Chapter 463
As for whether any little life will die during this process, she doesn't care.

Anyway, a flower like the blood spirit flower, as long as the source of the secret realm or the spiritual veins give it a blessing, it will always grow one crop after another.

"Patriarch, are you planning to give up this small world?" Chu Shinian asked aloud.

"What? Are you reluctant to part with this little secret realm?" Taohua asked.

"This small secret realm has a lot of resources, especially low-level elixir. Although they are all elixir below the third level, the quantity is enough for our army to use. Besides, this small world is hundreds of miles wide. What a pity." Chu Shinian said.

Peach Blossom continued to break into various spells, and streamer-like spells kept rushing into the void.It's a pity that the expansion of the big void is still very fast.

Boom boom boom...

Not only is the big hole in the center of the small world constantly expanding, but even the land around the small world is constantly collapsing.

The small world is going towards the end amidst the frantic contraction and the collapse of the center.

"Has the tribal population of the people in the small world been sent out?"

"I sent them all away. As soon as they heard that the small world was about to collapse, they immediately believed my words. Those who dragged their families away moved the tribes away. We moved six tribes this time, with a population of more than 400 million. "Chu Shinian said.

"These people should be digested as soon as possible, and they should be dismantled and resettled as much as possible." Taohua said.

"Patriarch, don't worry, we have made some arrangements before, and the nobles and people in these tribes trust us very much." Chu Shinian said with confidence.

"Then subtly split them up like before, designed to intensify the conflicts between them, let them stage a splitting scene, and then split them up quickly and decisively." Taohua said.

Chu Shinian nodded confidently.

When Taohua just came back, he instructed him to use this strategy to hold the entire Chu clan in his hands.

How many times has he done this routine, and now it is just a wild small tribe that is split up, and it is not difficult at all.

"But there's nothing I can do about the monsters in the small world. There are too many of them. Hunting them on a large scale will completely gather them together. Even if we win, it will be a disaster." Chu Shinian said.

"It doesn't matter, let them stay for now, anyway, they will be thrown out at that time." After Taohua finished speaking, she took a dark blue fist-sized one with various small light spots on it. The stone was taken out, and then thrown into the big hole with a whimper.

A few seconds after the stone entered the hole, all changes in the entire hole stopped as if the still button had been stepped on.

The space does not collapse, the earth does not collapse...

The faint blue light curtain spread from the bottom of the stagnant cave bit by bit.

Chu Shinian: "This is...?"

Taohua "Let's go, now it's time for us to leave."

Taohua and Chu Shinian left the small world with a dozen guards, and then Taohua took Chu Shinian and the others to wait in a certain huge grotto in the underground cave.

Not half a day later, someone hurried in.

"My lord, for some reason there suddenly appeared a lot of monster beasts in the Xifeng Mountains. As soon as they appeared, they immediately fought with the local monster beasts in Xifeng Mountain. The battlefield gradually spread from the center of Xifeng Mountain to the periphery.

Many weak herds couldn't stand this kind of fighting, and fled from Xifeng Mountain frantically.The pressure we are facing in West Wind City is extremely high now, and many herds of beasts want to rush out of us.The sergeants stationed suffered heavy casualties, do you think it is possible to send troops to support them? "

"Probably competing for hunting grounds and spirit veins, spirit land." Taohua said.

"I understand. Ziyu, immediately pass on my order to recruit the reserve army from the Changyang Camp to support you, and let them bring the available large-scale ordnance. In addition, recruit casual practitioners to help your city defense, training resources and spoils Richer."

"Yes." The officer just rushed over, then turned and rushed away.

"Patriarch, I'm leaving too. It turns out that all the monsters in the small world have been exiled to the Xifeng Mountains. No, there are too many of them. West Wind City, Changyang City, and Fengyang City are under construction. Chengyang City, I'm afraid I need to come forward. I have to go out and make arrangements." Chu Shinian said.

"Then you go, I have to stay for a while." Tao Hua said.In fact, she hasn't finished finishing Ming Yueze yet, if these blood spirit flowers hadn't made trouble at this time, she wouldn't have done it in advance.Forget it, let's just practice, finish this side first, and then go back to continue to figure out the things about Mingyueze.

The first state of a monk is the state of Tongmai, which is mainly to open up the meridians of the whole body. Generally speaking, the Jiuzhong of Tongmai is to open up the nine main meridians.However, the Taiyin Meridian that Taohua practiced allowed Taohua to open up the twelve main meridians before she was promoted to the Divine Stage.

The altar realm is the first pass for monks to build a foundation.To be promoted to the altar, a divine orifice must be conceived in the dantian.

Opening up the spirit orifice of the altar with the secret method has the wonderful effect of purifying the mana (true yuan) in the dantian, improving the purity of the mana (true yuan) and continuing to develop the dantian.

As the cultivation level of the monks deepened, the role of the spirit orifice of the altar would become more and more powerful.

Of course, there are some monks who can't open the altar spiritual aperture even if they break into the altar realm, or the spiritual apertures opened are very weak. Such monks will have limited future achievements.Even if the cultivation base will continue to break through, it is still the weakest level among the monks.

Taohua's own divine platform spiritual aperture has been fully developed, and the mana in her body has been tempered three times from the early stage of the divine platform to the current middle stage of the divine platform.Without tempering once, the mana will be more condensed and pure.Of course, the next time it becomes more difficult to temper.

Tao Hua faintly felt that if she didn't use other methods, then her mana refining limit should be four and a half times, and she would not be able to reach the fifth time.

This is still on the basis of this very good physical talent.

Her body in the previous life was similar to Chu Taohua's now in terms of cultivation talent.

However, the Taiyin Sutra required her to complete nine times of mana training in the Divine Platform Realm in order not to affect her future practice.

This is a bit difficult.

Taohua thought about it, and it seemed that she still had to find a way.

Taohua sat silently on an underground stone and practiced for less than two days.

The nearby ground began to vibrate slightly, and then a faint blue bead the size of a child's head burst out of the soil.

Seeing that the bead wanted to fly away after it broke through the ground, Tao Hua immediately moved towards it speechlessly.The bead was bound by some invisible force and dragged to Taohua little by little.The guards who almost wanted to catch Zhuzhu looked at each other in blank dismay.

(End of this chapter)

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