The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 446 He dare not

Chapter 446 He dare not

Ever since Chu Dashan came to power and became the patriarch, the clansmen who have been following to earn money and fight for cheap have never suffered such a big loss.And it's enforced. If you don't return it, you will be expelled after seven days.

Too cruel, too poisonous.

Chu Dachuan is simply not a son of man.

Chu Changfeng had planned to avoid it, because the clansmen had more and more demands, he couldn't handle it, and it was not good to always beg for mercy.So Chu Changfeng has tried to hide as much as possible.But this time it was too harsh.At least [-]% of the clan members have sold their land and shops at high prices.

It's crazy to ask everyone to refund the same amount now.

How much is a shop now, how much was it when the shop was sold.

But if you don't retreat, you will leave the clan.

The family is so rich now, after leaving the family, it has nothing to do with them.

How to do?
If you can pay back a lot, you will suffer a big loss, but what if you can’t pay it back?
Everyone is going to cry.

Threatened by his fellow clansmen to hang themselves and crash to death again, Chu Changfeng went to look for Chu Dashan again.

But Chu Dashan didn't even let him in.

Let the attendant tell him that he should go to Chu Dachuan for all clan affairs.

Chu Changfeng's face suddenly turned dark and ugly.

He really didn't expect that Chu Dashan's attitude had changed so much! !

It was almost ruthless! !

Isn't he afraid that those clan elders will no longer support him, and the whole clan will dismiss him as the patriarch together?
When Chu Changfeng returned home, the more he thought about it, the more angry he became.It is even more melancholy to drink alone.

Until his eldest son came home and went to the table to drink with him.

Chu Changfeng said depressedly to his own Dalang, "What do you think Chu Dashan is thinking? The land has been sold, and the shop has also been sold. Now he asks everyone to return the land and the shop. He has offended his clansmen. Can this patriarch continue to do it?"

"Father, who did he offend?" Da'er asked lightly.

"That's all..." Chu Changfeng didn't finish.

"Do those people dare to go out and say that Chu Dashan offended them?"

Chu Changfeng: "..."

"Father, don't be so stupid as to be used by others. Who is Chu Dashan? He is the head of Lingzhi Chu's family, the owner of tens of thousands of mu of Lingtian, the owner of millions of Lingzhi, and Xiantao The craftsman, the owner of Xiantao refining medicine, is the founder of Chujia Town and Chujiafang City.

Apart from these identities, he is the patriarch of the Chu family.

Think about it, who would dare to stand up against his opinion except those who urged you to intercede? "

Chu Changfeng: "..."

"When he was not powerful enough and his foothold was not stable enough, the Chu family could provide him with some help, so he was naturally willing to be the patriarch. Now he has everything he needs, and the Chu family has now become his burden.

A heavy, unreasonable burden, how would you treat him? "

Chu Changfeng finally changed his expression, "You mean that Chu Dashan replaced Chu Dachuan because he hated the ignorance and disobedience of his tribe."

"Yes. Anyone with a little eyesight can see it."

"Then why, his Dalang can handle these things too, can't he?"

"How can it be possible for the future Patriarch of the Lingzhi Chu family to take the blame for rectifying the tribe? Naturally, the uncle will be responsible. Besides, Chu Dachuan is probably willing to do this dirty work. For Chu Dachuan Said that Chu Dashan is his own brother. No matter what the tribe is, they have to stand aside.

On the contrary, as long as Chu Dashan is still alive, Lingzhi Chu's family is also Chu Dachuan's Lingzhi Chu's family.Who let them milk their compatriots? "

Alas, Chu Changfeng sighed heavily.

It always feels like things are completely out of control.

"Father, if you can't offend the tribe for Chu Dashan in the future, don't get involved in the affairs of the tribe. One day, Chu Dashan will tire of you. He hates you. Just having such an attitude is enough for us The family drank a pot. Do you want to make our family unlucky?" Da'er said.

Chu Changfeng was deeply horrified, "It's come to this point?"

"Lingzhi Chu's family is developing too fast, soaring into the sky, unstoppable." Da'er said with an inexplicable expression.

Too strong, too fast.Almost all the time there is no burst forward.

The pharmacy was already being relocated, so he also went to Mingyue Palace to have a look.The city there is five or six times as big as Miryang City.It looked too grand, too vast.

I heard that it is only used as a base for refining medicine and planting elixir in the future.

There is also Mingyue Lake, there is not even a small fish on the huge water surface, because the water is being stored there, and spirit fish will be stocked in the future.The entire Mingyue Ze light is the water area, which has a total area of ​​nearly [-] mu.

It is about to catch up with half of the water surface of the entire Bibo Lake.

And Bibo Lake belongs to dozens of villages along the coast and Miryang City.And Mingyueze simply belonged to Chu Dashan's family.

This is the gap. When the gap is so large that everyone wants to look up to Chu Dashan's house, they don't know where to start looking up.

In this way, Chu Dachuan's order was enforced in the chaotic and explosive environment.67 households refused to implement, or could not implement.It was directly given to the clan by Chu Dachuan.They could only move away with their whole family crying and wailing.

Fortunately, they also took a lot of family assets with them when they moved away. There are many other villages with Chu surnames or mixed surnames nearby. It is easy for them to settle down and buy land again.It's just that the welfare of the Chu clan is completely goodbye to them.

But since then, Chu Dachuan has become completely famous in the clan.

Several big moves in succession completely established his prestige in the clan.

Now Chu Dachuan's name is the third big boss besides Chu Dashan and Chu Shiluo.

Chu Changyuan heard that Chu Dachuan had achieved great success in the clan, was very famous, and kept his word.

He insisted on going back to Xintangzhuang or Xiantaozhuang, or Chujia Town.

Chu Dachuan babbled and ran back.

"Old man, if you make trouble again, I will drive Xiao Wu back."

"you dare?"

"Do you think I dare? I dare to give my clan members to the whole family, do you think I dare? I will give Xiao Wu to the clan if I am in a hurry." Chu Dachuan said viciously.

As soon as his arrogance came up, Chu Changyuan stopped cooking immediately.

" can I do it?"

"Look if I can do it. If you don't want to drink a toast, you will be fined. You just stay here honestly and don't cause trouble for me and Dashan. After all, Xiao Wu is also our brother. We two can't be designated as brothers." Treated him badly. But if you don't know the times, don't blame me for being cruel."

Damn, you actually forced me to know the current affairs, hello, you are so good.Chu Changyuan's liver hurts from anger.

"How did I give birth to you and the second child, two unfilial things?"

"You can tell me outside that mother gave you a cuckold, we are not your sons." Chu Dachuan sneered.

Chu Changyuan's face was completely blackened, he didn't dare, if there was no blood relationship, it would be even more impossible for these two boys to control him to death.

(End of this chapter)

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