The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 432 Physicians

Chapter 432 Physicians
"Which level of doctor did the analysis?" Zhuang Zihan asked in surprise when he heard a doctor appear.

"Spirit-level second-level physicians, the two of you, made sure after personally inspecting the area there. It is said that the awakening of the special combat body is probably related to the local natural environment." Chu Moyan said.

The profession of doctor of the Chu family is also an ancient inheritance profession.Before the recovery of spiritual energy, there are only ordinary doctors.There are five levels in total.It is divided into five levels: apprentice, junior doctor, senior doctor, master doctor and master.

Later, after the spiritual energy recovered, more content about spiritual-level doctors was revealed in the inheritance books hidden in the inheritance of the doctors of the Chu family.

Only then did everyone know that there was also a monk doctor at the spiritual level.

Now the book of inheritance only reveals the content of two major ranks.It is the content of the first-level junior doctor at the spiritual level and the second-level senior doctor in the spiritual world.

In addition, the book of inheritance provides a number of practice methods and spells for learning this doctor profession, as well as a lot of special medical knowledge and treatment methods, as well as the method of making special medical equipment.

The Chu family is actually very rich, with people and things.

Because of the huge foundation and background support, when the new content of the doctor inheritance of the Chu family first appeared, it was approved that all mortal doctors could not practice unless they had no spiritual roots.Others must practice skills and be transferred to monk doctors.

Because the emerging special spells and special medical methods are based on the monk's mana.

A doctor is actually a kind of legal monk.

"That's not bad. I heard that the family didn't produce many second-tier physicians." Zhuang Zihan said.

"You probably haven't paid attention to doctors for a long time, have you? Physicians have developed extremely rapidly in recent years. Thousands of first-level spiritual-level doctors have been trained, and even hundreds of second-level doctors have been trained. Anyone with spiritual roots has been trained. Became a monk doctor. Even if you don't have the spiritual roots of the law system, you can also work as a doctor after becoming a martial monk with the qualifications of a martial artist.

However, the part-time doctors of martial monks are much worse than those of law monks.

Those who really don't have the talent for cultivation can continue to learn all kinds of new medical knowledge as long as they have the talent in medicine.If we can’t use the exercises to save people, can’t we study ways to save people?Besides, I heard from the head of the family that as long as they have a deep understanding of medicine and have great potential for development in the future, the family can help them awaken their spiritual roots and embark on the path of monks.

The head of the family said that it is up to her to let everyone have spiritual roots.In another two or three years, it will be done for them. "Chu Moyan said.

Cough cough cough, Zhuang Zihan was really shocked. "Does the Patriarch still have this ability? Why don't I know? I want a large number of mortals to have spiritual roots. The Patriarch is so strong now? Is our family so powerful?"

"Ahem, there are some things I can't say, but let me tell you, the family does have this ability. As long as the time is right and the price is paid, the Patriarch can let mortals have a large number of spiritual roots." Chu Moyan said.Thinking of so many old demon blood ginseng planted by the owner.

Chu Moyan felt that in the future, the Chu family's Dharma monks might reach an astonishingly terrifying number.

But Chu Moyan didn't intend to tell Zhuang Zihan about the big event of Yaoxue participation.Because the relationship it involves is too great.

"You also know that the Patriarch seldom promises, but as long as she promises, it can be done." Chu Mo said.

Zhuang Zihan nodded.

"That's true. The head of the family never promises to have no shadow. But there are so many doctors in the family... there are quite a few who are talented and have potential."

Zhuang Zihan still felt a little suspense in his heart.

He didn't know how a mortal went from having no spiritual root to reawakening a new spiritual root, but the price paid was definitely not small.

This is equivalent to spiritual root regeneration!

Speaking of the profession of a doctor, it is still the earliest ancient inheritance of the Chu family.The first generation head of the Chu family is actually the inheritor of the ancient profession of doctor.The Chu family was the first to make a fortune, and it also has a great relationship with doctors.

The Chu family first made a fortune by opening a medical clinic.

If you are good at learning, you will become an official. Since the descendants of the Chu family gradually entered the official position, the heirs of the direct branch are ashamed of doctors, and slowly push the entire very useful inheritance to the branch to inherit.Later, several major branches of the branch developed the inheritance of doctors very well.

The Chu family also had their own medical center system and their own medicine business.

Otherwise, where did Chu Xi in the previous life learn the knowledge of refining medicine?

The inheritance of doctors in the Chu family has been developing continuously, and various legends and records in the inheritance have been gradually excavated.Especially the research on various bloodlines and combat forms, the doctors of the Chu family have studied in depth for a long time.Even before the aura was revived, there were actually some people who suddenly awakened special bloodlines or combat bodies.For example, the special talent of innate divine power has been recorded in the research of doctors of the Chu family that several special bloodlines and combat bodies will reveal this talent after awakening.

After the recovery of the spiritual energy, the doctors simply practice the exercises and learn new technologies, especially the various medical spells, supplemented by the superb medical skills of the doctors, they can exert amazing effects .

"Don't worry, the Patriarch knows it well." Chu Mo said.

"But our family excludes apprentices, and there are tens of thousands of serious doctors alone. There are too many children of the Chu family who practice medicine, and many of them have been practicing medicine for generations. Although there are not so many famous doctors, there are a lot of them. There must be some, right?" Zhuang Zihan said.

"Really, don't worry." Chu Moyan said firmly.After Chu Moyan communicated with Zhuang Zihan, he rushed back to Xiantao Village overnight.As soon as he came back, he felt a special aroma of grass and trees.This special scent of grass and trees is a bit stronger than when he left a few days ago.

He went home first to deal with the urgent matters he had delayed, and then went to see Taohua the next day.

"Patriarch, the innate Yimu aura in the valley is growing too fast." Seeing Taohua's first sentence, Chu Moyan said this.

"Have you brought back the things I told you to take?" Tao Hua rolled his eyes wide open, and said to himself that if I could get it, I would have done it long ago.Isn't there still time.

Chu Moyan hurriedly handed several storage rings and super-large storage bags to Taohua.

Taohua took the storage ring and the storage bag and checked them carefully before saying, "It's not bad."

"Patriarch, Zhuang Zihan hopes to recruit local monks from Beiming Continent to serve the family like Chu Shinian did," Chu Moyan asked.

"The human race in Beiming Continent, yes. Let him recruit." Taohua thought about it carefully, and what she had seen and heard when she traveled to Beiming Continent, "the population there has good aptitude, especially in terms of temperament, which is more suitable for forming a monk army." .”

(End of this chapter)

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