The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 479 Large-scale Tier 2 Spiritual Land

Chapter 479 Large-scale Tier [-] Spiritual Land
"What's going on here? Why hasn't anyone from the Chu family come forward to take care of things?"

"Don't you understand? The spirit veins of the Chu family have been upgraded, feeding back the creatures in the spirit veins. Then we human monks are arranged to feed back. All kinds of spiritual fruit trees, spiritual ginseng, and spiritual medicines planted by them will be destroyed. Feedback upgrades.

The people from the Chu family decided to deal with the upgraded Lingzhi first. "

As soon as these words came out, there was silence all around.

Lingzhi Chu's family is already scary, okay, their family has planted tens of thousands of acres of Lingzhi.If all these spiritual plants have been upgraded, alas, everyone's teeth are sore.

It's scary to think about that scene.

"I said, do you still want to stand here? Then I'll go back to practice first. Anyway, the earthquake has stopped. We can't get spiritual plants or something anyway. Why don't you practice more, absorb more good fortune, and improve your health?" Take a look at your own potential." Someone went back after saying this.

As soon as he left, someone followed him immediately.

It is possible to upgrade the spiritual medicine of the spiritual fruit tree planted by Lingzhi Chu's family.

But it is precisely because there are too many spiritual plants planted in his family, it is difficult to take them away anyway.

Do you think the Chu family are all dead?They also have guards.

Even if everyone unites in private to make an idea of ​​Ling Zhi of the Chu family, it will be extremely difficult to dig the tree.How to dig such a big tree?It takes at least a few days to dig a tree to dig out the main root.

At most, the fruit was harvested.

Even if the spiritual ginseng wants to keep its appearance intact, it needs to be dug for a day or two.

If it is dug out casually, the value will drop sharply.

Why bother, everyone in the Chu family has a bit of wealth and foundation.It's a good life, but why live a life where people hunt and kill people all over the world?
Of course, the most important thing is everyone's fear of Chu Shinian, the main lineage of the Chu family.

A guy with millions of monks, it really makes people have no confidence to escape his pursuit.

Of course, the monks of the Chu family who were frequently mentioned by them, especially the husband Lingzhi who was enshrined by the Chu family, were also notified to go to the land where Lingzhi was planted.

At first, it was dark and no one noticed.

When someone noticed something was wrong, they simply exclaimed, "Hey, look at the land here, something is wrong. Could it be that this land has become a first-order spiritual land?"

"This is not a first-order spiritual land. A first-order spiritual land will not produce spiritual crystal particles. This should be a second-order spiritual land." Someone grabbed a handful of soil and said firmly.Small white crystal clear particles were revealed as he pinched.

"It turned out that I didn't even reach the first-level spiritual land. It's unbelievable that it has transformed into a second-level spiritual land in one step."

"It should only be a part of the place that has mutated into a second-order spiritual land."

"I think so too. I guess it's impossible for all of them to mutate into Tier [-] spirit lands."

"Okay, let's check quickly, the scope of the variation of the spiritual land and the situation of the spiritual plants. The big tree of the spiritual plant is probably fine, and the small trees and the spiritual plants of flowers and plants should be considered." Veteran qualifications Ling Zhifu shouted.

Someone led, and other Lingzhi husbands also entered their work roles one after another.

After all, they eat such high offerings, so they should do their best when they should.

Especially after knowing that the Chu family really has spiritual veins underground, it is impossible to say that everyone is not moved.

It's no wonder that the spiritual plants of the Chu family are always better than those grown by other families. It turns out that they are located on the spiritual veins.

At this time, no one would believe what the Chu family said that the spirit array had long been a spiritual place.

Such a big commotion, such a large area of ​​Tier [-] spirit lands appeared.That must be the spirit vein.

There are many hills in the Chu family that are full of spiritual plants. In addition to the spiritual trees with large and deep roots, even those low red fruit trees and ginkgo fruit trees are pushed out of the soil by the powerful force of the earth.The ginseng and ganoderma were even worse, many of them even had their main roots broken, and this time they would definitely suffer a serious injury.

If it can be saved, it is better to save it. If it cannot be saved, then dig it out and send it directly to the medicine refining workshop to be processed into medicinal materials.

What does it look like to feed back after the spiritual vein is promoted.

It is also the first time for you Lingzhi husbands to see it.

Inexplicable strange breaths seem to hang down from the sky, seem to rise from the earth, they circulate around the spiritual plants, transforming the foundation of the spiritual plants.

After a while, a big Qingyang spiritual peach tree grew a lot taller, from a high-grade spiritual plant of the first rank to a low-grade spiritual plant of the second rank, and then this growth continued, so we had to wait for the end.

As it advances, bumps and bumps, big trees continue to grow.

Every time a big tree grows, there must be a spiritual vortex generated and erupted.

The aura in the entire fruit forest became more and more intense, and some of the Lingzhi husbands' cultivation bases quietly broke through.It's unbelievably fast.

The sun revealed the first ray of light, and then more and more red clouds appeared with the sun.

In just a few hours, the Qingyang spiritual peach fruit trees of the Chu family advanced to the second level, completely becoming second-level spiritual fruit trees.Followed by red fruit, ginkgo tree, spiritual ginseng and other high-grade spiritual roots.

Then snow fairy peach, Longchi green plum, Liuli Jinguang jujube, Zhixia mulberry and other spiritual trees, and then snake salivary fruit, Yuye fruit trees, etc. have transformed.

Those with good foundations will directly break through to the second level, and those with poor foundations will also advance to the first level of high-grade spiritual plants after being nourished by various inexplicable breaths.

Wait until the sky is full of light, and the sun is three poles high.Panlong peaches, green wood grass mushrooms, spiritual food grown at home, and black pearl upland rice have also mutated into first-tier mid-grade and low-grade spiritual plants.Some of them have particularly good foundations and directly mutated into first-order top-grade spiritual plants.

But after all, they were planted later, and they didn't accumulate enough, and they didn't group up to the second level like Qingyang Lingtao.

Because this kind of change is not the first time, Chu Dashan is very calm, and turns around the command of his own guards, Ling Zhifu and long-term workers.

Due to the back-feeding of the advanced spiritual veins, even if the main root of Lingzhi is broken, it can still be saved.Although the vitality will be greatly damaged if it is replanted, it can still be raised after a few years.As long as it's not completely dead, it's not a big problem.

The hills where the Chu family planted spiritual plants have turned into second-level spiritual lands.

Even the Lingquan eyes directly appeared in three places.

However, except for the Chu family hills around Xiantaozhuang, the spiritual fields in other places have not changed into first-level or second-level spiritual lands.

Except that the aura is more intense, everything else remains the same.

This disappointed the members of the Chu clan and other casual cultivators who rented and planted the fields here.

Why did your Chu family's land become an entry-level spiritual land, and it's still a second-level land?

Did your Chu family do something deceitful, such as binding the spirit veins under your family's spirit ground?

(End of this chapter)

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