The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 487: Are the White Crabs Here?

Chapter 487 Are the White Crabs Back?

Haha, in fact, Taohua knew that Zhuang Zihan was deliberately teasing her.

In fact, Peach Blossom really did not prevent Chu Zifei from following the main line to make money under reasonable conditions.

"I thought you would let me stop them from trying to stop them from interfering in Yanbo Island's affairs?"

"It turns out that there are not many people left in the direct line, and they seem to be able to live in peace and do things down-to-earth. Why should I stop them? I don't have any conflicts or conflicts with them?"

What Peach Blossom said is true.She let Chu Da kill the clan elders, but in fact, she felt that these old men were just a group of idiots or just getting in the way.

If they weren't so poisonous and ruthless, she could have done too many things in her previous life.It is definitely not suitable for them to intervene in the future family.

As for whether there are any dead innocent people among this group of elders?
Ever since they indifferently ignored Chu Xi's sudden death, Tao Hua felt that none of them died innocently.

"Besides, I've heard people say that Chu Zifei is a rare figure among Changyang Chuchu. It's probably because he doesn't care about things all the year round. I still think it's people's flattery. Now it seems that he is still There are two brushes." Tao Hua said lightly.

"Chu Zifei is indeed a particularly outstanding person." Zhuang Zihan praised.

Tao Hua looked at him sideways, and Zhuang Zihan suddenly felt his hairs stand on end.

"If you don't think so, I won't say it."

Tao Hua smiled, and Zhuang Zihan took two steps back, as if avoiding the plague god.

Taohua ignored him and continued to lead the team to inspect other places.

Zhuang Zihan stood behind Chu Xi and let out a sigh of relief quietly.

In fact, he felt from the bottom of his heart that the owner of the house was too difficult to serve.It won't work if it's heavy, it won't work if it's light, it won't work on purpose, or it won't work on purpose.It was really hard work for him to act in front of the little Patriarch and her elders for a long time.

When they arrived at the new city of Chu Dashan's family, Taohua deliberately handed over the seeds to the person in charge of building the city here. "Let them plant spirit peach trees, jujubes and chestnut trees according to the blueprints from the remaining manpower from the city repair."

"Okay." The person in charge took the seeds skillfully.

"Are there a lot of seeds? Save some for us." Zhuang Zihan looked at Peach Blossom and asked.

"There are many, first let them plant all the spiritual land here, and the rest are yours." Tao Hua said very generously.

"That's fine." What kind of shame is there to get seeds?
Zhuang Zihan looked at the seed bag very comfortably and smiled.

Peach Blossom finished Yanbo Island and went to Yunchi Island.

The current Yunchi Island has pulled out a large area of ​​land from the seabed out of the sea.Due to the large area of ​​the land that grew out of the sea, many parts of the entire Yunchi Island are covered with fine white sand.

Coming from a distance by boat, when you see Yunchi Island, you will feel that it is extraordinarily holy.

At least this island, people have taken a fancy to it, and the anchovy family has also taken a fancy to it.Groups of anchovies are desperately running towards the small lakes, creeks and rivers on the island.

Every day, the fish heads that crowd the water sources all over the island surge.

The anchovy family that came to the island on their own initiative are actually fishes that are about one foot long, less than one and a half feet long.Slender body, beautiful phoenix tail.Strictly speaking, anchovies are also a low-level mixed blood sea beast.

But because they have a meager phoenix fish blood, they generally grow very slowly.

Mentality is low, but the meat is delicious and has the special effect of improving the physical body, awakening the spiritual root, and sensing the sense of energy.

So even though they are only first-order sea monsters from beginning to end, as an enlightenment fish, they are still very popular among humans, especially mortals.

But the problem is that the popularity of anchovies was seven years later, after its special effects were discovered.Now so many anchovies have taken the initiative to drill into their own Yunchi Island.

Peach blossoms are full of surprises and delights.

"Zhuang Zihan, find more people and let them strive to raise anchovies in captivity. These fish can be sold for a lot of money in the future."

"The octopuses look pretty good. When the islanders saw that they were growing well, they didn't have the heart to drive them away or catch them with nets."

Taohua simply told Zhuang Zihan and others behind him the names and effects of many fish.

"My God, there are such fish in this world. Isn't this a rare treasure? God, this sea is too rich. There are shark bones that can grow supernatural powers after eating, and can produce aura and awaken spiritual roots after eating. Anchovies that can improve the body." Zhuang Zihan said in surprise.

"The sea is richer in resources than the land. The main reason is that there are too few people in the sea, so the resources are abundant."

ah puff...

Zhuang Zihan was speechless after hearing this explanation.

"Patriarch, according to what you said, there are few land resources, so it must be a disaster caused by too many people."

"Don't you see it quite clearly?" Tao Hua laughed.

Zhuang Zihan was speechless.

"Although we don't have many wild resources on land, and the abundance of various resources is far less than that in the ocean. But we humans are good at breeding, and we can experiment with raising whatever we want.

Nine out of ten can breed successfully in the end. "

It doesn't matter if the wild ones are eaten, but the farmed ones will definitely make you vomit!In the end, you can't eat what is farmed and what is wild.

Zhuang Zihan's various foreheads run thick black lines! !

Taohua finally went to Xianyu Island, and then secretly went to White Crab Island.

The eldest brother of the Taohua family is still on White Crab Island, and he is doing well.

However, because I forged swords for myself every day recently, my face was reddened by the fire, which was a bit disfigured.Although Yang Xiao said it was nothing, it was nothing for a man to blush, besides, he would come back after applying some ointment to nourish himself.

But the other brothers and sisters disliked him a little bit.

How could it be reasonable to turn such a handsome face into a monkey's ass? ! !
As soon as Taohua saw her brother's face, she burst out laughing.

Chu Shiluo rolled her eyes speechlessly, "Wait for me to forge the natal sword. You don't need to be baked by the stove all day, and your complexion will recover."

"Okay, okay, I'll send you some ointment for your face later on." Taohua said while smiling.

Chu Shiluo: "..."

"By the way, brother, let me ask you, have you seen white crabs on White Crab Island recently? These white crabs should not be too big, at most the size of a human head." Taohua asked.

Chu Shiluo asked speechlessly, "Why are you asking this?"

"This is White Crab Island, which originally belonged to the White Crab Clan. If any White Crab returns, it means that the seal of the spirit veins here will not be able to hold on. It will probably be unsealed, and the White Crab Clan will make a big move at that time." Back to fight for White Crab Island." Taohua reminded him with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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