The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 409 Chu Xi's Demeanor

Chapter 409 Chu Xi's Demeanor

Taohua watched her jump far away, and just smiled and walked out.

"Husband, look at her, she is a junior, she..." Chu Wang was startled just now, seeing Taohua leave, she immediately rushed to Chu Changyuan's side, shaking his arm and said unrelentingly.She meant that she wanted Chu Changyuan to make the decision for her, or at least scold that little girl.

"You have nothing to provoke her to do. As long as she comes in the future, no matter what thoughts or opinions you have, don't say them directly. Tell her after you finish talking with me." Chu Changyuan said seriously to his little wife .

"What do you mean?" Chu Wang was puzzled.

"That girl didn't find out when she was a child, but now she finds out that she has no heart."

"What does it mean to have no heart?" Mrs. Chu looked at Fu Lang with a sullen expression and asked.

"It means that there are too few people and things in this world that can make that girl take care of her heart. Her heart is very ruthless. Besides, what she said just now is not to scare you. If you dare to confront her again, maybe she It really leaves you speechless."

"Ah?" Chu Wang screamed in fright.

"It's not that I'm scaring you, you stay away from her in the future." Chu Changyuan said with condensed eyes, "My body was too young to do heavy work too early, and I hurt my bones. No matter how much medicine and food supplements later, it won't help. I I don't know how many years I can live. In short, when I am alive, I will try my best to plan for you two.

His daughter-in-law of the Dashan family is powerful, but she cares too much about her relationship with him.At most, they will suffer and say bad things about us in secret.Although Dalang of the Dashan family is smart, he is relatively benevolent and weak in doing things.Saburo and Shiro haven't seen the definiteness yet.

Needless to say, Qingmei is a typical person who is cold on the outside and hot on the inside. She is very smart, but she is still naive, and her actions and thoughts are naive.

He never thought that the youngest Peach Blossom would be so difficult to deal with.How did this girl develop the personality of a smiling rouge tiger?

Just looking at his words and deeds, he is also a precocious one, and he has a bit of the demeanor of Chu Xi, the eldest daughter of the first wife. "

When the Chu Wang family heard this, everyone felt like they were about to explode. "No way, they all say Miss Chu Xi is a cannibal witch."

"What kind of cannibal witch? It turns out that when Miss Chuxi was still alive, Changyang Dichu still had a little bit of anger. When she is gone, Dichu's life will go from bad to worse. I am too greedy and too eager to advance. Otherwise, there would be no disasters later. Huh, the second lady Chu Da, if she is better than her elder sister, why did Di Chuhu promote her after her sister was gone.

I always think of myself as a person, but in the end I make myself disappear, and my life may not be as good as ours. "

As soon as Chu Changyuan mentioned Chu Da, he couldn't help but maliciously speculate that she was not doing well. As long as he thought that she would live in dire straits without the support of her family and wealth, he would be happy.

"I curse her to be alone all her life, never to get what she wants."

"But if that person is really powerful, she won't think of any bad ways to get back at me, right? Actually, I don't think I contradicted her, am I an elder? Besides, I don't think there is anything wrong with me. Sir, you Just say that you don't want us Xiao Wu to directly manage a bunch of people?" The Chu Wang family is beautiful, but her knowledge is limited, and she can't really reward her, so she changed her nonsense and said nonsense.

Anyway, only she is right, you are all wrong.

Chu Changyuan is naturally willing to spoil her, if he doesn't want to, they can't live together for so many years.

Although he married three wives, the first wife died too early, and he can't remember her face clearly.The death of the latter wife was too irritating, and it wiped away his goodwill towards women.At the beginning, he thought that he would never marry again.

Then he met her.

"Listen to me, Dashan is not a fool. He won't let Xiao Wu practice his basic property, even if Xiao Wu may be able to do it. He has to explain to the people who follow him, and he has to be right. The family has an explanation.

Actually, after thinking about it carefully, what Tao Hua just said is quite correct. "

"But our little five has never suffered anything. I can't bear to..." Chu Wang said with tears in his eyes.

"Mom, although I haven't experienced any hardships, I think I can do it." Chu Zheng lifted the front of his robe, and walked in the door gracefully.Chu Zheng is no longer as immature as he was back then, he is already a normal figure of an adult youth.

Speaking of Chu Changyuan's five sons, only Chu Zheng is the best.Naturally beautiful man.

At this age, the only one in the family who can compete with him is Chu Shiluo.

Chu Sanlang's temper is relatively straightforward, and his temperament is a little bit worse.Although Chu Silang looks better, he is colder than others, like a flower in the high mountains, not as hot as Chu Zheng in terms of popularity.

As soon as Chu Zheng appeared, the servants around all cast their eyes in this direction.

"But mother has a son like you, mother is reluctant, otherwise we won't go out, mother will find you a good wife, and you can just stay at home and run the family shop." Chu Wang said.

"Mom, I got tired of those two shops when I was 12 years old." Chu Zheng said helplessly. "If you really don't want me to go to the second brother's side, then I'll go directly to Changyang or Xifeng."

"Why?" Chu Wang asked annoyed. "Why did you choose a place farther and farther away from home?"

Chu Zheng looked helplessly at the tears, and looked at his own mother questioningly.

He really didn't want to tell the big secret that was pressing in his heart.

In fact, he was also a reborn person, but he was reborn more than a year after Chu Xi's sudden death.It really is too late!
He also brought a heavy treasure earth drilling vehicle with him.

In his previous life, he listened to people talking, and those with great luck are also the sons of luck in this world, and they will be accompanied by a treasure in their spirits and souls.

These heavy treasures are diverse and have different abilities.But the same thing is, everyone wants them.It is said that people from the outside world pay more attention to these treasures and spend a lot of effort to find out where they are.

However, those who have a lot of treasure must be the son of luck, but those who have a lot of luck do not necessarily have a lot of treasure.

Some people speculate that it is likely that the world consciousness did this in order to deliberately confuse people from the outside world.

In his previous life, he had been wandering for most of his life. He didn't know whether it was luck or luck. He never died, and everyone around him died, so at the last moment of his life, he suddenly got this precious earth drilling vehicle.Later, he quietly went out to inquire, and it turned out that people in the world called the person who appeared later and possessed a heavy treasure the son of luck in the middle and late stages.

(End of this chapter)

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