Chapter 439 Plate
"I don't know where I got some good medicine, and I don't want to save it and use it in the right place. It's good, it's all used on us. It's a pity that we took this good medicine one by one. .” An old man said with pain in his flesh and liver.

"What a pity. If you live a few more years as an old man and bring an extra apprentice, my medicine will not be in vain." A certain little old man appeared at the gate of the big courtyard at this time.

"Fengling, you son of a bitch, you've come out on top. Hurry up, tell us what you're feeding us?" A skinny little old man jumped up and said.

"Blood dew." Chu Fengling walked in with a smile.

"What is Xuelinglu?" the skinny old man asked.

"Su Zhongyu, guess what?" Chu Fengling asked with a smile.

"Su Zhongyu was called by you, Senior Brother." The skinny little old man Su Zhongyu immediately said angrily.

"We started at the same time, I'm still older than you, why should I call you brother, brother Su, you should just be a brother honestly." Chu Fengling folded his arms and sneered.

"Chu Fengling, don't you know why you called me senior brother? You lost to me in the entry test, so naturally you should call me senior brother." Su Zhongyu emphasized.

"Hehe" Chu Fengling sneered, "I didn't have any medical skills at that time, but you learned a lot from your father. You are ashamed to say that my test results are not as good as yours. Even the master didn't say such a thing. "

"Let me say you two are fine. How old are you, and you are still fighting all day. Fengling, hurry up and explain, what is this blood spirit dew?" The oldest brother, big brother, his eyes are still sharp Bai Yaosheng said angrily.

"Hey, big brother, don't be angry, I'll just say it, I'll say it now." Chu Fengling hurriedly said everything about Xue Linglu. "The Patriarch means that everyone has a spiritual root, even if it is a blood spiritual root, the exercises that can be practiced in the future are limited, but it does not affect us to continue to study medicine."

After hearing this, Bai Yaosheng was silent for a moment and said, "If we want to eat it, do you think we have produced blood spirit roots?"

"I don't know, but I have a test plate here. Put your hands here. As long as the test plate glows red, it means that the blood spirit root has been formed. If there is no red light, there is no. The first one will be delivered tomorrow. Two bottles of blood spirit dew.

It's nothing even if it doesn't produce blood spirit roots. I only ate ten bottles to form blood spirit roots. "

Ah poof! !Puff puff! !

A group of Chu Fengling's brothers and sisters looked at Chu Fengling in shock.

"Are you drinking the elixir as herbal tea?"

"Too prodigal, let's just eat a bottle and let it go. How old are we, we should leave opportunities to young people."

"Yes, yes, if you eat ten bottles, you might be able to get ten blood roots from younger generations. There is absolutely no need to use them on old guys like us."

"Hurry up and bring that plate of yours. It's okay without the blood spirit root. We can live a few more years after taking the elixir. It's okay to bring you a few more apprentices while you still have energy."

When everyone yelled, it made Chu Fengling, who was holding the test disk, feel sad.

Damn, a bunch of old men are dying, and they don't know how to think more about themselves.

"Hurry up and try..."

After a test on the test disk, it turned out that none of them produced blood spirit roots.Old and weak, it is too difficult to produce spiritual roots.

But Chu Fengling was not reconciled, and he sent more than ten bottles of blood spirit dew the next day, but the old men refused to eat it.No matter what you say, you can teach your apprentices, but you can't do it if you take elixir.

No matter what Chu Fengling said, he couldn't do it, and he couldn't be angry.Chu Fengling had nothing to do with himself, so he simply brought his apprentice here.

"Tell me, your seniors and uncles refuse to eat it, what should we do?"

The middle-aged man gave Chu Fengling a positive look, "Master, if you leave it to me, it will definitely be fine."

Chu Fengling agreed.

Then I saw his apprentice tricked a master uncle, knocked him unconscious with a hammer, and then poured the blood spirit dew down.

Ah puff puff! ! !

Chu Fengling: "..."

Seeing his master's troubled expression, the middle-aged man said, "It's no problem, this method is convenient and quick."

Then the middle-aged man gave full play to the Dafa of deceiving, and deceived all the uncles and uncles one after another, and then knocked them unconscious with a wooden hammer one by one, and then poured down the medicine.

When a group of old men woke up the next day, they all found that the back of their heads were swollen, and they all began to curse.

"Chu Fengling, you are no joke."

"Chu Fengling, you prodigal son."

"Chu Fengling, you bastard..."

Why was Chu Fengling injured by me?

Chu Fengling simply didn't come forward because he was too scared by his seniors, and the middle-aged man called his beloved apprentice to come over to make the test disk.This time the youngest two little old men really awakened the blood root.

The little doctor saw it, and quickly gave him a new exercise, and also learned how to practice the new exercise.

The old men looked at each other in blank dismay.I didn't expect to be able to awaken the blood spirit root.

"What should I do?" asked the two junior brothers who had just awakened the blood spirit roots.

"Learn, what should I do?" The senior brothers rolled their eyes speechlessly one by one.

"It feels like abandoning the main force. Why don't we wait until all the brothers have awakened their blood spirit roots." The youngest brother said.

"Get out, we don't plan to eat it." The senior brothers said one by one, rolling their eyes.

"..." Little juniors.

In the evening, everyone had another good meal together, and the big brothers persuaded the juniors to learn the exercises well.Then everyone gets drunk.

Then the middle-aged man appeared and took a group of apprentices to continue to pour medicine on many people who had not awakened their spiritual roots.

Well, on the third day early in the morning, another little doctor came to test the spirit root.

This time, another person awakened the blood spirit root.

The oldest man couldn't take it anymore, so he asked someone to call Chu Fengling over.

"I said Xiaofengling, what are you doing?"

"Let you awaken the blood spirit root, and then work hard." Chu Fengling said speechlessly, "I have already expressed it so clearly, why don't you understand, big brother?"

"Your medicine is quite valuable, isn't it?" Eldest brother said helplessly.

"Why don't you bring two more apprentices?" Chu Fengling said.

"Do you think senior brother is stupid? Naive? How many disciples can you bring in exchange for this kind of elixir that can change your life against the sky? Do you think I don't know what he means by letting mortals have spiritual roots and become monks?" What are you looking for?" The old man looked at Chu Fengling with a sad face. "Unless the Patriarch of your family is crazy, she will never do this. She has you enough to lead an apprentice."

Chu Fengling pursed his lips and remained silent.

(End of this chapter)

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