The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 447 Recognize the old man 2

Chapter 447
"Boss, I always thought you were more sensible than second child." Chu Changyuan immediately changed his attitude and looked at him pitifully.It seems that the person who tried to threaten him just now is fake and does not exist at all.

Chu Dachuan mocked in his heart, he used to be very soft-hearted towards his own father.But this kind of soft-heartedness disappeared after seeing a few grown-up children completely crippled.

He could even abandon his own son now, so what about a father who only gave him good looks when he was begging for help?
"People change. Just like dad, so do I." Chu Dachuan said quietly.

Chu Changyuan's expression changed.

"It's like how you worked hard to marry my mother in order not to be a poor boy for the rest of your life. Later, the dowry of your next mother and my uncle went smoothly, and you have a certain amount of face in Chuchu. If it weren't for you later because My mother is gone, so I broke up with my uncle. I'm afraid you can get along better in the future. "

"Don't tell me I can't do without your mother. I admit that I was powerful at the beginning. I married your mother because my original intention was not pure. But isn't your mother also powerful? Otherwise, why would she know that I am not true to her? I liked her very much, so she agreed to marry me. At the beginning, there was a boy in Qijiazhuang who treated her very well. He was so kind to her. But she still dumped him and followed me.

In fact, we are essentially the same kind of people. "

Chu Dachuan was dumbfounded.

"I never ask how perfect my wife is, as long as I can make do with it. At least I never did anything outside during my marriage. As for my desire to ask for an official, your mother also knows, she doesn't You are also counting on Mrs. Guan, so you silently support what I do?"

Chu Dachuan: "..."

"Da Chuan, there are some things that you can't always think about from the perspective of your conjecture. I think I am sorry for your mother." Chu Changyuan said. "When you were young, I used to be negligent. When you grew up, I discovered that you have no qualifications to be officials. To me, you are worthless. I can't count on you. It is impossible for you to waste your resources.

So I know that I am not good to you.

But I didn't entrap you much, did I? "

"Isn't cheating money counted?" Chu Dachuan asked back.

"Then I'm your own father, what's wrong with you honoring me with some money and giving me a pension? Anyway, I will support you until you reach adulthood."

"Then when you get old and can't walk, we can also support you until you die. You are obviously in good health, but you ask our brothers for money over and over again, and you roll around on the ground if you don't give it. How do you make us miss you. A father doesn't have the dignity of being a father at all."

"Ahem..." Chu Changyuan's face turned pale when he heard this.

"The second child rarely pays attention to you, but I am not. I used to inquire about you secretly. So I know your little thoughts. Don't you just think that since the other sons are useless, then use them as waste. It would be nice if everything became the stepping stone of the fifth child.

Haha, you think so, right? "Chu Dachuan said indifferently and mockingly. In fact, he was not telling the truth. In the past, he couldn't see through his father's thoughts. In these years, when Su Wan'er assisted him, she often told him the truth.

Think more to get smarter.

These years of experience have made Chu Dachuan grow a lot.Especially the matter of the original wife and his sons, it made him understand the shady plan of his own father.

But Chu Changyuan didn't know that his eldest son had just figured out his little thoughts.He also thought that the eldest brother had deeper thoughts and was more tolerated by the second child.Knowing that he was really in charge, he revealed his thoughts.

"I really underestimated you. You really deserve to be my seed." Chu Changyuan sighed coldly. "At first, I thought that the second child was the one with the longest brain among your brothers. You are a big fool who is played by a woman in the palm of your hand.

Not wanting you is the one with the most unpredictable thoughts and the most tolerant one.

Just because you can endure it for so many years, I am convinced.To be honest, just for your heart, maybe you can really become a big shot in the future.At that time, the second child will be lucky, and you will be resilient. Maybe the two of you will be powerful together.

Well, I don't ask too much.Xiao Wu was trained by me, and I will try not to make trouble for you in the future.You guys help me take good care of Xiaowu, can you tell me a word. "

"Isn't it best to pass on all the family wealth to your fifth son in the end? I also thought that our brother would continue to serve as a stepping stone to your fifth son. It's thanks to you for thinking about it." Chu Dachuan mocked indifferently.

Chu Changyuan's face was gloomy, and he fell silent.

"Do you know what is the worst thing you did in your life?" Chu Dachuan asked.

"What?" Chu Changyuan's face was still gloomy.

"You don't have great luck, but you still want to create a person with great luck. You don't think so much about beautiful things?" Chu Dachuan sneered.

"Chu Dachuan!" Chu Changyuan gritted his teeth in hatred.

"There are so many monks in the world, but there is only one Lingzhi Chu family. Without that great luck, it's useless to let you do everything you can." Chu Dachuan said very impressively and meanly.

"Chu Dashan is also my son." Chu Changyuan said angrily.

"Do you think he recognizes you? In order to prevent you from appearing in front of him, he sent you here to squat. If he really regarded you as his own father, would he let you squat here?" Chu Dachuan continued to sneer. road. "In Dashan's heart, he wished that you would die of illness early. It would save him trouble. After all, a dead father will not have to see you as a demon all day long."

Chu Changyuan was angry when he heard this.

"As for the fifth child, I think you should be less of a monster. He can still have a future for himself if he accepts the second child well. If you really make the second child reject him, then he still has a chance What future? Let him go out and fight people desperately for a little resources?

That's something only orphans and casual cultivators with no support will do. "

After hearing this, Chu Changyuan couldn't help but change his face this time.

"Don't think too much about this world, and don't think too much about your second child's patience." Chu Dachuan faithfully gave advice, and he didn't care whether the old man would listen or not.If he really annoyed the second child, he would naturally kick the fifth child out.

"You'd better be mentally prepared, second child, he is the master of a huge cultivation force first, and then your second son, I still don't want to see your second son.

If you get this order wrong, then you deserve to suffer hardships in the future. "Even after he himself became the elder of the family affairs, he refreshed his three views and got to know the second child again.

(End of this chapter)

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