Chapter 472
This time he brought his apprentices here to respond to Taohua's request, and secretly guided many doctors to research various new prescriptions that fit the actual situation in this continent.

According to Taohua, the new hemostasis powder has been sold in Longshanfang City.

Although a lot of wheat flour is added to it, the effect is still good. The main reason is that the price of the new medicine is low, so it is very popular among casual practitioners.

Zongmen monks have Zongmen's self-produced prescriptions, and relatively speaking, the demand for Zhixue Powder is not very strong.

But even so, the entire Longshan elixir shop under Chu Shinian's daily shipments exceeded [-] spirit stones.And that's not counting major overseas deals.

Because of this prescription, a certain old man sat at home counting spirit stones every day, but he couldn't count them.

With just his prescription, all the cost of the blood spirit dew was recovered.

His success has inspired the work enthusiasm of other old men.Everyone is cultivating like crazy while researching various new prescriptions.Because the head of the Chu family promised them that every new prescription they come out will get one-thousandth of the total income of the prescription in the first three years.

Three years later, one hundred thousand of the total income of the prescription will be paid.It has been taken for 60 years.

As for the old man who invented the Zhixue powder, the new Zhixue powder has only been on the market for a few days, and he has earned thousands of spirit stones for him.

It was as if the spirit stone flowed into his pocket like flowing water.

Because the entire Mingyue Palace is built underground, the entire space is actually closed.

But there are too many medicinal materials stored in the various warehouses here.

Herbal medicine and elixir, finished and eighty-finished pills, and some medicine dew, medicine powder and so on.

All of these have caused the space here to be filled with the faint scent of elixir. In such a space, people will not only clear their ears and brain, but their body will also get better and better due to the baptism of various elixir.

Mingyue Palace not only has a lot of medicinal fragrance and various lush elixir seedlings, but also has particularly clear and sweet water.After drinking the water here for a long time, and then drinking the water outside, I feel like throwing up. The water outside seems to contain too many impurities.

In fact, the water here is a purified and diluted spiritual liquid.

The Qianyuan Water Jug absorbed a large amount of water spirit power and water elements from the void sea, and then purified water spirit liquid and pure water respectively.

The pure water that removes impurities and the water spirit liquid are fused again, and it becomes the current spirit liquid water in the city.

After the water was supplied to the people in the city and the spiritual plants, the remaining waste water was extracted out of impurities and dirt again, and then flowed into Mingyue Lake together with the spiritual liquid water introduced by other aqueducts.And the water that flows into Mingyue Lake is spiritual liquid water with a faint medicinal power.

This kind of spiritual liquid water is used to support the water system spiritual plants that peach blossoms need to grow and some fish and shrimp, which will have various benefits.

Because almost all of them are technical talents who can enter the Mingyue Palace.Therefore, the population of the entire Mingyue Palace is not large.

It is very common here for a few people to live in a large courtyard.

Moreover, the guards stationed in the Mingyue Palace are particularly strict in protection, and the restrictions on entering and leaving the Mingyue Palace are particularly strict. Residents who do not belong to the Mingyue Palace are generally not allowed to enter the Mingyue Palace.Even local residents are strictly checked when they go out and return.

At the beginning, everyone didn't understand why it was so strict, and they were asked to expel them directly if they didn't abide by the management here.

Later, someone secretly asked those official doctors, and found out that all the spiritual fields outside Mingyue City were first-order spiritual fields.The plants are all important spiritual plants, no wonder the management is very strict.

You must know that the Lingtian in Xiantao Village has not really advanced to the first level.

In terms of land alone, the spiritual field of Mingyue Palace is the most expensive spiritual field of the Chu family.

In fact, this is just the beginning. Starting from Mingyue Palace, this kind of strict inspection soon spread to Xiantao Village.

It is inconvenient to go in and out, and it is difficult for hawkers to enter the Zhuangzi, so they can only stay outside the Zhuangzi to sell.

Many people who run small businesses and open small workshops are not used to it. They want to talk about business, and it becomes uncomfortable to make a product or something.

Think about it, the alchemy workshop of Chu Dashan's family has moved away, and they have also moved.

Simply move to Xintangzhuang.

Chu Dachuan approved all requests to move, and also agreed to those who wanted to buy more land and repair small workshops in Xintangzhuang.Even Chu Changfeng's family went back to continue working as a small wine shop.Because they used low-level spiritual food, the spiritual wine in their house was actually easy to sell.

It's just that the price is not as good as the various spirit wines sold by Chu Dashan's family.Because of the huge sales of the first-order cold soul spirit wine in the Chu Dashan family, all kinds of low-level spirit wine in the family were also sold out.

In addition to all kinds of spirit wine, various small farms such as chickens, ducks, geese, and rabbits have also moved.

With their collective relocation, other small medicinal material workshops and small food workshops have also been relocated one after another. A large number of small workshops of various kinds came in at Xintangzhuang, and it immediately seemed to be prosperous.

All kinds of hawkers who used to gather in Xiantaozhuang also came to Xintangzhuang one after another, because when Xintangzhuang was rebuilt, it just rebuilt the original Xiaofang City in the small stone field, so the hawkers simply kept walking along the main street. The stalls were set up in Xiaoshichang.There was an uproar.

Xintangzhuang has gained popularity, fangshi, and small workshops, attracting many people who don't like living in Chujia Town and want to find a place to move here.

When Xintangzhuang became more and more lively and the number of residents increased, Xiantaozhuang began to secretly restrict the purchase of residential land.

The main reason is that the area of ​​Xiantao Village is limited.

All the places in Xiantaozhuang that are suitable for the development of spiritual fields have been turned into spiritual fields, and the remaining plots are really running out. Chu Dashan didn't plan to overfill the house at the beginning, because it would appear too crowded.So began to secretly restrict the purchase of homesteads.

New purchases are not enough, and you don't expect to increase the area of ​​​​the old house when it is demolished.

The purchase restriction in Xiantaozhuang immediately led to a burst of house price hikes, but this time it went up by about [-]%, mainly because Xiantaozhuang restricted entry and exit, and life was not very convenient.

However, Xiantaozhuang secretly restricted the house, and was still scolded by the Chu clan, especially Chu Dachuan, who was scolded like a bloody sprinkler.

Everyone scolded him behind his back as his brother's son of a bitch, pointing at where to hit him.

Chu Dachuan didn't care, he was still full of joy and energy all day long.

He did have a reason to be very motivated. The permanent resident population of Chu Family Town was nearly [-], and both Xintangzhuang and Xiantaozhuang had a registered permanent population of more than [-].

With such a large population, tens of thousands of them are members of the Chu clan under his control, hehe, when did the business he did before have so many people under his command?

He is now a man standing at the pinnacle of power! !
Even his beloved concubine, Su Wan'er, hurried over with a few children to look at him, for fear that he would be snatched away by some vixen again.

(End of this chapter)

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