The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 448 Letter from Zhao Cheng

Chapter 448 Letter from Zhao Cheng
Chu Changyuan was silent again.

It's not that he can't feel the change in his second child, it's just that he doesn't want to admit it.

It's as if as long as he admits it, he will lose his dignity as a father.In fact, he himself lost his dignity in front of that wicked son, right?

"Why doesn't he come to see me?" Chu Changyuan asked.

"Since you have chosen the fifth child, then you will be the fifth child's responsibility in the future. It is enough for him to support you and be filial to you. As brothers, we only pay a little money, and don't think about anything else. I won't come to see you in the future, unless you are seriously ill and are about to pass away." Chu Dachuan said.

"What? How can you be so cruel?" Chu Changyuan said angrily, "I am your father."

"When you gave up on us, why didn't you say you were our father?" Chu Dachuan asked back.

"I heard that you gave up your eldest son and your second son, have you told them?" Chu Changyuan said sarcastically.

"Well, I told them bluntly that he gave up on them. They can live as they like. If they want to enjoy themselves, tell me what they want to enjoy in advance. In their lifetime, I, as a father, can do it. Do it. I can’t do it if I can’t.”

" can't sell them medicine? Find a doctor to treat them."

"Doctors can't cure the weak disease brought out of the fetus. The boss and the second child are born with hypoplasia, and they will not live long. The boss will not live to be 30 years old, and the second child will not live to the age of destiny." This is what Chu Dachuan feels the most. To the place where I feel uncomfortable.

After he knew the reason, he hated Qiao's to death.

Just because she was afraid of getting fat, she ruined his children.

"Back when the children were born, their bones were weak. Why didn't you ask a doctor to take a look. If you had seen it back then, maybe you could have saved it. At least you wouldn't let several of your children be like that."

"At that time, you asked for money every day, and I supported a family by myself. How could I have money to see a doctor for my children? They were all consulted by the herbal doctor in the village. To see a doctor, a diagnosis cost 40 taels." Chu Dachuan roared angrily.Besides, he believed the herbalist doctor at that time, saying that his wife was weak, so the child was born weak, as long as he raised it well with money, it would be fine when he grew up.

"I admit that I was stupid before, I was ignorant, and I delayed the best time for the children's treatment. But what about you, you are also the grandpa of the children, have you cared about them? You urged me to take the children to See a doctor?


Others can blame me for being stupid, and my son can also blame me as a father for not fulfilling my responsibilities.But you alone cannot say this.Because you are not worthy. "

Chu Dachuan knew that he was just a small person, and he had failed in the first half of his life.

"I know a lot of people look down on me, even you think I'm just a stupid man who is played by women. But what is it that I live like this? It's not you who have never done it since we were young. You have never taught me and Dashan. What is the difference between having a father and not having a father? You still condoned your wife who went to abuse us. Speaking of these, I hate you even more. Why don’t you go what about death?"

Chu Changyuan was left speechless by what he said.

Is it enough to hurt each other like this?

"You are miserable compared to a down and out person like me who has been depressed all his life, are you serious?"

Chu Dachuan was thoroughly amused by his counter-question.

As for his father, Chu Changyuan, he is convinced.

Although he has been depressed and unwilling all his life, he is cruel and merciless, and even his own son is calculated properly.

But I have to admit that there are still shining points in this old man.At least no matter how downcast and frustrated he is, this old man never gave up his dreams and hopes.He is probably a typical example of the constant struggle of life.

As long as there is still a glimmer of hope for the fifth child, he will look forward to it with all his fighting spirit.

"Old Fifth is really not like you at all."

In middle age, Chu Dachuan felt that he had become smarter and stronger.Turning around again, looking at the fifth child who has just grown up is like looking at a child.

"You also impress me." Chu Changyuan said softly.

In fact, what he wanted to say was that both you and the second child impress me.

A few years ago, I still insisted that the two of you brothers are at most the airs of the rich peasants in the country, and that's how it will be for the rest of my life.

Far inferior to his own fifth child.

As a result, within a few years, you beat the old man one by one, and my face was swollen.The world is changing so fast. When he was young, he was clever and clever, and the fifth child, who looked like an official butcher, disappeared from everyone when he grew up.

But Shi Luo from the second child's family suddenly appeared.

Each of them has its own characteristics, and they are too good to be true.

Alas, fate has played with him in such a way that the old man is very speechless.

"You know about my parents, your great-grandparents, right? You also know about my elder brother's family, right?" Chu Changyuan suddenly changed the subject.

Chu Dachuan looked at him puzzled.

"There is a city of Zhao on the ground near our Myitzhi Mansion in Zhangyu Mansion. Their family is an official there. Recently they sent someone to bring me a letter saying that they miss me and want to see me. What do you think? ?”

"The weasel pays New Year greetings to the chicken!" Chu Dachuan said.

"I think so too. I haven't contacted you for so many years, just treat me as dead. How could you treat me so well all of a sudden? Why don't you say that you miss me? You think I'm that idiot who was used by them back then ?"

After hearing Chu Changyuan's words, Chu Dachuan remembered that his father was also an idiot back then, who was coaxed by his parents to plan for his elder brother.But after the eldest brother became an official, he took away his parents and threw himself down.

Well, this abandonment of relatives is really random!
"What are you going to do?"

"I don't count on you, and you can't count on you either." Chu Changyuan said. "Originally, I planned to move to the second child's place, and let them see that I, Chu Changyuan, am not the person I used to be. It turns out that you are nothing, and you don't understand me as an old man at all.

Fortunately, your house is well built.

It can be regarded as saving some face for me.But I still need a helper, when those people come, you ask Xiao Wu to bring some people back.Give me enough scenes, I absolutely can't lose. "

Chu Changyuan straightened his neck and roared.

Chi, Chu Dachuan sneered directly. "I'll talk to Dashan first before I get back to you."

After all, the great-grandparents wrote again after they had run away, Chu Dachuan didn't think they were coming for the old man.

I'm afraid it's aimed at the second child.

(End of this chapter)

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