The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 482 Spiritual Veins and Earth Vessels

Chapter 482 Spiritual Veins and Earth Vessels

Chu Shinian's face turned dark immediately. "Wouldn't it be possible for many people and forces to obtain spiritual veins?"

This is different from what he thought. He thought that such a rare treasure as Lingmai should be collected by a powerful force like him.

What spirit veins do small forces and ordinary people use?
"Let's not talk about humans, monsters and monster races will also get and control many, many spiritual veins." Tao Hua saw through Chu Shinian's arrogant thoughts at a glance, and couldn't help but expose his dream.

Chu Shinian: "..."

"What we are catching up with now is when the spiritual energy is revived and the earth's spiritual energy erupts. When the earth's spiritual energy surges, countless small spiritual veins will naturally be born. The layout is on land, there are also seabeds, and even places that go deep underground." Taohua has seen too many births and dissipations of spiritual veins in her previous life.I really don't think there is anything strange about their birth and death.

"Patriarch, it is precisely because of the spiritual veins that your family's spiritual field has the advantage it has today?" Chu Shinian swore that he had absolutely no intention of gloating. Will it have any bad effects on your family's Lingtian?"

"It's okay, the impact should still be within the controllable range." Taohua smiled. "In fact, what's the use of having spiritual veins that can't be raised?" Tao Hua naturally smiled. "It's really not easy to raise the spirit veins."

When Chu Shinian heard this, he immediately started to have a headache.Because he remembered the big spiritual vein under Longshanfang City.That big spiritual vein didn't have any spiritual formations loaded, and a solid 70 spiritual stones were invested in it a year.

If it weren't for the fact that Longshanfang City earned enough money, and now that Dongfu District is open, it can continue to earn spirit stones. Maybe Chu Shinian would not use this spirit vein and just seal it off.

The spirit coins and spirit stones that my family earned from the entire Dragon Scale Land were not enough to add up to half of the total amount of spirit stones invested in the Longshan Spirit Vein.

"Could you add a spiritual array to the big spiritual vein underground in Longshanfang City? It's too expensive. It's 70 yuan a year. After a long time, I won't be able to open Longshanfang City anymore." Chu Shinian Said complaining.

"There is actually a spiritual formation in Longshanfang City. But the spiritual formation there has never been opened." Taohua said with shame.

"Ah? Then why haven't you opened the spiritual formation over there?" Chu Shinian asked in confusion.

"We have to wait." Tao Hua said. "Because the array eye has just hatched, it will take a while."

"Array? What is an array?" Chu Shinian asked in surprise.

"Anyway, in half a month, a month, the eyes will be fully grown." Tao Hua said with a weak smile.

Chu Shinian looked at her speechlessly.

Peach Blossoms.

"Anyway, try to find a few more small spirit veins now, grab a few more, and cultivate them. If you have good talent, you can continue to cultivate them. It's not bad. If you grow into a first-order spirit vein, you'll sell it."

Chu Shinian thought about it, and it was the same reason.Since more spiritual veins will be a major trend in the future, it is okay for them to take the opportunity to grab more spiritual veins and raise them for a while.No matter how bad it is, you can sell it for Lingshi.

"Let someone find it. Those like the cities under your command need to find some spiritual veins, pull them over, and keep them under the city. Not to mention anything else, at least our legion needs to build on the spiritual veins. The retreat breaks through the cave.

Only with spiritual veins can a large number of caves be supported. "

Tao Hua's words moved Chu Shinian's heart.

"The combination of Sutu Spiritual Formation and spiritual veins works well in my opinion. When you find the spiritual veins, you can open up spiritual lands one by one. Whether it is cultivation or whatever, it will be beneficial to future development."

But the aura is more intense, which can speed up the cultivation. These retreat caves located on the spiritual veins are very needed, and they will definitely be welcomed by the monks in the army in the future.

After hearing Tao Hua's words, Chu Shinian had already made up his mind. "To keep the spirit veins in captivity, a large sum of spirit stones is needed for annual maintenance. In addition to the spirit stones for maintenance, I also need to invest a large amount of spirit stones to enhance the potential of the spirit veins?"

The spirit veins will naturally absorb and disperse spiritual energy, and their own spiritual energy can also be extracted by the outside world, so in order to prevent the spiritual vein from shrinking, it must replenish as much spiritual energy as it loses every year.

In order for it to continue to improve and grow, it needs to input a lot of spiritual energy into it.What can best replenish aura is Lingshi.

Integrating a large number of spirit stones into the spirit veins is naturally the fastest way to cultivate the spirit veins.

"If there is a spirit array to assist protection and nourishment, you can invest a little less in spirit stones. But before you raise spirit veins in captivity, you must discuss with the earth masters and confirm the earth veins first. Otherwise, if your spirit veins are not the same as the earth veins If there is a conflict, maybe your spirit veins will be in trouble." Tao Hua warned him.

"What is the relationship between this spirit vein and the earth vein?" Chu Shinian wondered.

"The relationship between everyone and Xiaojia." Taohua said. "The locking and captivity of spiritual veins are inseparable from the assistance of earth veins."

Earth Qi and Spiritual Qi are two completely different types of Qi. Although they both circulate in the world, for humans and other creatures, Spiritual Qi is easier to absorb and control.The opposite earth energy is not so easy for humans and creatures to contact and absorb, let alone control it.

Some earth energy is absorbed too much, and it can even turn humans and other creatures into monsters.

Chu Shinian thought for a while, and then said, "Then can I ask a question? If I find a small spiritual vein, the kind that is half a foot long and one foot long, how many spiritual stones do I need to invest to make it It turned into a small spirit vein?"

"About [-] spirit stones can be invested in a small spirit vein." Tong Hua said.

Now, any ordinary small spirit vein can be sold for 80 million spirit stones.

And raising one would cost one hundred thousand spirit stones.Can earn six or seven times the Lingshi.This business can be done.Chu Shinian was determined.Although the news brought to him by Patriarch Xiao Taohua is not good, it is clear that the spirit veins will flood in the future.

Maybe in the future, any small family or faction will be able to take advantage of the Lingmai curve to overtake or approach them!
Of course, there may also be some established forces...

But now that the family has grown to what it is today in their hands, it is no longer a force that anyone can easily shake.

As long as they continue to take advantage of their advantages and lead the way, those guys behind will have to follow their butts to eat ashes!
So this flood of small spiritual veins may be another opportunity!
Various thoughts and plans flashed across Chu Shinian's mind like lightning...

"Chu Shinian, do you have any questions here? If there are no questions, I'm going overseas." Taohua asked.

"Yes, I still have a few small questions, and I need your help, Patriarch," Chu Shinian said again.

(End of this chapter)

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