The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 429 The Giant Clam Array of Yanbo Island

Chapter 429 The Giant Clam Array of Yanbo Island
"I have brought them all back. What is most lacking in Beiming Continent now is Zhuanji Dan and Bodiless Pill, but we don't have many of these two kinds of elixir." Zhuang Zihan frowned and said, "On our side, these two kinds of elixir It is difficult to get enough medicine whether we go to Baicao Pavilion, Xiancaotang or Dancaolou. They sell us dozens of medicines at most. This is too different from the demand gap over there. There are [-] medicines per mouth. "

"Four thousand pieces, it's okay, it can satisfy them, but do they have such things to trade?" Chu Moyan asked. "Not to mention anything else, the main medicine Qing Moss flower that must be used in Zhuan Jidan and the main medicine Sanyang Hunhuancao that must be used in the Bodiless Pill are not spiritual grasses from our mainland. There are two kinds of spiritual medicines that are traded over there. become."

"How about we get some seeds and plant them ourselves?" Zhuang Zihan asked.

"It's okay to plant a lot, but the key is where to plant it? Xiantaozhuang can't do it. The owner said that she has plans for the spiritual plants planted there. There are still a few branches that have also planted some spiritual grass and spiritual flowers, but the area is small It's very small. Moreover, the spirit grass and spirit flowers they planted by themselves can't handle it, and there are many casualties, so it's beyond what they can do if they are responsible for planting moss flowers and Sanyang rejuvenation grass." Chu Moyan said.

"Would you like to ask the Patriarch for instructions?" Zhuang Zihan asked. "There is too much lack of transfer pills and bodiless pills over there. As long as they have these two pills, they can develop themselves. In this way, they can compete with those who come down for resources in the ruins and secret territory. There are also more valuable items that can be traded."

"Okay, wait for me to go back and ask for instructions."


Suddenly there was a buzzing sound from the ground.

"What's going on?" Chu Moyan asked in surprise.

"I don't know either. I'll ask someone to ask." It turned out that Zhuang Zihan had not yet asked someone to ask.A sergeant rushed in. "My lords, for safety's sake, please leave the house. The formation under Yanbo Island has been repaired and activated today."

"It's a big scene. I didn't expect that I could catch up with this. Everyone go out and have a look." Chu Moyan was pleasantly surprised when he heard it.

Zhuang Zihan also happily clapped his hands and said, "Okay, okay, I have heard that this large formation is really unusual, and I have long wanted to see how unusual this large formation is."

"I heard from the formation masters that the overall shape of this large formation is invisible on the flat ground of the island. You can only see it clearly when you go to the highest peak on the east side of the island." The sergeant said joyfully.

It has long been heard that the big array will be activated after repair.

Several other large-scale formations were activated one by one, and everyone was full of praise for the various benefits they brought. This time, the final formation will be activated, and everyone on the island is excited.

Zhuang Zihan and Chu Moyan arrived at the viewing platform on the top of the mountain, and there were already a dozen people standing on it.

They are all important positions on the island.

Everyone happily watched the changes in front of them.

The basic shape of the entire formation was outlined by the aura condensed in midair.

It looks like a giant sea clam.

It was almost squatting on the ground, opening its mouth to continuously swallow the torrent of aura brushed by a great spiritual pulse.Every time it closes its mouth, a torrent of aura washes over its body and continues to rush towards the deep sea behind it.Whenever it opens its mouth, a torrent of spiritual energy will rush into its huge mouth, bringing a large amount of spiritual energy to the entire island.

"Is there any deep meaning to this formation?" Zhuang Zihan looked at the giant clam swallowing the soul, thinking suspiciously.

"It should be, right? Otherwise, I wouldn't have cultivated the formation into this shape. I'll ask the Patriarch later." Chu Moyan wasn't sure.

"Looking at such a large formation covering the entire island, one can always feel one's own insignificance and natural greatness." Zhuang Zihan said.

The colorful light is gradually dissipating in the air.

The spiritual energy concentration of the entire island is constantly increasing.

Even if the colorful light dissipates, the formation brought by the large formation will usually turn the entire island area and the nearby sea surface into an area with a high concentration of spiritual energy.There will be abundant marine resources here.And because of the passage of the great spiritual vein, a real ocean fishing ground will gradually form here.

Of course, wherever there is a fishing ground, sea monsters will come in groups, and the battle between humans and deep sea monsters will also be fierce.The deep sea monsters will not give up such a favorable place.So the next protection still has a long way to go.

"This place is really wonderful. The head of the family really knows how to choose a place." Zhuang Zihan looked at the whole island and said happily.

"I heard that Yunchi Island and Xianyu Island are also very good. But in terms of geographical location alone, Yanbo Island is better. After all, it is close to the mainland." Chu Moyan said.

"I also think Yanbo Island will develop better. It will even surpass other offshore islands and become the most prosperous island between the two continents of Yun'an and Yunzhou." Zhuang Zihan said.

After hearing this, Chu Moyan shook his head and said, "If you want to say that the intermediate island between these two continents, Black Pearl Island is more famous. Although it is closer to the Yunzhou mainland, its geographical location is more dangerous, and it is the most important island in the entire Yunzhou mainland. The only relay island to the sea of ​​the rich Hongwu Empire.

No matter how you look at it, our Yanbo Island can't compete with others. "

Zhuang Zihan said very confidently, "You were in the past. Think about where you will go when you come from Beiming Continent. First go to Xianyu Island, then Yunchi Island, then Yanbo Island, and finally go ashore and walk into Longshanfang city.

The same is true for coming from the Hongwu Empire. First go to Black Pearl Island, then go to Yanbo Island, and then go ashore and enter Longshanfang City.Look at Yanbo Island, which passes through the middle of the two sea routes.In the future, Yanbo Island may be more prosperous than Longshanfang City. "

After hearing this, Chu Moyan said, "Don't say it, it's really possible. But if there are more fleets in the Beiming Continent in the future, won't they go directly to the Black Pearl Island to the Hongwu Empire?"

"Probably not. If you go directly to Black Pearl Island, you will pass through several gathering places of deep sea monsters, and you may also pass through the territory of the sleeping deep sea monsters. It is more dangerous. The most important thing is that they have no tokens." Zhuangzi Conduit. "When we went to Beiming Continent, we had to enter several monster gathering places, and there were two places where the deep sea monster clan slept. Our fleet was passed safely by relying on tokens. I don't believe they are now You can have tokens.

I heard from the Patriarch that for the time being, we can pass through the Yaozu's dormant territory as long as the tokens are needed. After the Yaozu wakes up, we need to pay the road money to pass through. "

Chu Moyan immediately began to gossip, "Where did the Patriarch get the token?"

"How do I know? It's useless for you to ask me." Zhuang Zihan said. "I knew how to carefully walk past the scary deep-sea monsters with the token. The wind whale, which was as tall as a mountain, would scare me to death as soon as it surfaced."

(End of this chapter)

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