The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 483 The character generation of the dark guard

Chapter 483 The character generation of the dark guard

"Tell me." Taohua said.

"If the investment of one hundred thousand spirit stones can accumulate a small spirit vein, then should I invest all the hundred thousand spirit stones at once, or how can I invest in a small spirit vein to become a first-order small spirit vein?" Chu When asked.

"It's not enough to invest one hundred thousand spirit stones at once. The initial small spirit veins are too small. If you invest too many spirit stones, it is not suitable for them to absorb and develop. The most important way is to use formations to stock them. In a certain area, then put in the spirit stones batch by batch. Don't invest too much each time, and wait until the small spirit vein absorbs all the spirit stones before putting in the second batch.

In this way, a small first-order spiritual vein can be cultivated in three to five years, and it will take about ten or eight years if it is slow.

The faster the absorption, the greater the potential of the lower spirit veins you captured.

If you want to cultivate a small attribute spirit vein, you must use a large amount of attribute spirit stones. It takes about three to five million attribute spirit stones to cultivate a small spirit vein into a first-order attribute small spirit vein.Of course, I included the effect of the spirit array. "

Chu Shinian listened attentively to Tao Hua's words.He doesn't know much about the field of spiritual veins.Most of them were taught to him temporarily by Taohua.

"How are the spirit veins divided?"

Tao Hua answered him very patiently, "Miniature spiritual veins, that is, non-advanced spiritual veins, are the spiritual energy clusters that are born with spirituality. What I said is half a foot long, one foot long, this kind of spiritual energy. The spiritual energy group is the smallest, the first born miniature spiritual vein.

The aura mass is condensed into a spirit, or condensed into a bead-like mass, which can change shape, walk in the ground veins, and continuously absorb the surrounding aura and gradually grow.This is called a first-order spirit vein.Also called a small spirit vein.

Such spiritual veins can already actively affect the surrounding earth veins and spiritual energy. They like to absorb a large amount of spiritual energy and gather in the area they occupy, affect the climate change in a small area, raise special spiritual plants, and so on.

What is even more powerful is the spiritual vein that gave birth to the body of the spiritual marrow, which is called the second-order spiritual vein, also known as the medium-sized spiritual vein.After the second-order spiritual veins, there are more third-order spiritual veins, also called large-scale spiritual veins.Then there are the fourth-order spiritual veins, also called super-large spiritual veins, the fifth-order spiritual veins, also called giant spiritual veins, and the sixth-order spiritual veins after the fifth-order spiritual veins are very difficult to reach.Because the sixth-order spiritual vein is also called Lingshan.

Even foreign powers really want to have their own spiritual mountain.But a spiritual mountain is too difficult to cultivate. "

Taohua said that in the later stage, he did not bring out the power of those large spiritual veins, the giant spiritual veins.But Chu Shinian knew that just one medium-sized spiritual vein on White Crab Island had attracted so many cultivator forces to compete for it.

So... this spirit vein is really interesting.

"Okay, Patriarch, I have nothing to do, you can go to sea."

Peach Blossom: "..."

"Really, I have no doubts." Chu Shinian said energetically.

All right, as long as you like it.

Taohua didn't say much, left Longshan where Chu Shinian was, and went directly to Yanbo Island with a teleportation array.

She came to Yanbo Island mainly to check the cultivation of spiritual plants in the main city and the spiritual medicine mountains.

This time, a young man named Ling Yanshu received her.

The direct descendants of the Chu family are not favored, the branches and the children of the humble family are generally discovered to be talented, and those who do not have special circumstances have to enter the dark guard system to study for two years.In order to distinguish the old and new generations, they are divided by character generation.

Chu Shinian, Zhu Kangnian, Zhu Yongnian, and Zhu Wei all belong to the Nian generation.

Zhuang Zihan is from the Zizi generation.

And Ling Yanshu in front of Taohua belongs to Yan's generation.

In the previous life, Chu Xi succeeded the head of the family when she was young, and the first generation of dark guards she cultivated was the generation of Nian.Why Zhu Yongnian was so crazy later on, it was because he felt that he was a meritorious official, he had sweated and shed blood for the family, and he was the first to follow the patriarch.

He thinks that as long as he doesn't confront the Patriarch, then he is not considered a betrayal.He felt that Chu Xi would not punish him too much, at least not let him die.Because he is a meritorious minister.

Guys with similar ideas were raised a lot later.

So after Taohua came back this time, she adjusted her strategy.

Years can be reused, but other generations should be given more opportunities.This kind of competition and pressure will keep the young guys clear-headed, knowing what they are doing and what they cannot do.

It was because of Taohua's policy adjustment that Ling Yanshu stood out later.

At first, Zhuang Zihan didn't realize that there was such a powerful person under him.

It wasn't until Ling Yanshu completed the tasks assigned by Zhuang Zihan step by step with excellent results that Zhuang Zihan noticed him.

Now active beside the Patriarch, Bo is a well-known talent of the new generation of the Chu family.They are all talents trained by the Dark Guard Department.For example, Chu Shinian, Zhu Kangnian, Zhu Wei, etc. in the Nian generation, Zhuang Zihan and Chu Moyan in the Zi generation.

Those of Yu's generation are almost outside, and no one has come forward for the time being.

On the contrary, it was Ling Yanshu of Yan's generation who surprised everyone as soon as he appeared.

Ling Yanshu is good at internal affairs and construction.

He is also a workaholic with a high IQ.Able to handle a large number of various general affairs at the same time.After being equipped with enough clerks and assistants, this guy managed the entire Yanbo Island in an orderly manner.

If it weren't for the fact that Xianyu Island and Yunchi Island still have a lot of secret infrastructure that is not suitable for Ling Yanshu to accept, Zhuang Zihan would probably want to leave everything to him.

Ling Yanshu's abilities in some aspects are really too similar to Chu Shinian.

Ling Yanshu handles all kinds of government affairs, and the feedback speed is faster than Zhuang Zihan's handling of government affairs by himself, and the feedback comes from below.

Because of laziness and delay in handling feedback, Zhuang Zihan has been complained countless times by his subordinates recently.

What Zhuang Zihan criticized the most was that the various government affairs letters submitted by those guys actually contained complaints and complaints about him.

So when Zhuang Zihan heard that the Patriarch had come to Yanbo Island late at night, he immediately began to arrange his fleet to return.

Damn it, when the head of the family came, he immediately felt his hair stand on end, this time he was appointed to be cleaned up.

The gang of bastards under him who love to cheat their siblings will wait for him.If he can't make it through this time, he will definitely not let this group of people complain about him and sue him for being black! ~
Taohua was very satisfied with Ling Yanshu's reception, and the living and accommodation arrangements were orderly without omissions.

After washing up, Taohua planned to have a good night's sleep, and then went to see the specific situation of Yanbo Island tomorrow.

Early the next morning, Tao Hua had just finished breakfast when someone reported that Zhuang Zihan had rushed back overnight.

Peach Blossom: "..."

After the two met, Taohua didn't speak, and Zhuang Zihan also sat there as a log, utterly silent.

(End of this chapter)

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