The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 431 Beiming Race and Small World Race

Chapter 431 Beiming Race and Small World Race
"I'm interested, I like alchemy." Zhuang Zihan said.

"Come on less. Shouldn't you monks who are born as strategists be more interested in making talismans? What the hell is alchemy?" Chu Mo said to him.

"Haha, let me tell you. When I went to Beiming Continent this time, I really felt the scarcity of pills there. The monks over there can risk their lives for a bottle of pills that increase their cultivation. It’s like being stunned. They don’t care about erysipelas or not. As long as they can be promoted to monks, even if you tell them that they may be poisoned to death in another 20 years, they will not change their faces and tell them that they are said to be poisonous. Take the pill." Zhuang Zihan said with great emotion.

"This may have something to do with the living environment of the Northern Underworld Continent. There are basically no plants growing there, only various deserts and mineral deposits. Ordinary people can only dig underground like cavemen in order to live, without seeing sunlight all year round. Speaking of which, the environment there is somewhat similar to that of the Wanji Mountains, but much worse than the Wanji Mountains.

The human races over there are more hard-working, and they can pay for your life if they have a meal.Food is the most expensive commodity over there. "

After hearing these words, Zhuang Zihan nodded and said, "Your boy has read a lot of books."

Chu Moyan chuckled.

The secret that Chu Moyan's original body, Chu Muyu, is a direct descendant is now known only to Chu Shinian.As the leader of the hidden guards, he naturally wouldn't talk too much about Chu Moyan's direct lineage.Back when Yuan Chu Muyu was training with Zhuang Zihan, everyone was still a child.

By the time Zhuang Zihan came back, everyone had grown up.

Relying on the past and the tokens from childhood, the two met again.Zhuang Zihan didn't know that Chu Moyan had changed his body.I thought that when he grew up, he would be completely different from when he was a child.

Although they are both family monks, they belong to different systems. They recognize each other in that area now, knowing that the other party is your childhood friend, but the two of them did not ask too much about each other's details and what they have experienced over the years .

There are many secrets in the family. Unless you enter the core and have a high position, you may never have the chance to understand it in your entire life.

"You have a good memory. The most important trade over there is indeed grain. We sold all the old grain we brought to the ballast this time, and got back a lot of various ores. Several ores look very similar to spirit mines. But I'm not sure. I'll let the earth masters in the clan take a look later."

"Earth masters are not mine masters, and they are not very good at identifying spiritual mines. Our family has already compensated the mine masters. I will call them to identify them for you later." Chu Moyan said.

Zhuang Zihan was really surprised, "Mineers, you all found your hands? I heard that the inheritance of mine masters is very rare."

"To put it bluntly, a mine division is a branch of a geology division. It is famous for surveying and appraising geology and mines. Many geotechnical divisions in this branch will cultivate it internally. The reason why outsiders know little about it is because the geotechnical division wants to cultivate a branch. It takes a lot of resources to be a miner. The resources needed to train one miner are enough to train two geologists.

Coupled with the limited advancement of the mine division in the future, its effect is not as strong as that of the earth division.Therefore, general mine division organizations are not very willing to train large-scale mine divisions.This means that our family has a lot of people and money, so we train more miners.

To be a miner, this profession can be a part-time job even if you are a monk.There are so many monks in the family, and they are naturally very happy to work as a miner part-time and get an extra sum of family offerings. "

"That's true." After hearing Chu Moyan's words, Zhuang Zihan felt that cultivation can't be done alone, and if you fight alone, you will be worse and worse with those family children.

"By the way, I brought back more than 3000 Beiming monks who wanted to make a living here this time. They are all casual cultivators with extremely strong fighting abilities, and they are also good at fighting on water." Zhuangzihan said.

"It's only 3000 people, it's not a big deal, you just arrange to join the army under your command." Chu Mo said.

"Go back and ask the Patriarch for me. There are still many monks from Beiming who want to join our family. If the Patriarch has no restrictions, I will first recruit a group of monks from Beiming Continent." Zhuang Zihan road.

"If you have any questions, I'll ask you. Nine out of ten are okay. Chu Shinian has recruited hundreds of thousands of people from the small world. It's nothing if you recruit some Beiming monks into the family." Something." Chu Mo said.

"Ahem, cough, why is Chu Shinian so fast, and the race in the small world, he doesn't worry about the problems with the race over there?" Zhuang Zihan said speechlessly.

"What's the problem?" Chu Moyan was surprised when he heard this.

"Don't you know? I've heard monks from the Yunzhou Continent and the Beiming Continent say that people from the small world are born with defects. Some are born with strong physiques, but they have no spiritual roots. Some are born with spirits The strength is far beyond the people outside, but the body is particularly weak, and few people live beyond the age of 25.

There are also some three eyes, double pupils, etc., and black bones, etc. In short, each has its own problems.

Nine out of ten of these races are difficult to embark on the path of monks. "Zhuang Zihan said, "I also heard that someone has seen a kind of deep-sea human race. Their legs can mutate into fish tails by themselves, and their swimming speed is not much slower than fish. "

"It's amazing. I've heard that there are deep-sea humans. But I haven't seen any of them alive. Are their fish tails real? Are their legs changed?" Chu Moyan said regretfully.

Zhuang Zihan has a black face.The focus is wrong, it's crooked, okay?

"We are talking about the small secret realm now, or the race issue of the small world, okay? We can talk about whether the deep-sea humans have legs or tails later."

Chu Mo said, "Okay, I'll listen to you. Before Chu Shinian recruited these small world fighters, he asked a doctor to show them their bodies. It's okay, they are all born fighters. Although they are born with spiritual roots, they can cultivate The proportion of the population is slightly smaller than that of our outside world. But as long as they go through many bloody battles, the surviving fighters may awaken a special blood spirit combat body.

With the blood spirit combat body, they can walk on the road of martial monks, and their cultivation speed is no worse than that of martial monks with spiritual roots. "

"Blood Spirit Battle Body, this is quite interesting." Zhuang Zihan said with great interest.

"Actually, there are some people in our human race who can awaken the blood spirit battle body, but the proportion is far lower than the awakening rate of the fighters in the small world of Jumu Forest." Chu Moyan said. "The doctors who went there for on-the-spot investigation thought it might have something to do with the natural environment there."

(End of this chapter)

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