The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 443: Peach Blossom's Candidate

Chapter 443: Peach Blossom's Candidate

This Chu family is rising at an unimaginable speed!
Everyone recalled that the entire Chu family now occupies the land of two villages and one town. The available land alone can open up 70 mu.

How terrible this is, is equivalent to how many Miryang cities.

However, they also arranged a Sutu Spirit Formation underground, transforming the ordinary farmland above into spiritual fields!
The meaning of a spirit character is quite different.

Don't look at the many farms and fields owned by Ling Chu Shinian in Miyang City, but he is not all Lingtian.His spiritual fields are very few.It is said that there are only a few dozen acres.

As for the Chu family, the spiritual fields that they had already planted Lingzhi amounted to tens of thousands of acres.

This is not counting the spiritual fields opened up by other members of the Chu clan, and the spiritual fields leased to casual cultivators by their own families.

To say that this Chu family is really worthy of the Lingzhi Chu family.It's terrible, isn't it?
It's a pity that it's not the most terrifying thing. It didn't take long for them to know the Chu family again.

"Do you really want to move? I don't think it's necessary?" Chu Dashan asked his little girl in confusion.He frowned, very puzzled.

"It is necessary. Not to mention that the scale of our family's acquisition is getting bigger and bigger, and now the warehouse of the medicine refining workshop is obviously not enough. Let's say that the medicine refining workshop has more and more people, and there is not enough space. used.

Because there is not enough space, the pharmacists responsible for processing herbs and elixir can only slow down their work speed, affecting the output of finished medicinal materials.

Besides, there is also the problem of not enough space in the refining workshop, which affects the production of magic weapons. "

Chu Dashan stopped talking.

"Since none of them are enough, it's better to move the medicine refining workshop to Mingyue City as a whole. The Mingyue Palace was originally specially prepared to build a large number of elixir fields." Taohua said.

"But didn't you say that there are only water, soil and trees with strong aura. How about planting other elixir?" Chu Dashan asked.

"As long as some special disks are installed in some spiritual fields, and the spiritual energy attributes of these spiritual fields are modified, you can grow spiritual medicines of various attributes." Taohua said.

"You mean, the entire spiritual field over the Mingyue Palace is not open to the clansmen?" Chu Dashan said in astonishment.

"Of course, it took me a long time to transform the spiritual field. The spiritual field over there will continue to grow with the formation, and it won't be long before it can be directly promoted to the first-level spiritual field. Compared with the spiritual field in Xiantao Village over here The promotion must be fast. Besides, I don't plan to open it to the clansmen.

Except for the apprentices and alchemists in the alchemy workshop, no other alchemists and apprentices will be recruited there.The lack of manpower will be filled by the apprentices of the Chu family who are studying medicine and the family members of the doctors.

Anyway, it's all about training, and the family members of doctors are much easier to train than ordinary people. "

When Chu Dashan heard this, his brows were deeply furrowed. "Then have you ever thought about it, will the clansmen be happy? Will they come to me to be a demon?"

"Father, today's family is no longer what it used to be. Who has so many ways to make money like our current clan. Not only can they go out to collect medicine, but they can also rely on us to do all kinds of money-making businesses.

Dad, on average, every family has fields, every family has shops, and there is also the sea city hosted by our family.We've given too much, dad, what do you think?If you continue to give it for nothing like this, they will lose their respect for you and treat you as a fool. "

Tao Hua's words made Chu Dashan purse his lips in displeasure.

Of course, this displeasure is not aimed at peach blossoms.But some tribesmen he himself knew.

"Furthermore, the Chu family town was originally the property of the clan. We invested in developing it into the Chu family town, but we did not monopolize the various resources there. We maintained the prosperity of the Chu family town, but you see that the clan people are How do you say it?

They think that you should let them rent out more spiritual fields, and let them rent them at a low price, or even free of charge.After all, the land belongs to the clan.He also said that Fangshi should also intervene, and the management of Fangshi can't support your people, and their clan elders should also be able to send their own people to participate in the management of Fangshi.

What's more, they saw that our Daaodi was repairing formations, and they were eyeing Dawadi again. They also said that if it was completed, they would also buy a house, rent land, and buy a square market in Mingyue City. "

Taohua said angrily, "Where is Daaodi? It's our own place. But everyone wants to reach in and continue to eat and occupy it. It's really ignorant!"

"Cough cough cough" Chu Dashan rolled the eyes of our little girl angrily.

"Father, it's time to teach them a lesson. You are too indulgent with the clansmen. Just do what you want? Recently, the quality of various medicinal materials received by the pharmacy is getting worse and worse. If this continues, the next time you send them It’s just shoddy medicinal materials.”

Tao Hua's words made Chu Dashan sigh.

But in the end he listened.In the past, he didn't want to care about it. He felt that his family was earning more and more, and the spirit stones were even more expensive.So he always raises his hand a little higher, and a little higher.

But the clansman alas.

He really didn't want to fight and quarrel with the clansmen for a little silver and spiritual coins.

But since Taohua brought it up this time, it shows that she is not willing to tolerate it.

He, Chu Dashan and Qi Zhenzhu, have a total of six children. Taohua is the youngest, seemingly naughty and kind, but in fact he is the coldest one.Her heart is probably harder than a rock, except for her brothers and sisters and their husband and wife.

Taohua never puts anyone else in his eyes.

Now that she said it, even if Chu Dashan doesn't do it, she will find his brothers, sisters and her mother to get things done.

"Ahem, Peach Blossom, in fact, your father and I are not indulgent. I just dislike trouble. For a little money and Lingshi, it's not good to be fussy." Chu Dashan gave himself a reason.

"Father, as long as you agree to take care of it. You don't need to come forward in this matter." Tao Hua said with a smile.

"You don't need me, that's your elder brother? He's busy now. He just went to Yanbo Island, okay?" Chu Dashan said speechlessly.

"Don't worry. This matter is a job that offends others. With your current status and status, father, you are not suitable for this. Don't worry, I have found a suitable candidate." Tao Hua said mysteriously.

"Who is it?" Chu Dashan asked curiously.

"You will know when he comes." Tao Hua said.

"Who?" Chu Dashan thought to himself.

At noon the next day, a person came.

When Chu Dashan saw it was him, his jaw dropped in shock. "Brother, why are you here?"

Chu Dachuan felt a little embarrassed, but after seeing Chu Dashan's expression and listening to his inquiry, he quickly regained his composure anyway, "Why am I here, what do you think I am here for?"

(End of this chapter)

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