The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 408 Fried Chicken

Chapter 408 Fried Chicken

"What are you thinking, the Patriarch of the Chu family doesn't dare to let you play like this! Incompetent people not only destroy living things, but also destroy people's hearts, don't you know?" Tao Hua said angrily.

"What happened to the head of the Chu family? Your master is not the father of the head!" the woman said disdainfully.

"Shut up." Chu Changyuan immediately scolded her angrily. "Can the patriarch of the sub-clan be the same as the head of the Chu family? The head of the family is the head of our Chu family, the person who controls the fortunes of our Chu family. Can you pay attention to the head of the family? If you can't speak, just stand aside for me. Don't be silly here." For Chu Changyuan, who has lived in the family atmosphere for a long time, he agrees with the family's philosophy more than others.Besides, if the Patriarch of the Chu family hadn't been behind the push, would the Changyang Chu family be able to achieve their current glory today?
All the men in the clan talk like this, and that is true.

"My lord, it's fortunate that you still know the importance. Why don't you go back and talk to my uncle, if he agrees, then let him come to me. I'll help him arrange it." Taohua immediately smiled like a flower at Chu Chang Yuan said.

"Can't we just arrange a better position for him?" Chu Changyuan was still struggling.

"That's harmful to him. Uncle is not young this year. If you don't let him go out to practice, when he gets older, he won't like to go out to make troubles. Otherwise, you can rely on your relationship to let him enter Miryang Go to Chengling's mansion. Chengling Zhang Wei is also a very powerful person." Taohua said.

As soon as Taohua mentioned Zhang Wei, Chu Changyuan immediately looked around, making sure that no outsiders were eavesdropping, and then said to Taohua, "Oh, you are too young, you still don't understand. Zhang Wei, the Miyang city magistrate, is indeed He is an outstanding person, but he is only the eldest son of the Zhang family, not the eldest son of the Zhang family.

He can't decide where Zhang's big ship will go in the future!

I heard that the eldest son of the Zhang family is very afraid of him, and often speaks ill of him around the head of the Zhang family.The attitudes of the elders in the Zhang family are also very ambiguous, they are good with both sides, it is generous to ask for food, but they are not doing business.

I heard people say that Zhang Chengling asked the family for a huge amount of various resources, and many people in the family objected. In addition, he needed a large number of clerks and craftsmen from the family to support him. There are many elders in the family who have strong opinions on this. , Many craftsmen and civil servants are members of the Zhang clan, and they are not willing to go to the northwest to eat sand.Therefore, it is very difficult to grasp the recent popularity in the clan.Everyone said that he wanted to be the eldest son and wanted to be crazy.There is endless noise in the Zhang family, and the supporters have not yet walked out of Zhang's gate. "

In a family, the controller is the head of the family, or the patriarch.The heir is the eldest son.

Tao Hua was very astonished when she heard these words.

"Grandpa, how do you know these things?"

"One day I went for a walk in Miyang's shop, and I helped someone in Miyang City. I didn't expect that person to be the father of the servant of Zhang Chengling's disciples sent by the Zhang Family's eldest son. Their family is a servant. In the mansion over there, you get a bit more face than ordinary people. We two old men chatted very happily and later became friends. I originally intended to let your uncle go to the Chengling Mansion as an errand, but he was drunk that day. Said that I was going to send your uncle to the city magistrate's mansion, so he told me these words quickly, and told me never to say it afterwards. Otherwise, they will all suffer." Chu Changyuan said.

"Is this news true?" Tao Hua asked back.

"Peach Blossom, you have never been a servant, so you don't know. The servants have served the master for generations. Although they may not have many skills, they are definitely well-informed. Sometimes the master of my house doesn't know The news has already spread among the servants.

The old man said that Zhang Wei Zhang Chengling was forced to go to the northwest to become an official because he was young and not the eldest son, and his family refused to compromise for him to be an official in the imperial capital.

Think about it, the eldest son of the Zhang family kicked out his confidant's serious troubles so easily, how could he let the family continue to support Zhang Wei and Zhang Chengling.The development of these Zhang Weicheng orders in the northwest was accumulated by himself.

If you think about it, the Zhang family is also a noble family with a title.If they were willing to support Zhang Wei and Zhang Chengling, how could Zhang Chengling have been squatting in this remote place in the northwest for so many years? "

"So grandpa thinks that Zhang Chengling is unreliable, and it would be better to let him work in the family if he becomes an official?" Tao Hua asked guessing his thoughts.

"Your uncle is the most gifted child I have ever seen. He has studied very hard since he was a child. He is still smart, and he is not pedantic. To be honest, I have never felt that he is more talented than the original brother. The difference between those big men and young men.

I only hate that he has a father who is not up to date like me, which drags him down.

If 20 years earlier, I was also a certain man of the direct branch, even if I was not taken seriously, I would still be sure to push my son out, so that my son would have become a high official. "

After Chu Changyuan said this, he was so moved that he cried.Hey, hey, old tears.

But found that Tao Hua didn't take it to heart at all.

"Taohua, why don't you feel sorry for your uncle at all, he was born at the wrong time. How can he be an official at this time, and he can protect himself in the clan at this time. I want to see He honors his ancestors, and his life is not as important as his own."

Taohua is speechless: Yes, her grandfather is in trouble with being an official.

"It's useless for me to regret it. This is the world now, and everyone is powerless and can only barely survive."

Chu Changyuan's eyes widened immediately after hearing this, "You are still alive, as long as Chu Dashan lives for a day, you will be able to live freely for a day. You are a little girl and find a good husband to marry in the future, it is up to your father It's Chu Dashan, how dare your in-laws bully you?"

"I have my own difficulties." Taohua smiled, and didn't bother to break up with grandpa. "That's fine, grandpa, you are recuperating at home. If you need anything, just say something. If you can get it back, I will get it back for you. As for my uncle, I think you should listen to his opinion carefully." , isn’t he a smart listener, once you tell me what I say, he will understand.”

Cultivating anyone is not cultivating, they are all surnamed Chu, and keep the blood of the Chu family.Even those who are not surnamed Chu are not being cultivated by her.

She has accumulated a lot of rosters of personnel alone.

"Then I'll go first. By the way, Grandpa, teach your little lady not to speak if she can't speak." Taohua glanced at the beautiful woman who was occupying her. Chu Wang didn't know why you suddenly Her hair stood on end when she saw it.

Like a fried chicken, she jumped up with an ahh.

(End of this chapter)

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