The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 436 Blood Spirit Dew

Chapter 436 Blood Spirit Dew
"Have you taken care of what? Didn't you hear them say that I didn't do this well or that well?" Tao Hua said confidently.

"What, there are almost no people in our family who can't eat or live in a house, do you know?" Chu Changhua asked.

Taohua shook her head. "The news I received is that at most everyone will have something to eat. After all, there are hundreds of thousands of people in our family."

"Then do you know that our whole clan has increased by more than [-] people every year in recent years? More than [-] people, in addition to married people, there are also newborns. This is an unprecedented growth rate Our whole family has never grown so fast since when you were Chu Xi." Chu Changhua said in amazement.

Taohua didn't care much and said, "That's different. What era is it now? In the age of spiritual energy, people's bodies are getting better and better nourished by spiritual energy. They not only have more children, but also have more spiritual roots. They are weak and die young." The number of children has decreased. Therefore, it is normal for the population to increase every year.”

From the previous life to the mid-to-late period of spiritual recovery, the family has stabilized, and the population of the family has increased extremely fast.

Chu Changhua was completely overwhelmed by her suddenly indifferent attitude.

You must know that this is the early stage of spiritual recovery, which was full of disasters. The entire Great Song Kingdom is relatively well preserved, and the registered population has also been reduced to one-third of the original population.

For example, Lishan and Zhao, which were united to bully the Song State nearby, had less than one-tenth of the original population.

Not even one percent of the population of countries in the hinterlands of the continent, which are heavily guarded, have survived.

On the contrary, the fields of various countries are barren, and a large number of bones are scattered on the side of the wild road, looking desolate and desolate.

Since the drought passed, heavy rains have continued to hit.

Many low-lying places have formed a large swath of water.Roads were blocked, and some places became completely isolated no man's land.The country also lacked a large number of civil servants, so many of the emperor's decrees were even difficult for the Gyeonggi region. Outside the Gyeonggi region, almost all other parts of the country became autonomous areas for bandits and nobles.

This situation has continued for several years, and the local people don't even know what country they are from, and whether there is an emperor above them.

At such a time when the entire continent is in ruins, our Chu family is thriving. The whole family has enough food and houses to live in. What else do you want?

"Normal ghost." Chu Changhua immediately said in a critical tone. "There are some old guys in the Chu family who have nothing to do to find fault. Is it not good for our Chu family to live like this? You go to Fox Mountain to see, even foxes in Fox Mountain can't live as well as our clansmen.

They also have a shelter from the wind and rain, not even a place to cook a fire. "

"The foxes in Hushan still use fire to cook?" Taohua asked very confused.

"A metaphor, I'm making a metaphor." Chu Changhua said angrily.

Taohua nodded, "Okay, a metaphor."

"Anyway, the people of the Chu clan are doing very well today, so you should take care of others too," Chu Changhua said.

"I really have no money, so I can't take care of it." Taohua insisted.

"I said why are you so brainless?" Chu Changhua's face turned black with anger.

"Am I a half-demon or something? I am the Patriarch of the Chu Clan. Are you overthinking it?" Tao Hua said angrily.

Chu Changhua was speechless.

Because Peach Blossom specially emphasized the word Patriarch.

"Then what do you say I should do?"

"Either you pay for it yourself. Or you find someone or a half-demon and find a place outside. If you don't go out by yourself, it's best not to bring those half-demon children back to the clan. It's very troublesome, so I said later Maybe they will be squeezed out again." Tao Hua said.

"Then if I do it myself, won't I be excluded?" Chu Changhua was astonished.

"You are a member of the Chu clan, who are you afraid of? If anyone excludes you, just spray him." Tao Hua said as a matter of course.

"Then what if he excludes the child I brought back?"

"Keep spraying him, who are you afraid of if you protect the calf?" Taohua continued.

"Anyway, I'm being unreasonable...?"

"If you are even more unreasonable, who would dare to exclude you?" Tao Hua asked back. "Isn't he afraid that you will organize people to squeeze him out?"

(⊙o⊙) Oh, Chu Changhua suddenly understood.That's right, he is from the Chu clan.In the clan, who is he afraid of?

"As long as no one can prove that what you do is harmful to the clan, what are you afraid of?" Taohua said.

What is it to raise a group of half-monster children?

Chu Changhua nodded.

"Then let me think about it more carefully." It seems that the Patriarch doesn't plan to use the resources in the family to help him.

But he didn't have the intention of resenting the Patriarch, after all, the half-demon is not the Patriarch's responsibility.If the head of the family really wanted to help him with enthusiasm, maybe he would still be secretly afraid.It is very good for the Patriarch to present the facts to him like this and give him an idea.

Taohua nodded in approval.It's better to let uncle and grandpa fix it by himself.If it doesn't work, then we'll talk about it later.

"By the way, Patriarch, in fact, if you want to find a buyer for those blood spirit flowers after harvesting them, you can go to me directly. I can help you buy blood spirit flowers to those half-demon and monster groups." Chu Chang Hua said again.

Taohua directly shook her head and said, "I don't sell it, I can use it for alchemy myself. Besides, as long as there is a recipe for the blood spirit flower and the seeds of the blood spirit flower, it can be refined into blood spirit dew. One hundred drops counts as one portion, and one portion is enough." There is a one-third chance for mortals to awaken the blood root.

Although the blood spirit root can only practice blood attribute skills in the future, it can also make ordinary people become monks. I don't think there should be many people in the family who are willing to become monks through the blood spirit dew? "

Although the blood spirit flower is also a kind of spiritual plant that loves to be a demon.

It has the same attribute as the demon blood ginseng, and it likes to destroy.

But in fact, as long as it is well restricted, it can still be planted.

Besides, just by blooming and radiating special aura, the human race in the small world can have blood spirit combat bodies.

After the seeds and flowers are refined into blood spirit dew, mortals can awaken their blood spirit roots. Why sell such a good thing?
"So you know about the blood spirit dew, but do you have a recipe?" Chu Changhua asked puzzled. As far as he knew, the prescription for this blood spirit dew was first created by the monster clan.The method is not as complicated as human alchemy, but it requires special flame refining.

The monster clan uses several special beast fires, which are very rare.

"It's true that we don't have any special beast fire, but we don't actually use beast fire to refine the blood spirit dew. It's more convenient to use other things, and we can refine better quality blood spirit dew." Taohua is very determined Said.

The Hunyuan God Refining Cauldron is already in Chu Moyan's hands, and with the Green Wood God Refining Cauldron in his hand, if this kid can't even refine Fangzi Xuelinglu, then he will be killed! ! ! ~
(End of this chapter)

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