The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 471: Handsome for only 3 seconds

Chapter 471

Ordinarily, the family's resources are getting more and more, and the cultivation should be faster and faster.

But Chu Xiaowu was an upset, and his cultivation speed was beyond words.

But he still has nothing left to eat, and he doesn't see that he has used less resources.

According to his second sister's words: After eating so many good things, he still hasn't become a big fat man, which is considered a talent.

In his Yaomei's words: This spiritual root really burns spiritual stones!
His father simply didn't want to think about himself having such an old son!
Only Chu Qi never talked about him, but since he was 12 years old, what does it mean to take him to see the little lady every day?
"Five, what do you think of the little lady I met yesterday?" Chu Qi asked with a smile while holding his youngest son's arm.

Kogoro suddenly felt bad, "What little lady? Didn't you go to uncle's friend's house yesterday?"

"You didn't notice the little lady in the yellow dress in his house?" Chu Qi asked his son in puzzlement.

"The yellow skirt, is that the one with rough skin, who looks like a skeleton, has sunken eyes, and stutters when he speaks?"

Chu Qi was speechless for a moment, "What are you stuttering, I'm obviously shy!"

"Is it shyness or stuttering? Mother, don't think I'm blind." Xiao Wulang hurriedly said, "I'm such a smart child, how can I not even see that thing clearly?"

Chu Qi was speechless for a moment.

"Mom, if you want to find a daughter-in-law, you should find your eldest brother." Don't drag it off countless times, Xiao Wulang also found out what my mother meant even carelessly.

"Isn't your elder brother not looking for it?"

"Then you can go to the third and fourth brothers. They are all old."

"Neither did they look for it."

"Then I won't look for it either."

"You can't find it."


"If you are so lazy in cultivation, your lifespan will definitely be short in the future. If you don't marry a wife and have children in advance, what will you do if your parents miss you when you are old? If you are gone, at least you will have a son or grandson to worry about."

Kogoro flicked his sleeve angrily, and shook off his old lady's hand.

"Just wait, I'm sure I can continue to break through, and I will designate a higher cultivation level than Big Brother in the future."

After hearing this, Chu Qi immediately said with a smile on his face, "Really, my old son is indeed ambitious, but even if you are an elder brother, you may not be able to catch up with his cultivation even if you flatter him, or you will set your goal on your father." body it.

Or it's okay to change to your mother. "

Chu Wulang: I really don't want to see you guys anymore, everyone knows how to throw cold water on me, why can't I surpass my eldest brother?I will definitely surpass my brother in the future!

After the new spiritual food was received in the warehouse, I was puzzled, and the basic construction of the Mingyue City in the Mingyue Palace was about to be completed.

Because the positioning of Mingyue City is to study various prescriptions, cultivate and process medicinal materials, formulate them into medicines, and train talents.

So there are many warehouses and many research institutes here.

There are specially built talent training schools, and there are also pharmacy workshops that specialize in processing medicinal materials and preparing them.

A large number of physicians and physician apprentices and their family members moved in one after another, and those Ling Zhi husbands specially recruited by the Chu family also moved in with their families.Followed by various supporting shops, wine shops, grain shops, etc. opened one by one.However, many of them belonged to the Chu family's shops and were controlled by the guards.

These miscellaneous things kept Qingmei busy for a while.

These all belong to the property of the guards, and the resources and benefits of the guards will be distributed based on them in the future.

Then a new planting plan will start.

The new planting plan mainly has two parts, one of which is to let the doctors and apprentices among the doctors who are better at cultivating herbs and elixir be responsible for the [-] mu of various low-level seeds they brought over at the request of the doctors. Elixirs and seeds of various rare herbs.

Don't think that Ling Zhifu collects all kinds of herbal seeds and elixir seeds. In fact, many doctors have been collecting all kinds of elixir seeds and rare herbal seeds since a long time ago.Especially some rare herbal seeds, some of which she has never even seen peach blossoms, and some of which she has never even heard of.

However, abnormal seeds might be dangerous, especially if they are planted in the first-level spiritual field, so Peach Blossom has already made Xiaopang pay more attention to the movement of this ten thousand mu spiritual field.

Then there are various grades of elixir seeds sent by Chu Shinian.

This was prepared a long time ago. In addition to Mingyue Palace, Chu Shinian also sent all kinds of elixir seeds to Yanbo Island, Yunchi Island, and Xianyu Island.

Now there is a full-time Ling Zhifu who has started planting with him.However, it is said that the germination rate is very low.

Because Chu Shinian sent many kinds of seeds, [-] mu were planted, and the doctors and apprentices were also responsible for this [-] mu.

The last [-] mu was planted by the Chu family, of which [-] mu were planted with spiritual ginseng by Taohua, each with [-] mu.Still densely planted.One thousand roots per acre.

The remaining spiritual fields of less than [-] mu were used by Taohua to plant her newly acquired elixir seeds.

These spiritual fields are all in charge of Ling Zhifu, who was moved by the Chu family.

In addition to them doctors and Ling Zhifu, Chu Moyan also moved there with alchemist apprentices.

This is truly a tripartite meeting.

Among the three parties, the alchemists led by Chu Moyan are a disadvantaged group because of their small population.

Just twenty or so people.

There was only one serious alchemist, Chu Moyan, and the rest were apprentices.

At the beginning, the apprentices learned five or six alchemy formulas, and each of them began to feel that they were very talented, and they must be talents above alchemy masters in the future.But since they came into contact with doctors and doctor apprentices, they immediately began to settle down from impetuousness.

Seeing how many people learn so many things, it is only then that they can be promoted to a higher level.

From apprentices to doctors, they need to learn so much knowledge that these alchemy apprentices are ashamed and my family is dumbfounded.

And according to the outside rumors, as long as one learns the five refining methods of first-order elixirs, one can become a first-order alchemist with an alchemy rate above [-]%.

Shame, look at others, look at them again...

It's just embarrassing.

Chu Moyan saw that the little apprentices were all losing their temper, and smiled secretly in his heart.

Xin said that he would know that he was only handsome for three seconds, right?Hahaha!
In fact, Chu Moyan is also very critical of Shenting's method of grading alchemists that is completely biased towards interests.

Danfang is held in their hands desperately, learning three or five Danfang requires working for them for ten or twenty years.To learn advanced Dan recipes, you need to increase your working years. 20 years is too little, 50 years is not much.It is best to work for them all their lives until they die.

Simply speechless.

In his previous life, he always deliberately leaked all kinds of pill recipes that he had collected and researched all over the continent, just to disgust them.

(End of this chapter)

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