The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 465 Find Guo Peng to solve the problem

Chapter 465 Find Guo Peng to solve the problem

"It's a pity that I didn't have the confidence at the beginning, so I brewed more than 300 jars. Except for the ones from home, there are not a few jars left that can be auctioned at Longshan." Chu Qi said with deep regret.

"Mushi, doesn't it mean that after a while, the second batch of Hanpo Spirit Wine will be ready?" Tao Hua asked.

"It will take some time." Chu Qi said.

"Then how many jars are the first batch?" Taohua asked.

"Five hundred altars." Chu Qi said.

"Mother, why didn't you brew more?" Tao Hua asked in confusion.

"Your father said that the effect of cold soul spirit wine is too strong to quench the body, and it should not be released on a large scale in the world. The ghost knows that these spirit wines fell into the water in the end. Your father also said that our family has spiritual food and spiritual food. Fruit, there are still many low-level elixir, it is better to make some grain wine, fruit wine and medicinal wine brewed from ordinary well water.

However, a group of winemakers were recruited to think about some wine recipes. "

"That's fine too." Taohua nodded.

"However, I heard that among the branches of our Chu family, there is a branch that is particularly good at brewing wine. I heard that they used to make a fortune by brewing wine. What kind of fairy burns in the house, Qinglingxiang are all top-notch wines. It is said that they All the wine has been sold to Anxia and other countries." Chu Qi rarely said timidly. "Nowadays, they have improved the original wine recipe, and now the brewed spirit wines such as Shenxian Shao and Qing Lingxiang are far superior to others, and are sold well in Longshan and other countries."

What they did was so good, she was worried that it would be bad if she got a large amount of wine and couldn't sell it.

"Then they also make spirit wine. Doesn't that just mean that the profit of spirit wine is huge. Our family has low-priced raw materials, and it will be a disadvantage if we store or sell the raw materials directly. It's better to brew spirit wine yourself, whether you drink it yourself in the future. If we sell it, we will not lose money."

After hearing Taohua's words, Chu Qi finally came to his senses.

"Yeah, our family used to be our own, why did I think so badly. I always thought about our family's wine making. I'm afraid that I can't do it like a family that has been making wine for hundreds of years. How can we make our family wine? In fact, I forgot to bring my own raw materials.”

"Mother, let's make our own wine. It turns out that a jar of peach wine only costs two peaches, so you need to spend four. The cheapest Panlong peach in our family costs five hundred spirit coins, four Taozi is only two thousand spirit coins, and the price of a jar of the same kind of peach spirit wine is only two thousand spirit coins.

So the low-grade peach wine made by our family will definitely sell better. "Peach Blossom said with a smile.

"Bah, are you stupid, girl? People use two peaches to make a jar of wine. Why should I use four peaches? Why don't our peaches taste good? I sell two Bailing coins less than them at most! If I really don't believe it, I won't be able to sell them." Chu Qi helped her hair bun, and her self-confidence came back. "Although making wine is more cost-effective than selling spiritual fruits and elixir directly, making wine also requires a lot of manpower."

"Recruitment. Isn't there a lot of masters who can make wine? As long as our Chu family wants to recruit people, how many people can come? It can fill our yard." Tao Hua said very embarrassingly.

"Get out, I'll go back and discuss it with your father." After speaking, Chu Qi took the initiative to wink at Chu Dashan.

Chu Dashan immediately received it, and returned a wink.

Taohua: I don't want to see it at all, it's too hot for my eyes.I'd better fuck off.

But before she could leave, she was caught by her father.

Chu Dashan took the little girl to the study room, closed the door, and warmly served hot tea for the little girl, and then put the tea bowl in the little girl's hand.

Taohua trembled, "Father, I haven't done anything bad lately?"

"I didn't say you did something bad." Chu Dashan said.

"Then why are you so enthusiastic about me?" Taohua asked.

"Ahem, peach blossoms, can we distribute some of the peaches grown by our family to the tribe?" Chu Dashan asked.

"I can't grow it." Taohua said.

"Why? I think our family's planting is good, and the peach trees at home can basically be taken care of by the long-term worker, without husband Ling Zhi." Chu Dashan said.

"Father, haven't you also read the handbook on the cultivation of low- and middle-level spiritual plants? It said at the beginning that without a spiritual field above the third level, it is impossible to grow high-grade spiritual roots for a long time. Although high-grade spiritual roots can also Gather aura in a small area, but they consume more.

The spiritual field of our family is supported by the underground spiritual veins and the spiritual array of the earth, and the spiritual energy is continuously delivered to them to ensure their normal growth and development.

If the person who planted the top-grade spiritual roots was replaced by a member of the clan, would you be willing to keep digging a bottomless pit for nothing?

Even the useful spirit stones can hit a peach fruit tree with spirit stones. "

Chu Dashan's expression finally changed.

"It may be that some of them have stolen the branches and planted them back, and some of them have planted them with the stones they got."

"Don't worry, the sprouts won't grow big. Anyway, what our family provides to the clansmen is ordinary spiritual land. There is no first-order, and there may be one in the future, but that is the future. If they use spirit stones by themselves, or think of some way If they grow it themselves, then they are amazing.”

Ordinary spiritual land is the natural overflowing spirit of the five elements' spiritual veins, so it can be used as long as it is used.It would be impossible for Peach Blossom to distribute the huge aura drawn from the Five Elements Spiritual Veins and Sutu Spiritual Formation to their own peach trees with high-grade spiritual roots.

After all, it cost too much, and she couldn't provide it for free.

"Then what if you use a small spell brush with wood attributes every day?" Chu Dashan asked.

"That doesn't work, it doesn't work at all. I won't let the big formation release so much spirit energy to those spirit trees. Unless they remove the spirit trees and plant them on other spirit lands outside. Even if that happens, it's unknown what the future will look like." .” Taohua said.

Chu Dashan frowned and said, "But our family grows peaches for so much money, there are not a few people in the clan who have opinions. We have only grown spiritual peach trees for our own family for a long time, and it is not good."

"Father, you can go to Guo Peng, he will definitely solve this problem for you." Taohua blinked and blinked.

"What do you mean?" Chu Dashan asked.

"Father, since there are high-grade spiritual roots, there must be low-grade spiritual roots." Tao Hua said speechlessly.

"Oh, are you planning to ask me to get more low-grade spiritual root peach tree seeds from Guo Peng?" Chu Dashan suddenly realized. "This is fine. It's just that the peach saplings with low-grade spiritual roots are different from the peach saplings with high-grade spiritual roots?"

"It doesn't matter if you can support it, mortals can support it." Tao Hua said.

When Chu Dashan heard it, he was immediately happy. This is really a good character. "Is there any more?"

"And in the future, when our peach tree is advanced to the second level or above, it will not be ripe once a year, but it will take several years to ripen. But the low-grade spiritual roots have always been ripe once a year, and the yield is large." Peach Blossom Explained to his father.

(End of this chapter)

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