The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 435 Cheeky

Chapter 435 Cheeky

Chu Changhua's own mother is the empress of the fox tribe who survived the last era of spiritual energy. He is naturally very clear that there are still many old people (demons) who are sleeping or self-sealed and waiting to wake up.

"Our stature is too short, there is absolutely no need to bear the heavy responsibility of deciding the fate of the race, okay? I haven't lived well yet." Taohua complained angrily about her uncle.I always feel that the old man is a bit nosy.

It's a bit superfluous to talk about their attitude towards the Yaozu just based on their Chu family, a small family in the northwest edge of Yun'an Continent.

"You don't know, the human race on the entire continent or the whole world is not very friendly to the monster race. Even the half-demon has now become a sandwich cake, and everyone's life is difficult. You said that the half-demon What's wrong? It's not that they wanted to become half-demons themselves, so how could they be reduced to being caught between the human race and the demon race and are unwelcome?" Chu Changhua asked with special emotion and confusion.

"Personally, I don't think it's a question of whether the half-monster clan is wrong or not. Let's look at it from another angle. For example, the old Wang family also wants a big cake, and the old Li family also wants it. But neither of them has the upper hand yet, so we still have to A stalemate. At this time, among the second-generation heirs of the old Wang family and the old Li family, someone actually married and established a small family. This small family was also established in the city. Share one of the pancakes. Who would you say Lao Wang's family or Lao Li's family will treat them?"

Ah puff! !
Chu Changhua looked at Taohua in astonishment.

Taohuajiong laughed and said, "Do you think that's what I'm talking about. Otherwise, why don't they trouble you, instead they find trouble with other half-demons. It's not because those half-demons have encroached on their rights. "

Chu Changhua was silent for a while, and then said, "I missed it."

"Grandpa, your identity is quite sensitive. It is best not to get involved in the disputes between the human race, the demon race, and the half-demon race. No matter who you sympathize with or have pity on, don't directly take a position. Because once you take a stand, it will make people Other forces feel that you have betrayed them.

You'd better not help anyone.

Let them fight whoever wants to fight. "

Taohua reminded me kindly.

In fact, from the moment her uncle opened his mouth, Taohua could guess why he said this to herself.It wasn't that those half-monsters were trying to win Chu Changhua's sympathy by selling themselves miserably, but he stood by their side.Fortunately, Chu Changhua is still sober and knows who he is.

Now he lives in Xiantaozhuang, he is a member of the Chu clan, he knows that no matter what he does, he should not bring disaster to his clan first.

With this bottom line, Chu Changhua would at least say hello to her before making a choice.

"But they are too miserable." Chu Changhua said.

"But who is not miserable, leaving the area controlled by our family, those mortals were also killed by monsters and half-monsters in large numbers?" Tao Hua said.

Chu Changhua's face immediately turned dark.

"If you really can't see it, you can definitely organize people to catch some half-demon children, children of the human race, organize them and raise them together. In this way, when they grow up, will there be any conflicts?" Tao Hua gave him idea.

Cough, cough, cough, Chu Changhua looked at Taohua speechlessly.

"Will there really be no trouble if I bring the half-demon child back to the clan?" Chu Changhua asked a little emotionally.

"If your discipline is stricter, it shouldn't be a big deal. You see, the soldiers from the small world have entered Changyang and Miyang in large numbers. They haven't caused any big disturbances. It's just that they look different. .” Taohua said.

"The difference is huge." Chu Changhua said speechlessly.

"You can go to Chu Shinian and ask him to pick you up as a dark village. Then you can train them there, and then form a system by yourself. When they grow up, they will have something to do. For example What kind of wine shop or something." Tao Hua said.

Chu Changhua thought about it, let alone do it.

"It's a pity that I don't have that much money. I can't run it even if I get a dark farm, and I don't have any suitable people to take care of those adopted half-demon and human children." After saying this, Chu Changhua turned his eyes to peach blossom.

Tao Hua "I don't have any money either."

"No, you have money."

"No, no, I have no money." Taohua immediately shook her head like a rattle.

Chu Changhua was angry.

"It's too much, you are obviously richer than those lords in Yun'an Continent."

"No, no, the ruler of Yun'an Continent is as poor as us? Not to mention anything else, even if he throws out a spiritual mine casually, he can buy me several Longshanfang cities." Taohua said Qu Qu .

Chu Changhua: "..." In fact, this family has mines including him, and he also has several large mine veins that are sealed.

But it was the pocket money his mother gave him, and he didn't want to touch it at all.

"We have money, but it is just inheritance of family property, but your money is different. You make money purely by your own ability. Our money is dead money, and you are living money that flows like flowing water." Chu Changhua complimented road.

Taohua shook her head again, "I don't have any money. If you want to make it yourself, then you can raise it yourself. Anyway, I have no money."

"Otherwise, you are in charge of building the secret village and teachers. The construction of the wine shop is complicated for me. You have trained them to form an intelligence department. How about keeping this department for yourself?" Chu Changhua said.

In fact, the more he thought about this method, the better. Otherwise, what would they have to do to make a living in the future with these half-demon and mortal children who changed their destiny?

It's better to directly belong to the Chu family and let the family manage it.

In this way, he didn't have to pay, and he did a good job with good intentions.

As long as more and more half-demon children have a way out and integrate into the human race, he should not continue to worry about the half-demon making sandwich cakes between the human race and the demon race. It's tough.

At least some half-demon children will not be excluded.

At that time, as these half-demons grow up, they will accept more half-demons of the same race to join them in the future.If this continues, the problem of half-demons from generation to generation will be solved.

"I have several such organizations in my hands, why should I bother and spend money to train a group of half-demons?" Tao Hua asked back.

Chu Changhua's face immediately darkened.

"Don't you have any sympathy?"

"If only sympathy doesn't make me decide to pay, the people in my clan can't take care of me." Tao Hua said.

Chu Changhua was directly stunned by her thick skin, "Now that the members of the Chu clan are living so well, do you still think you haven't taken good care of them?"

(End of this chapter)

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