The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 478 2nd-Order Medium-sized 5-Line Spirit Vessels

Chapter 478 Tier [-] Medium-Sized Five Elements Spirit Vein
In the middle of the night when Mingyue Ze finished planting the water-type spirit grass seeds, Tao Hua walked out of the house under Xiaopang's hasty call.

Layers upon layers of spiritual energy continuously emerged from under the earth and merged into the air all the time.

Peach Blossom quickly stepped across the small hills, and the earth was constantly changing.In some places, the land is moist and gradually gathers a spiritual mass, transforming towards the spiritual land.

In some places, the aura is thinner and the land dries up.

There are also some very special places, which transform towards the bad land along with the direction of the earth's veins.

The drizzle fell silently to Taohua's side, and then disappeared without a trace within a foot of her body.Taohua crossed her own hill where Lingzhi was planted, walked through Mingyueze and entered the main line of Xiongshan.

Entering the mountains, the spiritual energy is more like a tide, which is endless.

Some low-lying places where spiritual energy is deposited are more likely to form a lake of spiritual energy.

All kinds of big and small animals, monster groups are either mostly in safe lairs, or they are brave enough to look for opportunities to suddenly appear in the spirit land when they are panspiritual, and then rush in to occupy the spirit land in an attempt to break through.

Taohua silently walked through the hills, and saw more than one battle for the spiritual land.

It wasn't until she walked into the deepest part of Xiongshan that she was stopped by a huge black shadow.

"Chu Xi, you have crossed the line."

"Hey, it sounds like Xiongshan is your home." Taohua smiled coldly.

"At least Xiongshan can't do without me today." Heiying said in a low voice.

"I should say this." Tao Hua said.

"I have allowed human beings to enter the periphery of Xiongshan at will, what else do you want?" Heiying said angrily.

"Xiong Mountain was owned by our two clans from the beginning, it doesn't matter if you show up or not. I didn't ask you to come, why don't you go back to Xifeng Mountain?"

The black shadow roared in awe.

Tao Huali ignored it, walked past it directly, and walked towards the hinterland of the main vein of Xiongshan Mountain.

A pair of huge eyes stared at Taohua's figure in the black shadow, and one paw was already raised, but it still didn't make a move.

It still fears her after all.

Speaking of it, it doesn't need to stay in Xiongshan after leaving Xifengshan, but Chuxi stayed in Xiongshan, so it chose to stay in Xiongshan.It used to be confident that its luck was good, but then it almost died.The treasure in the soul was almost forcibly taken away by others.

If Chu Xi hadn't accidentally pulled it, it would have died in the previous life.

But if you want to say how good its relationship with Chuxi is, that's not the case.The two of them are on the side of the transvestites.

Taohua walked the entire Xiongshan Mountain and got a general understanding of the situation of the entire Xiongshan Mountain before launching Xiongshan Mountain.She naturally saw the great changes in Xiongshan Mountain, there are still many spiritual places and caves, and the spiritual veins are constantly evolving.

After returning to her own spiritual veins, Taohua communicated with Xiaopang again.

The spiritual energy in the earth is continuously released as time goes by, even in the night, the smoky spiritual energy can still be seen faintly.

At the darkest hour of the night, the entire range of the Five Elements Spirit Vessel vibrated loudly. This underground vibration even linked to the main vein of Xiongshan Mountain and the branch mountains close to the Five Elements Spirit Vessel.

A branch mountain range not far from Mingyue Lake cracked and collapsed.

A huge rift directly passed through the collapsed mountain range, and half of the mountain even collapsed directly into the rift.

Within the scope of the entire five-element spiritual vein, the ground is constantly shaking and twisting.It seems that there is something under the ground that is constantly struggling and wants to rush out of the soil.Hills are growing, valleys are stretching, ponds and lakes are shifting.

Even Xiao Ji Shan, who was protected by the formation, was widening horizontally, and he was more than a circle fatter than before.

The rich earth energy, the spiritual energy overflowing from the twisting of the spiritual veins violently flooded into the small area within the range of the Five Elements spiritual veins.

Many frightened monks kept rushing out of their houses and their retreat places, either helping their family members to run to an open place, or leaping into the mid-air to check the situation.

bang bang...

The successive violent tremors directly turned several small hills near Xiantao Village into large peaks.The abruptly growing mountain peaks tore apart the earth, tore apart the leylines, and due to some inexplicable factors, connected new leylines again.

At this time, the surface was in a mess.

But a great vitality almost overflowed the earth.

Taohua knows that Xiaopang has advanced again with the help of this continent-level earth animism.Transformed into a second-order medium-sized five-element spirit vein!
This is something that was almost impossible in her previous life, and she has also accomplished it.

A smile appeared on the corner of Taohua's mouth.

In fact, without the help of this continent-level earth animism, it is absolutely impossible for Xiaopang to advance again so quickly.Although it has come to the edge of advanced again.But the advancement of spiritual veins is definitely not a simple matter.

Especially when it transforms this time, it will manifest the form of true spirit veins.

With the help of Xiaopang's eyes, she has already seen the birth of a crystal-clear little dragon with spiritual veins composed entirely of spiritual marrow.Xiaopang directly merged into the little dragon of the spirit vein, and the little dragon of the spirit vein seemed to come alive, swimming underground shaking its head and tail.

This little dragon will be Xiaopang's real body from now on.

It could also manifest before, but it was a snake with two claws.

Only with the help of this earth animism did it successfully condense the dragon shape with the help of the bones of the spring dragon.

Chu Xi vaguely remembered the continent-level earth animism in the previous life. Their Chu family just increased their cultivation base a little, and then fished out a lot of elixir and low-level spiritual fruit trees from the wild.

"What's going on? What's going on? How did my bottleneck disappear without a sound? Did I break through?"

"Me too, my cultivation suddenly broke through."

"I have achieved the eighth level of meridian opening, and I have achieved the eighth level of meridian opening. I just broke through the seventh level of meridian yesterday."

"What's going on? The people from the Chu family are coming out soon. Your house was hit by an earthquake. Why don't you take care of each of them?"

"I said, are you stupid? Don't you really understand what happened? This is the advancement of the spiritual veins. Brothers, don't hurry up and practice. The advancement of the spiritual veins will break the spirit of good fortune. Practice now It will enhance our future potential."

"Oh, my God, is it true? This is really an advanced spiritual vein? But how is it possible that a small Chu family can raise a spiritual vein that can be advanced?"

"Look at what you said, now that the spiritual energy is recovering, many big forces are sitting on the spiritual veins, okay? Maybe their spiritual veins are already on the verge of advancing, and they will advance at this point."

"The point is, didn't the Chu family say before that they have no spiritual veins? There are only spiritual lands formed by formations?"

"Will he tell you directly if he has a spiritual vein?"

The monks quarreled in groups.

(End of this chapter)

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