The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 430 Whale Species and Swordfish

Chapter 430 Whale Species and Swordfish

"The Wind Whale is still a little guy, and the Yuhai Whale is really big. But the Yuhai Whale is really gentle among the whales. The most terrifying ones are the Sunken Sea Whale, the Glowing Whale, the Blood Whale and the Scale Whale. That's really domineering, like swallowing the sky and sucking the sea." Chu Mo said.

"It's as if you've seen it before." Zhuang Zihan complained speechlessly.

Cough, cough, Chu Moyan coughed one after another.Can he say that he really saw it in his previous life?

At that time, the scene of the deep sea monsters attacking the land, hundreds of millions of sea beasts, and the sea clan landing, anyone who has seen it will forget it.

Human monks and sea tribes fought on countless mountains and tidal flats.Countless human warriors and sea beast groups wiped out each other, and a single individual is more fragile than dust. After every battle, there are thousands of corpses lying on the battlefield, and the comrades don't even have time to collect them. They can only bury the corpses of their own clan members in some big pits.

It doesn't take thousands of years. After a few years, the original companions will die or be severely injured on the battlefield, and those corpses that were once buried in the bone pit will be completely forgotten.Who will remember them?

However, it is lucky to be able to step into the pit of bones. This is the welfare treatment that the human race only has when they win the battle. If the human race loses the battle, they don't even have the right to clean the battlefield.The human race who died in battle couldn't even leave their bones.

The sea beasts will eat everything, even the blood mud will be swallowed by the bottom bottom scavengers.

"That's what's wrong with you. You always take things you read in books as if you've seen them with your own eyes. You had this bad habit when you were a child. I didn't expect you to be like this when you grow up." Zhuang Zihan complained he.

Chu Moyan continued to cough and cough one after another.

"Okay, don't worry, I won't talk about your problem outside, you still need your face, I know, I know." Zhuang Zihan walked over and patted Chu Moyan on the shoulder and said.

Chu Mo was speechless.

"By the way, I heard that a lot of people have been plotting against us recently?" Chu Moyan asked with a murderous tone.

"Isn't this normal? Who let us occupy such a large territory in the sea, and have such a large interest involved. Especially Yanbo Island. If we start to trade with Beiming Continent in the future, this place will become the center of attention. The place.

Three, with so many national strengths in the mainland, who doesn't want to get a share of the pie. " Zhuang Zihan sneered.

That's why he gave up his original plan and agreed to the Patriarch's arrangement to go to sea to replace Zhu Wei.

Originally, Zhu Wei was in charge of this area, but the head of the family thought that Zhu Wei was not suitable, so he handed over this good place to him.When Zhuang Zihan got the land reclamation plan here, he almost jumped up happily.It was so nice and suited him so well.

That fool Zhu Wei was fooled by his subordinates, otherwise it wouldn't be his turn.No way, Zhu Wei was born earlier than him, so he also has the right to choose good land reclamation sites and land reclamation plans.

Just like Zhu Yongnian, if it wasn't for the fact that among their batch of geologists, the strongest ones either fell one after another or other projects were taken away, Longshanfang City would not have pushed him out in the end.It's a pity that he failed the trust of the Patriarch after all, and killed himself.

Fortunately, his younger brother Kang Nian did a good job.

There are great benefits to being born early.

"The spiritual energy has just recovered, and their sea power is incomparable to those of us who have been prepared for a long time. If you really want to find fault with the dead, you can just kill them directly." Chu Moyan said.

Zhuang Zihan nodded and said, "Their sea power is still on the mortal sea warships and warships. Our main battleships have all been upgraded to first-tier mid-to-high-grade French ships. My flagship is even a second-tier French ship.

Even the sea ships stationed on the island are all French ships eliminated by the real main battleship formation.

There is no Dharma boat on the sea, just like not wearing clothes.A sea ship of ordinary level is not enough to contradict a mutated sea beast.

I've seen a group of white swordfish that are one meter long, a sprint can smash a mortal ship into a sieve, and the whole ship has holes.It is impossible for mortals to continue to survive in that environment.If the monk can't fly, I think it's enough. "

"Swordfish has always been a small expert at destroying ships. The key is that Swordfish is a large clan, and there are swordfish of all ranks. I heard that there may be a group of sleeping sirens among Swordfish." Chu Mo said. Lane change.

Zhuang Zihan's face darkened immediately. "Forget it, let's talk about it when they can come out. Now the big and small monsters can't come out. On the contrary, some hidden sects and hidden families of the human race can come out for activities."

Chu Moyan is still worried. It is said that the spiritual energy has recovered and now he sees a rapidly developing Yun'an Continent, and the number of monks on the Yun'an Continent has also grown extremely large.

There is a huge gap between this and the previous life.

Just saying that their Chu family can easily organize a monk army of millions of people.This kind of power can basically be seen in the Chu family in the late stage of spiritual recovery in the previous life.Of course, this also has a lot to do with the Patriarch's current promise, and he can develop whatever he wants.

Just seeing that she relied on a city of Longshanfang to actually promote the rise of monks in the entire continent, you know how terrifying the patriarch who goes all out and explodes with energy is.

However, in the eyes of the world, Longshanfang City is just a staged product that will inevitably appear.

The Chu family just picked a suitable time point and a suitable project Xiuzhenfang City.

But Chu Moyan knew that it was so simple. In his previous life, Chu Xi developed Longshanfang City. At that time, there was a family that was holding back with Zhu Yongnian. The role and glory of Longshanfang City were far less than they are now.

But at that time, Longshanfang City was still the number one Xiuzhenfang city in the mainland.

There is no doubt about Chu Xi's vision and means.

Such a patriarch should be worshiped by nature.

"By the way, you hand over the things to me. I have nothing else to do and I'm going back. After all, I still have a lot to do." Chu Moyan said to Zhuang Zihan.

"What have you been up to lately?" Zhuang Zihan asked curiously.

"The dismantling of the Northwest Building, and alchemy." Chu Moyan said, this matter is not a secret, and many people in the clan know about it.So Chu Moyan didn't hide it.

"You can actually make alchemy?" Zhuang Zihan looked surprised.

"Why can't I know how to make alchemy? Are you underestimating people?" Chu Moyan glared at him angrily, "Not only can I know how to make alchemy, but my skills are not bad. Even Zhu Kangnian has been running to me to learn about alchemy recently. I think he is doing alchemy." He is very talented, so I taught him conveniently."

"Then you can teach me as well." Zhuang Zihan said immediately.

"You have so many things to be busy in the future, and you still have time to learn alchemy? Besides, what do you study alchemy for? Doesn't the family have no alchemists? Who is missing, and your elixir?" Chu Mo Yan asked in a puzzled way.

(End of this chapter)

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