The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 441 Peach Blossom Cultivates Various Talents of N Generations All Year Round

Chapter 441 Peach Blossom Cultivates Various Talents of N Generations All Year Round

In order to imitate these foreign elixirs, they, the native doctors and alchemists, came here first to show their magical powers.I've tried every means to figure it out.

When it was the most powerful, it imitated seventy to eighty percent of all kinds of foreign medicines.Among them, not only hundreds of low-level elixirs, but also some middle-level rare elixirs have been imitated.They won't send high-level pills here either.

So the doctors and alchemists here have never seen it, so there is no way to talk about imitation.

However, although it is not imitated, it does not mean that there are no high-level pills in this world.

Physicians and alchemists with ancient inheritance have devoted themselves to research and developed several high-level elixirs unique to this scripture.

Su Zhongyu, a dry old man, immediately burst out laughing when he heard this. "It's fine."

Su Zhongyu's laughter suddenly seemed to open up the hearts of other old men.There was a look of relief on everyone's faces.

Well, isn't it just an imitation medicine, who wouldn't know it.

"So, senior brother, you can rest assured to take the blood spirit dew together with other senior brothers. Now that we have spiritual roots, we might be able to catch up with some great event that will last through the ages." Chu Fengling listened to his The Patriarch's words immediately came to the spirit.

"As long as you are not afraid of trouble, Patriarch, we will have no problem." Chu Fengling's elder brother turned the Patriarch of the Chu family into Patriarch again.Expressed his intention to return to the Chu family.

"It's okay, I'm not afraid of trouble at all. Anyway, except for you who are all researching imitation ones, those who have walked a long way have already imitated five or six kinds of prescriptions." Chu Xi said generously.

Ahem, a group of old men were extremely speechless.

"That's not very kind." The old man said suddenly, an old man with a very straightforward look in his eyes.

"There's no way around this. They don't lower the price. They must sell us pills at a high price. That's it, and they often have no medicine available. Why? It's not because they want to block us by blocking pills. If we Things have been controlled by them...then it is not far from being completely reduced to other people's slaves. I heard that the forces of God Court have found similar living worlds elsewhere, and later the monks and mortals in those living worlds became their slaves and servants.

Life, death, and the future are all controlled by people, so it is too unfree.

Presumably everyone does not want themselves and future generations to become like that, right? "Peach Blossom asked.

After hearing this, the old man was all awe-inspiring.

Taohua actually didn't want to tell those shitty things, but the fight started from the recovery of the spiritual energy, and it had already appeared among the monks of the two worlds.It's not something you want to ignore, it's fine if you want to escape.

"Patriarch, we will do our best." Another white-haired, rosy-faced old guy called Patriarch Chu Xi.It appears he has also taken a stand.

If you encounter external forces and want to win by fighting alone, that is a dream.

Of course, if you gather a crowd to resist, it is also possible that all of you will be crushed to pieces.

But the old men are going to be buried in the ground, what are they afraid of?
"If you participate in the imitation of pills, try to arrange for your family members as much as possible. If you feel that you can't arrange it yourself and it's not safe, the family will help you arrange it. We have an island built by ourselves overseas.

In addition to the island, there are other hidden places that you can choose at that time.

If you don't plan to participate, you can also choose to teach apprentices.Teach more outstanding disciples.It is also possible to ask the disciples to help you replenish the resources of the Blood Spirit Dew. "

Peach Blossom cultivates all kinds of talents of the N generation all the year round.

The matter of talent training has long been clear.

The most taboo thing about talent cultivation is one size fits all. If I train you, you will have to pay for me for the rest of your life.

That would be really silly and have to screw things up.

Talent cultivation should be based on your love and my willingness.

Obviously I am short of one talent, but I have directly cultivated three or four times, five or six times the number of talents.This starts the one that I value even if they are not happy to do things for me and want to leave.Then I can continue to promote my second and third candidates.

Talents are cultivated into echelons, even if all of them are folded in, it doesn't matter.

Just like geologists, Zhu Yongnian's group of people is considered to be the oldest group of geographers.Because at that time, the spiritual energy had not yet recovered, and the explorations were all in dangerous places. The nearly one hundred geographers trained at the earliest were destroyed in repeated missions, and the last remaining surviving geologists were less than ten.

But not long after that, with the continuous birth of subsequent earth masters.Not all major exploration projects of the Chu family have been completed, even deep sea exploration has been done.

Without their full exploration, how could the three islands of the Chu family be built together.

Where are the various arrangements of peach blossoms in the deep sea spirit veins.It is not enough to have a plan, you have to have people who can realize your plan.

Chu Xi in her previous life suffered from this big loss, which led to various difficulties when she started to develop the Chu family. Many early plans could not be completed according to her vision, but were slightly delayed.

Of course, it's not that she has a problem with her resourcefulness, but that she doesn't understand the considerable actual situation, and there is no reference to compare it with.Many things need to be explored by oneself, and the person in charge often has all kinds of strange things. For example, Zhu Wei was killed by her trusted confidant, which directly ended the good situation she planned earlier. .Slightly sad.

Of course, in the eyes of other people in the previous life, Chu Xi has always been successful, as if no one or anything can stop her from moving forward.

Cough cough cough, in fact, Chu Xi knew in his heart that it was a bit exaggerated to think that no one or anything could stop her and hinder her progress.She really wasn't up to that.

Tao Hua's words also aroused the different thoughts of several other old men, not everyone's ability is above innovation and imitation.Still others are better at education.In this way, people should let them shine in the right position.

In the end, a dozen or so old men consumed nearly two hundred bottles of blood spirit dew from Chu Xi.

Chu Xi simply said to Chu Fengling, "It's all credited to your account, and people are under your control. If you don't manage well, you won't be able to earn back the spirit stones of Xuelinglu, haha."

Tao Hua's sneer didn't frighten Chu Fengling.

He looked like a dead pig not afraid of boiling water and said, "Anyway, I ate it all, so how can I take it back?"

"Anyway, it's like this. If you really can't come up with something, I'll just ask you. I don't do anything, so I'll get your wife, our grandma, and let her care for you every day. , to see if you are afraid."

Chu Fengling's expression changed drastically. "Don't, I will supervise them well."

There's nothing wrong with his wife, but she's too good at chattering, almost making the living chatter to death.

(End of this chapter)

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