The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 452 Blood of the Sea Beast

Chapter 452 Blood of the Sea Beast
Chu Dashan's eyes burned after hearing this: "Okay, I agree. If you don't sell it in large quantities, this kind of spirit wine is not something that any monk can afford. It is a scarce resource like the spirit ginseng seeds in our hands. Let's all go to the auction. If you release a lot of spirit wine, it will be worthless."

"Yes, the effect of cold soul spirit wine on monks is too good. It has no side effects such as erysipelas, and it is not ordinary spirit wine brewed with some grains containing spirit energy or low-level spirit fruits. If it is not the same as those outside What kind of spiritual wine is sold in large quantities, and our wine has become a bargain." Chu Dachuan also said.

"The extra spiritual wine can be turned into welfare for the clansmen to exchange." Chu Qi thought for a while and smiled. "It can be regarded as a special benefit."

After hearing this, Chu Dashan didn't say much, so he dragged his elder brother to continue drinking.

After drinking, Chu Dashan took the initiative to drag the elder brother to the study, and the two elder brothers went away muttering.

Chu Qi couldn't hold back the little girl's arm, "Tell me, why does your father value your uncle so much now?"

"I heard that the fighting on White Crab Island has escalated. More and more sea beasts have rushed to White Crab Island." Taohua answered irrelevantly.

Chu Qi continued to visit her.

"Once the situation is serious, mother, do you think the Qingxu Sword Sect will send that elder over?" Tao Hua asked softly.

"You mean your brother can't stay at home anymore?" Chu Qi's eyes froze.

"Being in the sect has advantages and disadvantages." Tao Hua lowered her voice.

"Being in the sect, I can't help myself." Chu Qi said quietly.

"If I don't go to the sect, my brother is still a casual cultivator of Ye Luzi." Tao Hua rolled her eyes speechlessly.

Chu Qi: "..."

"Besides, the current world is so chaotic, how can one person fight alone?" Tao Hua said again.

"But that Qingxu Sword Sect is not a good place, I heard from your elder brother?" Chu Qi said.

"They have been silent for too long, and too much scum has settled in the sect. With the restoration of the sect's power, the outstanding talents they have cultivated themselves have risen up again, and these dross have sunk to the bottom. They purify the Xu Jianzong In order to soar into the sky.

In this period of turmoil, whether it is a dragon or a fish, it depends on how you jump.What we invest in is also a future opportunity. "

"What do you mean we invest? Are we investing money in Qingxu Jianzong?" Chu Qi was stunned.

"It's not money, but it's more precious than money." Taohua thought of the things that were transferred to Qingxu Jianzong in the ruins last time. Although they were not top-level important things, they were still very painful.Besides, there are so many Tier [-] elixir.Besides, her elder brother joined the Qingxu Sword Sect, if she hadn't been optimistic about the future of the Qingxu Sword Sect, how could she have agreed?

Chu Qi was silent for a while before saying, "You are all grown up, and you all have made up your mind. Mother is not willing to be the one who hinders you from going out and wandering. You just have to think about safety."

"Mother, you should tell Big Brother these words." Tao Hua immediately rolled her eyes.

Chu Qi slapped them both angrily, and then lightly hammered them on the back a few times.

Sure enough, Chu Shiluo didn't stay at home for a few days, and was called away by his master.

The Chu family's upland rice was harvested, and Chu Dashan immediately recruited people to prepare for the land reclamation and replanting of grain.

The Chu family's rice has not been sold this year.It turned out that a lot of food with rare aura in the hands of the Chu family members and casual cultivators was bought away.It seems that the price is [-]% higher than that of the same period in previous years.But when the news of the expansion of the White Crab Island war came, the price of all grains in the entire food market doubled, and the price of low-level spiritual food with rare spiritual energy increased five times.

All the time, the clansmen and casual cultivators howled miserably and everyone sold out.

Only the Chu family didn't sell a single piece of grain, and this appointment was going to make a lot of money.

The point is, since your family knew that the price of spiritual food was going to increase, why didn't you tell us?
It's so wicked.

For a while, Chu Dashan's reputation plummeted in the clan.

Chu Dashan was so angry that he smashed the whole tea set at home.Damn, is it the grain that I asked you to sell?
Didn't you see that I didn't sell any of them?

Forecasting this kind of thing, since it is a prediction, how can it tell you anything?
Chu Dashan angrily decided to open up wasteland.Open up wasteland, open up all the [-] mu of wasteland.If it doesn't work, I'll plant some coarse grains.

And so his reputation got worse.

If he is willing, he will not lease, but occupy the wasteland that has no owner as a whole, and grow by himself.After harvesting, about one tenth of the grain will be converted into resources and stored in the clan treasury.

The problem is, how expensive it is to grow food now.The Chu family still has Ling Zhifu, who is still developing and recruiting Ling Zhifu on a large scale. When these grains grow, how much income will it bring to Chu Dashan?

But what he gave to the clan was only one-tenth.

It is simply an evil and improper son of man.

Why can you plant it, but we can't?We can also open up wasteland, and then give one-tenth of the harvest to the clan.

It's a pity that one-tenth of this wasteland common land farming is handed over, which is a right that only the patriarch can control.

The previous generations of patriarchs have also done this, but they have never done so many acres. They are small and small with hundreds of acres.It's not like the giant Chu Dashan, who can open up [-] acres of wasteland.

In fact, it is far more than [-] mu.

Many people know that there are [-] mu underground in Mingyue Palace.

In addition to the nearly [-] mu of Xiantaozhuang, the Chu family has opened up a lot of land for food cultivation this time, and there is also a lot of area for replanting food.

Generous, simply frighteningly generous.

In doing so, he also directly increased the price of food.

Even Miryang's food prices are flying up like a roller coaster.

Even the main food of Miryang city residents, the big herring in Bibo Lake has increased in price.Worth doubled.It used to be two for a catty, but now it is four coppers for a catty.

Just when food prices were rising in large numbers, a large number of seafood shops opened in cities such as Chujiafang City and Miryang.All kinds of fresh sea fish, sea animal meat, sea animal blood and other seafood are on the shelves one by one.

The cheapest sea fish is as low as three coppers a catty.Sea animal meat is slightly higher, which is close to the price of pheasant here, and a little lower.Usually, a pheasant costs at least thirty coppers per catty.A pheasant can now be sold for three to forty taels of silver.The main reason is that the chickens are now big and have a lot of meat.

Sea animal meat is also about the same price.

However, sea beasts and sea fish produce more meat, so they are considered to be of high quality and low price.

In particular, all kinds of animal blood were pushed onto the shelves at the same price as cabbage.The sea beast's monster blood is essentially a kind of spiritual blood, which is very useful for refining medicine or drawing symbols, because these spiritual blood can be used to make various blood source pills, blood marrow pills, and can also be used to refine a large number of Into various spirit ink.

As a result, Apprentice Talisman Masters and Talisman Masters from all over the world began to grow on a large scale.

(End of this chapter)

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