrs. Six, I still have a treasure, but I don't know what it is, can you please identify it for me."

"What's wrong with this, you can take it out." Chu Shiluo didn't take it seriously.Lin Changge took them for a stroll, and indeed he gained a lot, but there were not many that were really valuable.

But these things are also a fortune for people like them.

The man's face was tangled, so he took out a small white jade plaque and handed it to Chu Shiluo.

Chu Shiluo looked at the white jade sign, and saw that there were only some landscape patterns on both sides, but he didn't know what it was.

So he handed the sign to Taohua again.

"Show me what this is?"

(End of this chapter)

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