The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 453 The reason why the blank talisman paper is sold at a low price

Chapter 453 The reason why the blank talisman paper is sold at a low price

On a large building ship in a human-controlled area outside the White Crab Island battlefield.The four-story wooden building above the deck, except for the first floor, is a place to buy and sell various sea animal materials.The three floors above are the Blood Ink Refining Workshop.

A large number of mortal ink-making masters were hired by the whole family to refine spirit inks of various qualities under the guidance of refiners and apprentices.Then these spiritual inks were packed into huge wooden barrels of one hundred catties, and then transported inland by large ships.

On a medium-sized boat slowly approaching outside the huge building, Yang Xiao and a few disciples stood leisurely on the bow.

One of the young female disciples wearing a bright yellow gauze looked angrily at the building in front of him, and said to Yang Xiao, "Master is there. That is the Lingmo workshop where the Chu family refines spirit ink. This is the Lingmo workshop. More than [-] talisman master apprentices were trained on the battlefield in one month. The entire battlefield was sensational. There are a large number of talisman master introductory booklets on the first floor of their building.

Take your pick, pick whatever you want.

Each booklet contains at least a dozen low-level talisman refining methods.I'll sell you one for two spirit coins. "

"The Chu family? Chu Shinian's family, or Chu Dashan's family?" Yang Xiao asked.

The girls stared blankly.

"It belongs to Junior Brother Chu Shiluo's family." Yang Qi said.

"How do you know?" Yang Xiao asked amusedly.

"Before Shi Luo came, he once asked me to help him take care of the family business." Yang Qi said.

"Sister, listen, this building boat is still the business of your junior brother's family!" Yang Xiao said.

Lu Meimei stomped her little feet irritably.

"What junior, an outer disciple."

Yang Xiao's face immediately darkened.

The young man beside Lu Meimei tugged at her sleeve secretly.Lu Meimei had no choice but to change her tone. "Master, it's not that the disciple likes to make things difficult for others. It's just that the Lou Chuan named Chu is too speechless. Now it is driving people to nowhere."

Yang Xiao looked at Lu Meimei's expression on the verge of crying, and asked very gossip, "Tell me, how did they force her into a corner?"

Lu Meimei wiped her cheeks, held back her tears, and said with a small mouth like a lark, "Master, do you know? They sell books for making talismans, and it doesn't matter if they sell spirit ink for making talismans. They Blank rune paper for various talismans is also sold.

Also sold at a very low price.

Others refine blank talisman paper, and a piece of first-order blank talisman paper costs at least twenty spirit coins.Their house sells blank talisman paper, and a stack of one hundred sheets only sells one hundred spirit coins.Master, you said that if they did this, would they let us low-level talisman masters live?

Others can earn resources on the White Crab Island battlefield, but our talisman masters not only can't earn resources, but also keep pouring money into them. "

Ahhh, Yang Xiao was completely shocked.

"You said they sold 100 pieces of blank talisman paper for [-] Yuan Lingcoins? How is this possible? Just losing money will kill them. Why are they doing this?" Yang Xiao frowned.

"Actually, we are very puzzled, but their business is getting hotter and hotter." Yang Qi said helplessly.

"Have all the talisman masters on the battlefield been affected?" Yang Xiao asked thoughtfully.

"No, only low-level talisman masters and talisman master apprentices are affected. Low-level talisman talismans can hardly be sold in spirit coins here. But the Chu family's boats buy all kinds of spirit wood, vines, weeds and the like. And Some weird Fan Zhi." Yang Qi said.

"Do you think they have a new formula for talisman paper?" Yang Xiao asked. "Otherwise, how could they produce so many blank talisman papers in large quantities?"

"It's possible. But if spirit wood is added to the talisman paper, the cost is not so easy to reduce. And no matter what kind of talisman paper, if there is less spirit wood, then the talisman paper will not be able to seal various spells. The talisman can't take shape either. So the Chu family's talisman paper spirit wood is definitely not small." Yang Qi said.

"Master, big brother, I sold their blank talisman paper. Look, it's better than my own. The spirit wood is [-]% of it. It's just that the price is too frustrating. "Lu Meimei angrily took out the talisman paper delivered by the Chu family, and said angrily.

Both Yang Xiao and Yang Qi put the talisman paper in their hands and rubbed it several times, it was undoubtedly the top-grade talisman paper.

"No, I'm going to ask." Yang Xiao is a straightforward person, and besides, it's his apprentice's property, so he asked what's wrong?
As soon as Yang Xiao came, the shopkeeper on the first floor of Louchuan came out.They also took Yang Xiao and the others to the VIP room respectfully and enthusiastically.

They also served spiritual fruits and tea for everyone.

Yang Xiao didn't delay too much, so he directly asked the shopkeeper about his doubts.

When the shopkeeper heard this, he said, "We are indeed losing money selling blank talisman papers."

"Then what are you planning? A hundred talisman papers cost you [-] spirit coins? What does your Patriarch think?" Yang Xiao was puzzled.

"Our Patriarch said that there are endless sea beasts on White Crab Island, and you can't kill them all. Martial monks are okay, they have real energy in their bodies, and they can persist in killing the enemy for a long time. But law monks suffer, low-level law monks Basically, they can't cast a few spells. If they don't have some magical weapons on their bodies, they will have been killed and eaten by the sea beasts that flocked to them.

But even if they carry magical weapons, their death rate remains high.Especially the death of a thief with expensive magic tools will not return the talismans, and it can also increase the battlefield survivability of magic monks.The problem is that the total amount of talismans is too small.

The talismans sold by the talisman master could not meet the needs of the battlefield at all.

So our Patriarch came up with this method.

We stick the talisman paper upside down and try to cultivate enough low-level talisman apprentices and talisman masters.

Let everyone have talismans to use when fighting sea beasts on the battlefield.Strive for fewer deaths. "

After hearing these words, Yang Xiao immediately stood up, and bowed to the shopkeeper with a big gift.

The shopkeeper ran away in fright.

"Thank you Patriarch Dashan for me." Yang Xiao said with unusually serious eyes. "Please help me bring this thank you to me. He, Chu Dashan, is a real person, and I can't do it."

The shopkeeper quickly waved his hand. "Our Patriarch said a long time ago that we came here to do something within our capacity. In addition, we also sell Lingmo to get back the capital at any rate."

"But your Lingmo is also sold at the price of cabbage." Yang Qi said with restrained eyes, but with deep emotion inside. "Others only see the medium-sized spiritual veins under the White Crab Island, but your Patriarch has seen the struggle between the two clans of humans and monsters. The far-sightedness is beyond the reach of the world."

The shopkeeper was speechless, this exaggeration is a bit big.

Afterwards, this inside story was unintentionally (deliberately) leaked by Yang Xiao.

As a result, the monks of the upper human race on the entire battlefield silently had a good impression of the Chu family's boat.

(End of this chapter)

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