The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 444 Uncle Chu's distress

Chapter 444 Uncle Chu's distress
Chu Dashan looked back at his elder brother with a shocked expression that I didn't know.

"Tell me, brother doesn't even know what to say." Chu Dachuan gave him an angry look, and immediately began to scold him. "Recently, those people in the clan bullied you. Tell me then, I am your own brother. If you are in trouble and have been bullied, why can't you tell me?"

"I..." Chu Dashan's face was stiff.

"Oh, Taohua told me all about it. She said that you actually wanted to ask me for help, but your sister-in-law, I won't say more. Now my boss is holding his mother at home. Don't worry, I will come out to help You won't let her mess things up.

In fact, I have reflected on it over the years. If it wasn't for her, my brother would not have come to the point where he didn't even deliver a letter on weekdays.

You are in trouble, you are surrendered, and you don’t tell your brother.This made my brother very uncomfortable.

Don't worry, I've made arrangements for your sister-in-law.She wouldn't have the chance to walk out the door of the house. "

"Brother, what's going on here? What's wrong with sister-in-law?" Chu Dashan asked inexplicably.

"Ah..." Chu Dachuan sighed heavily, looking like he couldn't bear to look back on the past.

"Taohua, go and get some food and wine. Your uncle and I will have a drink first." Seeing that his elder brother came over in person, Chu Dashan felt a little bit bitter and couldn't bear it.In fact, if their sister-in-law hadn't messed around, the relationship between the two brothers might really be as good as before.

Especially from what he said just now, the elder brother knew that he was being bullied, so he immediately stepped forward to help him.

Chu Dashan was very happy.

Tao Hua responded, and watched her father and uncle enter the study hand in hand.

Speaking of Uncle Chu, Tao Hua couldn't help laughing secretly.

When the Chu family started to make a fortune, Uncle Chu didn't really care much about it.He has always felt that farming is not a good career.Still doing business to make money.

In particular, he had his own connections, and later formed a large caravan for collecting medicines, and he really made a lot of money during that period of time.After Uncle Chu made his fortune, he also set up several small shops in Miryang City.

During this process, Chu Dachuan met Su Waner, the young and beautiful daughter of a small merchant in Miryang.

Su Wan'er was born in a merchant, she is very sophisticated in people, and she is young and beautiful. Many of them have won the favor of Chu Dachuan, and directly took them as concubines.When Chu Qiao found out that her husband had a beautiful concubine, Su Wan'er gave Chu Dachuan three children in a row, three sons and one daughter.

Su Wan'er is also good at management, and not long after marrying Chu Dachuan, she became Chu Dachuan's right-hand man.

With such a good helper, how could Chu Dachuan still like the old yellow-faced woman Chu Qiao.So Chu Dachuan's heart turned more and more towards the little one.

By the time Chu Dachuan had a showdown with his wife and took his wife and children to Miyang City, the Chu Qiao family was powerless.

At home, Su Wan'er is just a fighting green tea, and Chu Qiao's home fighting skills are not at the same level as Su Wan'er.

Su Wan'er coaxed Chu Dachuan around, making Chu Dachuan completely disappointed with the two eldest sons bit by bit, and pinned all her thoughts on the youngest sons.

The more noisy Chu Qiao was, the more Chu Dachuan bothered her.The more Chu Qiao cried, the more Chu Dachuan hated her.

She never thought that one day, the man who loves her like a treasure would tire of her so much.

Chu Qiao's mentality completely collapsed.

It's a pity that she would cry, make trouble and hang herself, threatening Chu Dachuan with her own death.Chu Dachuan used to be afraid of nothing, but that was his beloved wife.But now, Chu Dachuan wished she would die.

The more Chu Qiao realized this, the more she couldn't accept it.

So he dragged his son and daughter into the war, and in the end let his husband disappoint both son and daughter.Chu Dachuan was completely disappointed with the stupid child born to a stupid woman named Chu Qiao.

Speaking of which, Chu Qiao's family also gave birth to Chu Dachuan's children. In fact, there were no fewer children. There were five children in total, two sons and three daughters.The eldest daughter is as old as Qingmei and Chu Shiluo.

Up to now, the three daughters have all been married as adults.

The grandson ran all over the place.

It is said that Chu Qiao's family has more children, why does Chu Dachuan treat the children so unfeelingly?
This was actually done by Chu Qi himself.

When Chu Qi was pregnant with her first child, she gained weight just after giving birth to her eldest daughter.This way Chu Qi's tired and crooked, she made up her mind that even if she becomes pregnant again in the future, she will never gain weight again.

In addition, in order to completely win her husband's heart, the interval between having children is very short.

The second child was conceived three months after the eldest daughter was born.Because he was not properly raised during pregnancy, the eldest son was born with poor health.He was declared extinct by the doctor before he got married.

The second son was conceived just a month after the eldest son landed.

The third child gave birth to children one after another, and the third child's health was not good.

He had always been sick and had a penchant for women, so he went to the brothel to have sex in his ten years, and passed out directly there.The brothel was so frightened that it didn't dare to entertain the master anymore.

If something like this happens, the two sons are useless.

How could Chu Dachuan not be disappointed with them.

Let’s talk about a few daughters, who are also weak and sick. The eldest gave birth to a child, which is still a boy, and the other two daughters have not given birth to a son and a half until now.But he is still making trouble in her husband's house, and her husband is not allowed to take concubines and have children.

As a result, the relationship between Chu Dachuan and his in-laws became very tense, and it was almost thrown into Chu Dachuan's face.

Chu Qiao has always felt that she should be the life of a rich lady, as long as she enjoys it well, she doesn't care about raising her children.

So the children followed her selfishness.

If no one compares this, then forget it.

But Su Wan'er took advantage of her and kept digging holes to attack her and her children's weaknesses.It is to make her and her children fully visible, and to show Chu Dachuan the worst side of herself.

I worked hard to make money outside, but my wife took care of the children.It is conceivable how angry and furious Chu Dachuan must be.

But these family ugliness cannot be told to outsiders.

But it's not good to hold back all the time, so when the brothers Chu Dashan and Chu Dachuan drank, Chu Dachuan told his brother everything.

"What kind of unlucky fate do you think I am? Why did I meet such a guy?" Chu Dachuan said weepingly.

Chu Dashan blushed from drinking, but his heart was clear.

He doesn't seem to be stabbing his elder brother's heart again now, but from the bottom of his heart, Chu Dashan still feels that his elder brother has done it to himself.

If he had married Qi Chunxing back then, how could there be such crap?

(End of this chapter)

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