Chapter 451

From Taohua's point of view, although his uncle had a lot of minor problems in the past, he was not very agile in doing things, and he often had twitches in his head and was influenced by his wife.

But after all, he didn't make any big mistakes. Besides, he is also his father's only sibling. Although his father didn't say anything, he always paid close attention to him secretly and asked about his elder brother's news.

Even if Taohua doesn't get her uncle out by herself, her father will not be able to help contacting her uncle in a few years.

I think the bones are still connected to the tendons, and the blood relationship will continue to be cut.

Besides, his uncle has indeed improved a lot in the past two years, and he has matured.

So it would be useful to move him out to do business for two years.Besides, her elder brother might not stay at home for long.

"Then do you know that someone in the clan is talking bad about him every day?" Chu Dashan asked.

"I know, every day I say I'm angry every day, but I can't kill uncle, I'm mad at them." Tao Hua said triumphantly.

Chu Dashan: "..." My daughter, you are so strangely nervous.

"Father, try to stockpile as much food as possible. You must. In fact, I think [-] mu of spiritual land is still a bit short. Father, you'd better open up another [-] mu of land in Chu's Town to grow all kinds of spiritual food and melons and fruits." Vegetables or something."

"Chujia Town has removed the land that was distributed and sold to the clansmen at the beginning, and there are still 15 mu left, and [-] mu have been leased out. There are still [-] mu left, and you ask me to open up another [-] mu. Mu? Will the remaining [-] mu be rented out?" Chu Dashan couldn't help being surprised.I don't know what kind of news Taohua got, which made him hoard grain on a large scale.

"No, in the second half of this year, Dad, you will recruit people to open up [-] mu of wasteland. Tomorrow, we will continue to cultivate the remaining [-] mu of land for food, melons and fruits." Taohua said.

"Is it too much?" Chu Dashan frowned. "Besides, where are we going to recruit so many people?"

"There are many mortals around Chujia Town, and it is not necessary to recruit monks to farm. Let's look for mortals together. Ordinary people can also accept the usual watering, weeding, fertilization, etc. Recruiting monks is responsible for removing insects and building canals What. Anyway, heavy work is done by monks, and light work is done by mortals. This way our family can spend less money."

The corners of Chu Dashan's mouth twitched, and the corners of his eyes also twitched.

I thought to myself how much money can my daughter save by doing this?Our family spent a lot of money.

"I think if I do this, they won't call me Chu Dashan anymore, and they will start calling me Mr. Chu. Girl, what do you think?" Chu Dashan asked while looking sideways at Taohua.

cough cough cough.

"What's wrong with us saving some money normally and reasonably? Have you saved their rice? What are they excited about? If they call your father the nickname of Mr. Chu, then we will continue to be more picky in the future." Tao Hua blinked her eyes solemnly Said.

Chu Dashan: You might as well not be so solemn! !
"Okay, I see. By the way, do you need someone here?"

"No, I've already discussed with the people in Huichun Hall. They set up a branch here, and they train a large number of apprentices here, including those we send in for further training. They also guide and supervise the work of the medicine refining workshop. In addition, we refine medicine Every year, at least [-]% of the finished medicinal materials in the Fangfang will be sold to Huichuntang at par market prices."

"This is a matter of mutual benefit." Chu Dashan said.

"In addition, their family members will come here to rent a part of the spiritual fields here to grow various medicinal materials. Our family is responsible for taking care of the spiritual fruits, and the spiritual planters of the spiritual food will also share two. Half of them will come to be responsible for planting the spiritual fields here." Taohua Road.

"Come here halfway, then there are a lot of spiritual fields here." Chu Dashan frowned.

"So dad, hurry up and find someone."

Chu Dashan began to have a headache.

Chu Dashan took his daughter home at night, and Chu Dachuan came not long after.

When everyone was having dinner together, Chu Qi specially brought out a jar of freshly brewed cold soul spirit wine.

This cold soul spirit wine is slightly cold at the entrance, but after it enters the throat, it becomes colder and colder. With the spiritual energy flowing through the limbs and bones, the cool air can even rush into the brain, instantly causing people's spiritual consciousness to fall into a subtle state of mind. In a state of extreme sobriety.

It made people tremble all over, and the blood stirred slightly as the aura flowed.

Everyone hurriedly refined the spirit wine separately, and when all the spirit wine was refined, they all exhaled foul breath in unison.

Not only the mana in the body has increased a bit, but even the spiritual consciousness has been condensed a bit, and even the total amount of spiritual consciousness has increased a little.

The most important thing is that the body size has also increased a lot due to the tempering of spiritual energy and cold energy.At least it was worth a month's physical training for the martial monks.

that is really good!
"This spirit wine is really good, and it will be designated as another main product of our family in the future." Chu Dachuan said with bright eyes.Although he has just embarked on the path of a monk, he has not even reached the first level of the meridian, and he only took a small sip of the spiritual wine.

But the effect of this small sip was too great, and it directly made him a little short, and he was about to become a monk at the first level of the Meridian Realm.

Chu Dachuan had always wanted to practice a book of exercises suitable for business monks.It's a pity that I went around and couldn't find a similar exercise.Not even Peach Blossom, but Peach Blossom brought him another book of rare basic exercises.

Shuo Jin decides!
This is a book that can easily distinguish the purity of gold and silver, spirit gold, spirit silver and other metals.After cultivating to a high level, even the purity of spirit stones and raw ore can be discerned with the naked eye.

Cough, cough, anyway, this is a special exercise that Taohua received from the Earth Master Organization.Very suitable for finding ore veins.

As soon as Chu Dachuan heard that the special exercise could actually identify the purity of metals, he immediately nodded and agreed to practice it.

After all, this special cultivation method is more suitable for him than other cultivation methods.

But Taohua also told him that she got the first and second volumes of this Shuo Jin Jue.That is to say, the techniques of Tongmai Realm and Divine Platform Realm.It was incomplete from the start.When Chu Dachuan cultivated to the peak of the Divine Platform Realm and broke through to the Zifu Realm, he would have no more exercises, and he would have to look for follow-up exercises later, or he would have to change the exercises.

Chu Dachuan said, no problem.

What's the problem? Most of the monks in the Liangyun Continent have only reached the peak of the Tongmai Realm with their skills.Not even a third of them can cultivate to the peak of the altar realm.

Baicao Pavilion, Xiancaotang and Dancaolou, which came from Outland, sell all low-level exercises, but they don't sell exercises that exceed the realm of the gods.

I think they didn't intend to let the brothers in the Liangyun Continent produce more high-level monks from the beginning.

"Let's try auctioning this kind of wine at Longshanfang City Auction House. For the time being, our inventory is too small, and we don't have the cost to sell it in large quantities." Chu Qi suggested.

(End of this chapter)

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