The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 440 The Imitation Medicine

Chapter 440 The Imitation Medicine
"Although our brothers and sisters inherit the medical skills of the Chu family, our surname is not Chu after all. The head of the Chu family will not spend so much elixir for us. Tell me, have you sold yourself? .Well, no, even if you sell yourself, it’s still not enough for these elixirs. Tell me, are you in debt? It’s a lot of money, right?”

The elder brother questioned him angrily.

Chu Fengling refused to say anything.

"Fengling, let's stop here." Eldest brother said. "How much debt do you have, tell us that we will do more for you and pay you back."

"Brother, don't you think that you can help me repay my debts better after you become monks?" Chu Fengling said.

A senior brother looked at him with a (why are you so stupid) expression.

"Anyway, you can eat."

"We'll go back tomorrow."

"Uh...then I invite the Patriarch here, and I don't believe it. I can't beat you, but the Patriarch can't beat you."

A certain big brother is really helpless.

"You can't invite the Patriarch here, I don't believe it. Could it be that this kind of elixir is brought by a strong wind, and it doesn't cost money. How many bottles do we old men have to waste to awaken the blood spirit root? I don't believe the Patriarch of the Chu Family at all." I don’t care about the medicine money.”

The next day, when a group of old men had already packed their luggage and were about to leave, Chu Fengling really tossed Peach Blossom over.

But at this time, Taohua is not using Taohua's face, but Chu Xi's face.And the height has also changed to be taller.

The problem is that this kind of face-changing and height-changing will hurt her after a long time.

As a result, Chu Xi's expression towards Chu Fengling became much worse.

"You said you could handle it yourself. Isn't it just a bunch of old men?"

Chu Fengling was ashamed.

"The medical skills of my teachers and brothers are really very good, and they are also very talented."

"Then you should give them medicine." Taohua said puzzled.

"I can't force it."

"You can use soft irrigation, such as getting a coma drug or something." Tao Hua.

"Then I can't drink soft water every day."

"What are you talking about? You put him in a coma, drink a bottle a day, wake them up when it shows that the blood spirit root is there." Tao Hua said.

"...I was stupid, I didn't think of such a good idea." Chu Fengling immediately nodded and admitted his mistake.

"Sure enough, you are stupid to study medicine, and your brain has become rigid." Taohua said.

"Patriarch, show me some face. At least I saved your life when you were young." Chu Fengling said speechlessly.

"That's fine." Tao Hua took a breath.

As soon as Taohua brought Chu Fengling and a group of people to the gate of the yard, they saw a group of old men insisting on rushing out of the yard.

"what to do?"

Although she didn't have a voice, she had high prestige, so her voice immediately made one party rush, and all the people blocking the party stopped.


"The head of the Chu family."

There are many people who follow the Chu family to study medicine, some are descendants of the Chu family, and some are not.

Among these physicians, some were promoted to great physicians, masters, and left the Chu family, and some established their own schools.

There is no statement in the Chu family that disciples cannot stand on their own without their master, but it is also the most basic unspoken rule not to go against the master.

If there is any conflict between the two parties, it needs to be resolved internally.Anyway, who doesn't have a brother, uncle?
It is precisely because of the theory of separation and self-reliance, that is why those who stay in the Chu family for the time being are called Patriarch Chu Xi, and those who have left the Chu family are called Patriarch Chu.

It stands to reason that Chu Fengling shouldn't have called back the brothers who had left the family.

Eat Chu's elixir, learn Chu's exercises, and also learn the inheritance of Chu's psychic doctor.

Don't you go to heaven?

Those teachers and brothers of Chu Fengling guessed the whole reason and were unwilling to accept Chu Fengling's kindness.

An old man who is about to die, why do he still make trouble for his senior brother.

"I heard that everyone has some opinions on Xue Linglu?" Chu Xi asked.

"It's not that I have any objections. If you think it's inappropriate for us to use Xue Linglu." As a big brother, the old man took the initiative to stand up.

"Why should the old man do anything, it's not that our two families have a deep relationship," Chu Xi said.

"Oh, but these elixirs were not brought by the strong wind." The old man sighed. "Should be very expensive?"

"Yeah, a bottle of [-] spirit stones." Chu Xi said.

Cough cough cough... Everyone knows that [-] spirit coins can be exchanged for one spirit stone.

These [-] spirit stones, how many spirit coins is that?

"Selling our whole family is not enough to pay back." A certain old man said bitterly.

"Ordinary people can't get it. If you are a monk, you might get it in the future. More than 3 spirit stones are actually not that many." Chu Xi said.

That is, the head of the Chu family doesn't seem too much to you.

That's [-] spirit stones.

Ahem, he has already drank four bottles, 12 spirit stones.

"In fact, if you create more potions with special effects or special treatment methods, formulas, medical equipment and so on. In fact, it is said that there are [-] spirit stones, and even if you have more spirit stones, you can return them." Chu Xi mentioned Click on them.

"How can there be so many good ideas in this world." An old man continued to smile wryly.

"But it can be improved. Or imitated." Chu Xi said. "Ahem, the Baicao Pavilion, the Immortal Herb Hall, ahem, and the Dancao Building."

"Cough cough cough." An old man looked at Chu Xi strangely.

"Why are you looking at me like this? It's all for the family." Chu Xi smiled awkwardly.

"Imitation pill?"

"It's also possible to imitate medicines with similar effects. As long as we can do it, it's best if the cost is low. As long as the cost is lower than others, we can make money." Chu Xi said.

Don't look at Chu Xi's cryptic point, but everyone understands it.

"Will that cause trouble for the Patriarch? After all, those forces outside the territory are quite powerful."

"What kind of trouble could there be? We didn't eat their rice, use their elixir, or steal their elixir. We researched it ourselves, which can only be regarded as self-innovation. Why, they have that elixir Medicine, can’t our family have something similar?” Chu Xi said.

"Don't say it, it's not impossible. I have researched a hemostatic powder that Xiancaotang sells very popular now. If it is refined with our herbal medicine, you only need to change a few, and the cost can be reduced to what they sell. One-third of the price of the hemostatic powder." The little old man Su Zhongyu, who was fighting with Chu Fengling before, said with a smile.

"Okay, come up with a prescription quickly. It's easy to use, and the profit will be shared with you. In the future, if it is [-] spirit stones, even if it is [-] spirit stones, it is a trivial matter." Chu Xi laughed.

It is very popular to imitate the elixir of Outer Domain in the future.

Everyone imitates, it depends on who imitates more similar, more efficient, and lower cost.

Anyway, Baicao Pavilion, Xiancaotang, and Dancaolou can only stare when they find out.

As far as their world is concerned, no one gives them privileges, and the medicine they say can only be sold exclusively by them and cannot be imitated.

(End of this chapter)

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