The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 464 Rank 1 Cold Soul Spirit Wine

Chapter 464

Taohua grabbed the beads, and released a table and a sound-proof barrier from the storage bracelet.Then he took out a lot of tools.Finally, he moved out a chair, sat in front of the table and began to engrave the rune formation on the blue beads.

Youlan Bead is like a living thing, always wanting to run away.

Taohua pinched its body with one hand and inscribed it with the other.As she inscribed, the special spiritual ink mixed with various materials penetrated into the runes.

The bead, which was struggling very hard at first, became more and more powerless. After five days, it stopped struggling at all, and lay dead in Taohua's hands, dripping like crazy.

Peach Blossom doesn't care if it is moving or not, it is still inscribed constantly.

After engraving one layer, she coated the beads with a special spirit ink.Then the spirit ink and the original runes gradually disappeared into the beads.Then Peach Blossom continued to engrave!
On the No.12 day, Peach Blossom finally finished the last stroke.

"Oh, I'm exhausted."

Taohua put down the bead, and the bead also lay dead on the table without moving.

"Oh, I said what's the point of you pretending to be dead?" Tao Hua looked at Zhu Zi who was determined to continue pretending to be dead, feeling speechless. "If it weren't for me, you would only have the growth potential of the fourth level in the future, but now you can have the growth potential of the fifth level, and there is a slight potential to advance to the sixth level.

What else do you not like?
Never mind how you used to be?Are you useless now?Even I can help you here at most.

As a boundary core, you have to have some courage to face the reality, right? "

Peach Blossom is chatting with a certain bead.

"If you still don't take care of me, I will automatically understand that you are not willing to do things for me, and you want to die. That's easy to handle, I'll feed you directly..."

Teng, the beads immediately floated up, and turned around a few times in front of Peach Blossom with a full of energy and vitality.

Taohua: Are you childish or not?

But Taohua also knew that the only way she could threaten this broken bead was to feed it to the Five Elements Spirit Vein.

The boundary core is actually the remnant core formed by the condensed origin after the world was broken.This kind of thing is usually used to refine and strengthen the small world.The origin of the Jumu Forest Small World has long been scraped away by the Blood Spirit Flower. Even if there is no such thing as the last bit being swallowed up now, the Jumu Forest Small World will completely collapse in a hundred years.

But regardless of the fact that the origin of this small world is scraped away, the area and resource development of this small world are still very rich.

In fact, its wreckage collapsed into Xifeng Mountain, and the huge energy tide brought to Xifeng Mountain not only raised several spiritual veins, but also greatly enriched the species of Xifeng Mountain.Later, Xifeng Mountain's monster clan was so strong, it might not have been related to the fact that this small world with a large area fell directly on Xifeng Mountain.

But this time Taohua doesn't intend to let this small world take advantage of the Xifeng Mountain monsters for nothing.It's a coincidence that when she opened the little golden gourd last time, she just opened a boundary core.

Although such things as boundary cores are rare, one or two will appear every once in a while in the previous life.This kind of thing can appear in many ruins.Taohua didn't think too much about it when she first got it.But after going back, she carefully thought about a certain small world, changed her original plan, and designed another one.

After re-branding the little bead, Taohua took it and the others out of the underground cave.

The little bead in her hand was transformed into half of the newly fused small world, and when she re-put it into a certain spiritual vein, after three years of nurturing, it would evolve into a new small world.

By the time Taohua returned home, it had been almost half a month since she left home.

As soon as Chu Qi found her, he grabbed her tightly in his room, "Say, did you meet some good-looking brat outside?"

"Mother, am I that kind of superficial person?" Taohua immediately complained.

"Why not? You brothers and sisters, including your father, like to look at those good-looking ones. I asked your elder brother two days ago, when will you get married? Guess what your elder brother told me? He said let me give him Just look for someone who is as beautiful as a fairy. He doesn't care if it's male or female.

Listen, is this human speech? "

Ah, puff, puff... Peach Blossom laughed.

"Mother, my elder brother doesn't want to get married." Tao Hua said.

"Nonsense, do you think I can't understand? What about you, you don't want to get married, and you plan to be single in the future?"

Taohua didn't answer, just laughed.

"Why are you laughing? You said that your sister knows to find Lin Changge at random. What about you, why don't you know that you can find one for yourself?" Chu Qi asked angrily.

"Mom, I'm only fourteen, only fourteen." Tao Hua said speechlessly.

"Then we have to look for it in advance." Chu Qi insisted.

"What are you looking for? The family that Taohua ordered told me that they will come over to discuss marriage when Taohua is sixteen. Don't mess around with me." Chu Dashan came over at this time.

"I said you're just messing around, okay? Look at the Chen Palace you ordered for Qingmei last time, what's that?" Chu Qi said dissatisfied.In the end, he brought so much trouble to their family, so it's over with an apology?

Anyway, Chu Qi didn't think much of him.

Chu Dashan: Actually, Chen Gong is not that bad.Although the kid himself may have some opinions on this marriage, it's not all his fault that it messed up in the end.Qing Mei also had it, and the person he brought was also at fault.

Nor could he in good conscience say that there was nothing wrong with his own daughter.

It can only be said that the two children are not destined.After all, he loves his daughter dearly, and he can finally see that little Chen Gong's heart is for others, so his daughter will definitely have to suffer for a while when she gets married.He is not a stepfather, why should he watch his daughter suffer?

Chen Gong is not his own son, why did he wrong his daughter to make someone else's son?

Isn't he the biggest fool in the world?
"Chen Gong has retired from the engagement, so don't bring it up again. Qingmei should have an opinion when she hears about it." Chu Dashan hurriedly told his wife.

Chu Qi: "..."

"That person has nothing to do with my sister for a long time." Tao Hua said.

"You can say it." Chu Qi gave her an angry look.

"Mom, how are the sales of the cold spirit wine? Why did I hear that our cold spirit wine is going crazy all the way back? I heard that a jar is almost 300 yuan spirit stone?" Taohua asked .

"It's almost 300 yuan, it's more than 500 yuan in spirit stones." Chu Qi's family immediately turned to the building when they heard about the spirit wine. "Is the spiritual wine brewed by your mother and me still available for sale?"

"I remember that our Hanpo spirit wine is only first-class, right? Can you sell a pot of spirit stones for 500 yuan? That's too expensive, it's unbelievable. Mother, you are too powerful." Peach Blossom dogleg praised.

(End of this chapter)

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