The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 438 Elixir

Chapter 438 Elixir
"Besides, everyone feels that even if the awakened blood spirit root is much stronger than those colleagues who have awakened Wu Linggen." The middle-aged man laughed.There was always an element of schadenfreude in that laugh.

He was the first person to experiment with blood spirit dew.He was also the one who successfully awakened the blood spirit root once.

The same goes for the gray-haired old man, and the two are still in a master-student relationship.

This time, it is specially responsible for the awakening task of mortal doctors who have no spiritual root talent in the test results.

"When will the blood spirit dew be delivered to us?" the white-haired old man asked.

"Chu Moyan said he was busy, let us wait for him for a few days." The middle-aged man said helplessly.

The white-haired old man turned cold.

"That little bastard, do you think I'm easy to bully?" The white-haired old man asked the middle-aged man.

"Ahem." The middle-aged man couldn't answer.

"Hmph, wait. I'll go find him."

Within two hours, the old man came back carrying a black wooden box.

"Master, this is..."

"Five hundred bottles of blood spirit dew." The old man threw the wooden box on the ground with a bang.

"Master, don't break it." The middle-aged man hurried to hug the box like a big baby.

"Am I that careless?" the old man asked angrily.

The middle-aged man really wanted to say: Just now I saw that you didn't look cautious at all when you kept throwing boxes on the ground, okay?

"Okay, you go to inform, let everyone eat once in the evening." The old man deliberately puffed up his cheeks.

"Okay. By the way, master, how many times will you let everyone eat this time?" the middle-aged man asked.Even though he had eaten a bottle of blood spirit dew, he awakened the blood spirit root.But his master only awakened the blood spirit root after eating ten bottles.If it weren't for the family's supply regardless of cost.His master is old and weak, and he is afraid that he will be like this for the rest of his life.

Based on the world value of the blood spirit flower and the blood spirit flower seeds, a bottle of blood spirit dew is worth at least [-] spirit stones.

Ten bottles... ahem.As long as their Chu family can support them.

"Ahem, it's best to do it once. If it doesn't work, I'll give you three chances at most. Of course, these are ordinary doctors. Those who have made achievements in medicine in normal times can eat whatever they want. When they wake up, it counts."

When the middle-aged man heard it, his eyes lit up.

"Let me just say, master, why do you insist on getting several masters and uncles here, so the root is here."

The old man stared immediately, "Don't your uncles and uncles deserve to eat?"

"However, some of my uncles and uncles don't seem to have the surname Chu." The middle-aged man frowned and thought again.

"Shut up. Wait until everyone wakes up before saying who's surname is Chu or not." The old man said angrily.

The middle-aged man wanted to laugh when he heard it, "The Patriarch will probably blame you in the end."

"Ha, I'm afraid of her. Anyway, it's not the first time I've lost my fortune." The old man said with a dark face.

The middle-aged man knows that his master is not that kind of person. The extra expense this time, the old man will use his own family property to pay for it.

"Master, I still have [-] spirit coins in my hand, I will bring them to you later."

"Why is [-] spirit coins enough? A bottle of blood spirit dew is worth at least [-] spirit stones." The old man said angrily, "I can't afford the compensation myself. But I am a family monk after all, and I will practice hard in the future, mostly for the family." All the rewards for the service and income will be returned to the family to plug the cost hole of the blood spirit dew that wasted this time.

To be honest, as long as your uncles and uncles embark on the path of monks, the benefits they can bring to the family will definitely be greater.I am also a rare talent! "

When the middle-aged man heard this, he immediately laughed.

In fact, he knew that his master was reluctant to part with his brother.Becoming a monk can extend one's lifespan.He is over 60 this year, and his master's brothers are all above or close to this age group.

If you don't become a monk, you can't count how many years you can live.

As for medical skills, at their age, many disciples have surpassed their masters.

In a large courtyard on the right side of the medical hall, the old man's brothers and sisters all gathered together.A group of old men drank happily.A large table is full of good dishes.

"This opportunity is so rare. If I hadn't heard that you were all here, I wouldn't be willing to come here. It's too far away. I can't walk with my old arms and legs. I have walked all the way because I let you go." That big disciple recited it, but he was exhausted."

"I want to get together before I die. This time, I will have no regrets when I die. I also asked my son to bring me. The bumps of the ox cart I hired along the way, my old bones It fell apart." Another gray-haired old man also said.

"It's so rare. The last time our brothers and sisters got together was at the teacher's funeral."

"Remember, I remember that it was more than ten years ago. At that time, I was only in my thirties, and I was a serious adult."

"Yes, the teacher has been away for more than ten years."

"Fifty-eight years."

"17 years, six months and eighteen days."

"Old Five's memory is still so good."

"Haha, I have been studying medicine with my teacher since I was three years old, and the teacher is just like my own father."

"Is the fifth child turning sixty this year?"

"63." The little old man called Lao Wu had disheveled white hair, but his face was ruddy.

"I remember the first time I saw Lao Wu, he was only five or six years old, and he was still wearing crotch pants." One of the oldest old men said with a smile.He was too old, really senile, as if he was going to hang up at any time.People trembled when they raised their wine glasses.

"Victorious drinking."

"Victorious drinking."

A group of old men raised their glasses together.

When they came here, they didn't actually intend to become monks or anything. Becoming a monk is something for young people.All of them, the old men, came this time. In fact, they just thought that this might be the last gathering of some old brothers.

Their era has come to an end.

They are all the embers of that era, can the embers still rekindle?
Everyone doesn't care.

There is wine today, get drunk today!

When a group of junior doctors sent Xue Linglu over, a group of old men were so drunk that their tongues grew bigger.

The juniors have no choice but to force it.

After filling the medicine, a group of old guys were sent to the resting room.

Early the next morning, a group of old men cried out in surprise.

It turned out that they were all suddenly young.

Although there is no spiritual root awakened.But the old ones who couldn't do it before are now walking like flying, with ruddy complexions.It turned out that he was in good spirits, but this time his gray hair turned back to black.It turned out that the hair was only gray, but this time, most of the hair was black, gray hair became a minority, and the person seemed to be young for ten years.

"My God, my God, what did Fengling give us? This can only be a panacea, otherwise the effect would not be so great. I am dying, and at least I can live longer if I take this panacea It’s been five or six years, but it’s useless to eat it for me. If it’s eaten by boys, the effect will definitely be greater.” The old man who trembled yesterday has long since disappeared, but now he has a rosy face and strong waist and legs. Distressed.

(End of this chapter)

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