The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 450 Treasure Land

Chapter 450 Treasure Land
Hmph, Chu Dashan snorted coldly.

"Of course, dad doesn't need to care if people in the clan say you look ugly. We are just a matter of development space. If there is no idea, the family will fall into internal strife in all likelihood. It's better to leave it for the space, Leave them a thought. Anyway, our family is not bad." Taohua said.

"It's bad, why isn't it bad? Do you know how much land there is outside the entire Chu family town? It's a total of 15 mu." Chu Dashan scolded peach blossoms like you are a little prodigal. "And the land over there, underground is the Sutu Spirit Formation, they are all spiritual lands. Maybe it can evolve into a first-order spiritual land."

"Father, there are also [-] mu of spiritual fields here, and it will directly evolve into a first-level spiritual field in one month at the latest." Tao Hua said.

"What?" Chu Dashan was taken aback. "Really? The land where our family planted spiritual plants hasn't yet evolved into a first-order spiritual land?"

"It's almost over there, and it will take another month or two. Since the completion of Mingyueze here, the formations on the two sides have been completely linked together. The Sutu Spiritual Formation and the Bafang Jushui Formation here have been combined together. It has made a better change." The Qianyuan juke and its combination set of cups have brought too much blessing to the eight-direction water-gathering formation and the underlying Sutu spirit formation.

This caused Xiaopang to almost float all the way towards the first-order high-grade spiritual veins.

Xiaopang is now tormenting her ears every night, all he says is to let Lin Kuai adjust the balance of the five elements, so as not to delay its promotion to the first-level high-grade spiritual vein.

What it thinks is quite beautiful, but is the balance of the five elements so easy to adjust?

You have to let her take it step by step.

Besides, her current cultivation is at the peak of the early stages of the Divine Stage Realm, not in the middle stage of the Divine Stage Realm.It is best for her to reach the late stage of the altar stage before Xiaopang is promoted.Otherwise, her control over Xiaopang will be weakened.

Besides, her second supernatural power at the altar level has not shown any signs of awakening yet, which also makes her very worried.

"Will the spiritual lands in Chujia Town and Xintangzhuang also become first-class?" Chu Dashan asked.

Peach shook her head.

"That's not the key area. Daddy's veins are different, and some places won't give birth to good spiritual lands."

Chu Dashan paused speechlessly before asking, "Is it impossible, or do you not want to?"

"I don't want to, because if you want to advance the spiritual land, it will also consume a lot of spiritual energy, spiritual stones and formations." Taohua said.Besides, Xiaopang would not be willing to work for others for nothing.

Chu Dashan was silent.

It is enough for Bairang clansman's land to change from mortal land to spiritual land. He can't waste his spiritual stones and resources to help the clansmen's land become advanced spiritual fields?

"Will their land never become an advanced spiritual field?"

"Maybe it will become a first-order spiritual field in a long time." Tao Hua thought for a while, and rarely said something unreliable.

It's really unreliable. Even the spiritual field on the spiritual mountain, if it is not continuously invested in resources, spiritual stones, and spiritual energy integrated into the spiritual veins, then the first-level spiritual field will degenerate into an ordinary spiritual land.

In short, the spiritual land doesn't matter, but the spiritual fields above the first level are really cruel, and they must be invested continuously for a long time.

It is really not an easy task to maintain a Tier [-] spiritual field.

Even if your spiritual field is built on the five-element spiritual veins, it depends on whether the spirits of the spiritual veins are willing to support you for a long time.Not every land above the spiritual veins has the same spiritual energy in every place.

"If you're not sure, don't say it." Chu Dashan said speechlessly.

"Then I won't say anything." Tao Hua followed suit.

Chu Dashan: "..."

"Father, your face is so dark, are you wondering where to get the land after the three ten thousand mu spiritual fields are used up?" Tao Hua asked with a smile.

"Are you the bug in my stomach?" Chu Dashan said angrily, "I didn't think about that."

Taohua complained secretly in her heart: It's only strange if I believe you.

"Father, there is Xiongshan Mountain behind us. There are more resources inside and outside Xiongshan Mountain. We can dig it out."

After hearing this, Chu Dashan was thoughtful, "You mean to let me invade Xiongshan in reverse."

Taohua nodded. "Whether it is Xiaoji Mountain or the underground veins of Xintangzhuang, they are actually relatively common places. Even if there are underground spiritual veins and spiritual formations, they will at most become a place of panspirituality. It is okay to make do with it for the clansmen to use. , In fact, there is no value of transformation in essence. It is different from our family's Xiantao Valley and Mingyue Lake."

In the Xiantao Valley, there are heavy treasures, the bones of the spring dragon, and the suppression of two immortal roots of Zhaotian peach and Xueyu peach.

Mingyueze also has a Qianyuan Ju Kettle!
These two places belong to the Chu family alone.

Chu Dashan didn't give them their own land even for the clansmen who later moved to Xiantaozhuang.Instead, the land outside the Xiantao Valley was divided.

Not to mention Mingyueze, the place where Peach Blossom just finished.

These treasures are actually equivalent to opening two resource points for the Chu family.

Speaking of which, Longshanfang City is not comparable to Mingyueze and Xiantao Valley in terms of resources alone.

There is only one dragon scale land, and it is still a group of low-level spiritual lands.

If it weren't for the existence of a spiritual vein underground in Longshanfang City, even Longshanfang City wouldn't be able to continue.

"Okay, when the time comes, our father and I will study with your brother and sister." Chu Dashan said. "Now that the pharmacy has been relocated, you really don't plan to open it to the outside world?"

Peach nodded.

"From now on, Mingyue Palace will have its own family members and its own hired workers, and guests can come in. Those without status from the Chu family can't come in."

Chu Dashan looked at the huge Chuancheng city not far from the spiritual land, and said with regret in his heart, "Oh, I thought we could open an underground market or something? It's on par with Longshan Fang City."

"Father, the operation of Mingyue City in the future will also bring us a huge amount of benefits." Tao Hua said.

"Oh, but Longshanfang City is still making money." Chu Dashan said yearningly.

"But the location of Longshan Fang City is very good. Our place is far inferior. It's not suitable for a Fang City." Tao Hua said with her lips twitching.

Chu Dashan immediately lost face.

"By the way, the black pearl upland rice at home is about to mature. Is it true that if you don't sell any of it, you have to store it all?" Chu Dashan asked his daughter in confusion.

"Garn up. Keep the new grain to meet your own needs. When this batch of harvest is put into storage, dad, you should find someone to plant it again. If there are not enough Lingzhi husbands in our family, you can continue to recruit. Those who are not willing to continue Ling Zhifu who worked for our family, whether they are clansmen or others, just fire them and kick them out. Let them be famous, enjoy the benefits of our family, and finally work for their own family. dismiss."

When Chu Dashan heard this, he immediately said, "Taohua, your uncle made big moves one after another, and you gave him a lot of ideas?"

"Yes." Taohua admitted directly.

Chu Dashan twitched the corner of his mouth weakly and said, "I said, why did your uncle become so powerful all of a sudden?"

"My uncle himself is also somewhat capable. He has met many people and things over the years, so he naturally has his own way. I just gave him a suggestion. Look at how well uncle has done." Tao Hua road.

(End of this chapter)

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