Chapter 449
"You must tell him that no matter what our relationship between father and son was in the past, we must not be underestimated by the people in the big house." Chu Changyuan said loudly.

The corners of Chu Dachuan's mouth were cracked.

When Chu Dachuan returned to Chujia Town, he did not see Chu Dashan.

This guy went to Xiantaozhuang, saying that Taohua invited him to come over for business.

When he heard that Taohua brought him there, the first thing Chu Dachuan thought of was that the large batch of spiritual food in Xiantao Village was almost ripe.

This batch of spiritual food has been followed by many people.

In other words, before the spiritual food was ripe, more than a dozen big food merchants came from Longshanfang City.

In the spring of this year, the Chu family planted [-] mu of black pearl upland rice, [-] mu of Hanling rye, and [-] mu of rouge yellow millet.Among them, only the black pearl upland rice has not completely transformed into spiritual food.

Therefore, the most important thing to mature is the black pearl upland rice.

Eight thousand mu of black pearl upland rice is 560 million catties of grain.These foods can be sold as low-level spiritual food.

Even with the large-scale earth animism in Yunzhou Continent, spiritual lands appear everywhere.

But there are so many monks, and there are so many family members who have not yet become monks, so the food shortage has always been very large.

Therefore, most people come from Yunzhou and go to Yunzhou to resell grain.

And Xiantao Chu's spiritual food is top-notch.

As the family opened up wasteland everywhere, more and more monks were recruited and hired.He is becoming more and more unwilling to sell the food he grows.What their family frequently sells is all kinds of food purchased from the surrounding clansmen and common people, as well as planters and cultivators.

However, in the past, the Chu family occupied a favorable location and harvested a large amount of local grain every year, and then sold it at a high price, making a huge profit from the price difference.Since this year, the grain merchants have also learned to be good, and they ran into the Chu family town by themselves through the teleportation array.

After Mingyue City was completed, teleportation arrays were set up in Chujia Town, Xiantao Village, and the later built Mingyue City.

This is what Taohua strongly requested, and it cost nearly 50 spirit stones.

Because of the [-] spirit stones, Tao Hua was directly scolded by Chu Dashan.

Even Chu Qi didn't help her.

In the past, there was actually only an ultra-long-distance teleportation array that could go to and from Longshanfang City in the Dihuo Cave Mansion.Still small.

The newly built teleportation array, in fact, only needs to be a medium-sized ultra-long-distance array from Chujia Town to Longshanfang City.This level of formation is almost impossible to come across.It was also received by Longshanfang City from a casual cultivator unintentionally.

Suddenly discovering this kind of treasure, Peach Blossom naturally wants to use it.

So I asked my father to spend 50 Lingshi to install the medium-sized ultra-long-distance teleportation array in Chujia Town.Then set up a short-distance teleportation array, linking his own compound, the teleportation array platform of Xiantaozhuang, the teleportation room of Dihuodongfu, and the teleportation hall of Mingyue City.

In this way, you can freely transfer in these several locations.

Of course, although the teleportation arrays are all linked, the main backbone teleportation arrays are the ultra-long-distance medium-sized teleportation array (Chujia Town) and the small ultra-long-distance teleportation array in Dihuo Dongfu.

The others are just the main trunk short-distance teleportation array is just the branches and leaves attached to the main trunk.

But this is already very convenient, a few spirit coins can be teleported to any nearby place.

If it wasn't for Miryang's failure to straighten things out, Taohua would have thought of linking to Miryang's teleportation array.

In order to connect with the teleportation array, Taohua specially built a teleportation platform in Xiantao Village, and built a teleportation hall in Mingyue City.A teleportation hall was also built in Fangshi, Chujia Town.

Because of the appearance of the teleportation array, people came and went in the Chu family town, and the resident population suddenly doubled.You must know that Chujia Town used to have a population of close to [-], but now it has exceeded [-].It's only a few days.

Not to mention those casual cultivators and other merchants who came here especially.Counting their number is several times more.

Although they won't stay in Chu's Town often, it's good to come to buy and sell goods and make a living.

All of a sudden, Chu Dashan suddenly felt that his own Chu family town was developing in the direction of a city like Miryang.At least the population is no longer like a town.

You must know that the small broken city of Yuyang has a population of only a few hundred thousand.

The popularity of their town coming and going is so high, walking on the street seems to be a bit more prosperous than the Yuyang market in the past.

So one day when Chu Dashan asked his old daughter, "Can our Chu family town be upgraded to a real city?"

"Father, what are you going to call that city?"

"Little Jishan City?"

"It doesn't sound good." Tao Hua said honestly.

"Then what's your name?" Chu Dashan asked back.

"Father, all the cities on our side carry the word "Yang", why don't you think they are called Ziyang?"

What Taohua said that day seemed to be casual, but it was deeply rooted in Chu Dashan's heart.

As for Ziyang, Miryang, and Ziyang, everyone is at the same level.

At this time, Chu Dashan and his father, who were being missed by Chu Dachuan, did not stay in Xiantaozhuang, but entered Mingyue City.The land outside Mingyue City is black fertile soil, and the aura is getting stronger and stronger.

"Peach Blossom, what do you want to do with so many lands? I think these lands are excellent, better than those sloping lands where we grow spiritual plants."

These lands are really fertile soil.

Chu Dashan's own cultivation is the soil system, and he is really clear about the state of these spiritual fields.

Walking in the soft fertile soil where any crops can be grown, Chu Dashan casually asked his little girl Taohua.

"Our own land only has a total of more than 7 mu. Among them, nearly [-] mu has been turned into Mingyue Lake. The cultivation of spiritual plants in Xiantaozhuang is also approaching the limit. Our family already has more than [-] mu of spiritual land. After planting, plus [-] mu of spiritual food land, there are almost some corners left, or places that are not suitable for planting spiritual plants.

Xiantaozhuang still needs to develop in the future, we can't use up all the land. "

Peach Blossom has been measured many times, and the total area of ​​hills and valleys around Xiantao Village has reached the peak of being able to plant these spiritual food and spiritual plants.

Chu Dashan nodded after hearing this. "But our family still has a lot of usable land outside the town."

"It's too eye-catching over there. Many people in the clan will feel that we have encroached on their interests and their future descendants." Taohua never planned to develop the land there from the beginning.Just like Xintangzhuang, there are a lot of vacant land around, she would rather urge his father to rent it to Sanxiu and other mortals with foreign surnames.

After hearing her words, Chu Dashan fell into deep thought.

"You mean you want me to leave more space for the clansmen to develop?"

"The ancestors all do this, if you don't do it, dad, they will think you look too ugly."

(End of this chapter)

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