Chapter 486
Zhuang Zihan nodded dejectedly.In fact, he knew the reason, but he still couldn't bear to let him do it.

"Patriarch, don't worry, I will do well."

If you can't bear it, you have to be ruthless. After all, the family is not safe now, and the neighbors are full of dangers.

"You can count it in your heart. If there is nothing else, you can do it yourself. I will go to see the planting of various spiritual plants on Yunchi Island and the operation of the various workshops."

When Zhuang Zihan heard it, he immediately said, "The cultivation of Lingzhi is not very good, but it is not bad either. After all, Yanbo Island is not the same as other places. We have a big spiritual vein on the seabed. If the big spiritual vein does not go too deep, we must get it." Only by using formations can we devour and absorb a large amount of spiritual energy, I wonder if Yanbo Island can become a holy place for cultivation in the future?"

"Don't dream, we won't be able to control it if it really becomes a holy place for cultivation. If it is not occupied by the old monsters of the human race, it will become the possession of the monster race and monster beasts." Taohua said angrily.There is indeed a Great Seabed Spirit Vein. If it weren't for the Seabed Great Spirit Vein, there wouldn't be so many fishing grounds and various spiritual lands near the seabed.

There will not be so many underwater spiritual springs in the future.

But in the same way, because the Great Seabed Spirit Vein is hidden very deep in the seabed, the various benefits it brings are invisible, not explicit.

If Yanbo Island really has a great spiritual vein, or if a great spiritual source is revealed, then Yanbo Island may become a bloodier meat grinder than White Crab Island.

Haven’t seen the crab carcasses on White Crab Island so that everyone will vomit?
"Patriarch, you are right."

"Okay, you don't need to say anything, I'll go and see by myself later."

The big leaders are all unusual, how dare Zhuang Zihan not follow the ordinary circle.So Taohua went to see Lingtian, and he followed suit.

Although the spiritual fields on Yanbo Island have not yet entered the stage, and the spiritual fields that contain a lot of spiritual energy are less developed.However, it is still necessary to open up thousands of acres of spiritual fields in the central area of ​​Yanbo Island, which is suitable for planting spiritual plants.Some are planted with spiritual food, while others are planted with spiritual fruit, elixir.

Even with the care of Mrs. Lingzhi, the emergence rate of the elixir here is incomparable to that of the Chu family's Xiantaozhuang. The spiritual fruit trees, whether they are planted or transplanted, are not growing well.What grows lush and lush, then you don't think about it, there is no such thing.

When the spiritual land here is truly cultivated, the situation here will really improve.

"The spiritual food, spiritual fruit trees, and spiritual medicines planted here are far inferior to those grown in Xiantaozhuang. All of them are very listless."

"It's fine if you don't have energy, it's strange if you have energy." Tao Hua said.

"Where is Xiantaozhuang?"

"I buried a real dragon's skeleton in the ground over there." The peach blossom man said very calmly.

Cough, cough... Zhuang Zihan, who was following Tao Hua, almost staggered and fell to the ground. "What? Patriarch, what are you talking about? You buried a real dragon's skeleton at Xiantao Village?"

"Yes." Tao Hua told him with certainty.

"Oh, my Patriarch, where did you get the bones of the real dragon?" Zhuang Zihan couldn't help but want to scream. "Can the Dragon Clan let us go?"

"Look at you, the Dragon Clan doesn't know where to squat at this time." Taohua complained.

In fact, at this time, the dragons are hard to protect themselves, and they are forced to do so. How can they worry about whether she has used a real keel?

"I always feel that this matter is going to be bad. If it doesn't work out, we will have to confront the Dragon Clan."

"Do you know which monsters and demon clans are the most numerous in the sea?" Taohua asked.

Zhuang Zihan immediately felt bad. "Could it be?"

"It's the sea beasts and sea monsters that have dragon blood, so no matter whether we offend them now, we will always offend them in the future. After all, do we want to hand over the business at sea to sea beasts and sea monsters?
There are three big islands in the sea, but the area of ​​Miryang and Changyang is much larger when put together. "

Zhuang Zihan suddenly felt that his throat was dry.

"Patriarch, I am particularly worried about my future. Will I still live until my son becomes an adult?"

"It depends on how many sons you have, and when you give birth to him." Taohua replied calmly.

Zhuang Zihan: "..."

"I know you want to say that you are worried about your own life, but the sea beasts and sea monsters are actually not very powerful in combat. They are just a group of seafood. You think you can't beat them. It's a bit embarrassing."

Tao Hua's words immediately made Zhuang Zihan blush.

But in fact, no matter how understated Taohua is, the fighting power and numbers of sea monsters and sea beasts are still too fierce, they are really [-] million points strong!
Taohua took Zhuang Zihan and others to several small towns near the sea.In particular, a small city actually built a lot of dilapidated workshops in the dock area, and hired a lot of mortals to work.

Taohua didn't hold back and led the people over.

It turns out that these workshops are dismantling monsters, taking out their carapaces, bones, etc., and then grinding them into powder and mixing them with other materials to configure new building materials for new monster materials.

There is also the minced meat of all kinds of monsters, broken internal organs, and other worthless scraps, mixed together, mixed with ordinary flour, and then mixed with ingredients and then dried to knead all kinds of monsters Feed pellets and feed biscuits and whatnot.

All kinds of monster meat that can be sold at a price are also packed into boxes and sent directly to the ship to sell to the mainland.

"This kind of workshop is very good. It doesn't waste, and doesn't throw away monster corpse parts casually, polluting the environment and so on. They have all been processed, and there is nothing left." Taohua carefully looked at the process of other workshops, Very satisfied.

"This is Chu Zifei's property." Zhuang Zihan said.

"When did they put their hands in here?" Taohua asked curiously.

"It was almost halfway through the construction of the small Linhai town here. I don't know how Chu Zifei negotiated the conditions with the branch patriarch of this branch. The dock area of ​​this small town became Chu Zifei and the others. , the management rights are in the hands of Chu Zifei and the others.

Chu Zifei got the wharf and built a lot of workshops here. Each workshop is very cheap, with broken houses, broken machines, and messy people.It looks messy.However, the various products they provide do not have such strict requirements, as long as they are packed in large quantities. "Zhuang Zihan seems to have no deviation from his position, but in fact he still has some sympathy and appreciation for Chu Zifei and others.

Pfft, Tao Hua was amused by him.

"I'm not that stingy, I won't let you drive them away. If I'm really that stingy, why would I let Chu Shinian use them?"

Zhuang Zihan quickly made a gesture to wipe his cold sweat. "Oh, I'm so nervous..."

(End of this chapter)

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